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eMARS User Group Meeting January 31, 2012

eMARS User Group Meeting January 31, 2012. Agenda. Opening Remarks Ed Ross Current eMARS Matters Barbara Aldridge-Montfort eMARS 3.9 Status Rachelle Wilkins Functional Area Highlights eMARS 3.9 Upgrade Team Q & A. Current eMARS Matters. Current eMARS Matters.

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eMARS User Group Meeting January 31, 2012

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  1. eMARS User Group MeetingJanuary 31, 2012

  2. Agenda Opening Remarks Ed Ross Current eMARS Matters Barbara Aldridge-Montfort eMARS 3.9 Status Rachelle Wilkins Functional Area Highlights eMARS 3.9 Upgrade Team Q & A

  3. Current eMARS Matters

  4. Current eMARS Matters FY 2012 Annual Physical Inventory due to the Office of the Controller Friday, June 2, 2012 Notify Jason Johnson (APA Office) 10 days prior to conducting the inventory observation Submit infoAdvantage Report Fixed Assets – Equipment (CAFR) No changes on procedures from last year No Training Contact Jennie Wolfe, Office of the Controller, with questions: 502-564-6693 or jennie.wolfe2@ky.gov

  5. Current eMARS Matters Do NOT enter the Fiscal Year (2013) on contracts created between now and mid-May Use PR07 Event Type on contracts until agency budgets are loaded in June New Year (FY2013) Contracts

  6. eMARS 3.9 Upgrade

  7. eMARS 3.9 Upgrade eMARS 3.9 GO-LIVE April 17, 2012

  8. eMARS 3.9 Upgrade Outages eMARS/VSS COB April 12 – BOB April 17 infoAdvantage COB April 20 – BOB April 23

  9. infoAdvantage Availability • infoAdvantage will be available through KBUD only during cutover weekend (COB April 12 – BOB April 17) • infoAdvantage will be available through eMARS and KBUD upon BOB April 17 • infoAdvantage data will not be updated until the weekend of April 21 • Any reports ran between April 17 and April 20 will contain data as of COB April 12

  10. Database Views • Agency processes using Database Views to gather data will need to be updated • Updated with new TNSNAMES and server name • New Server will be available for testing in early April • Agency Technical Leads will be notified when details are available

  11. Recommended Technical Requirements Operating System XP Pro (SP2); Vista; Windows7 CPU 1.0 GHz Processor (32 or 64 bit) Minimum RAM 2GB Recommended, 1 GB Minimum Display 1024x768 Minimum Display Resolution Graphics 32 MB Graphics Card Internet 10 Mbps Ethernet Card Browser IE8 or Firefox 3.5 or 3.6 for Windows

  12. Agency Contacts • Verify all agency contacts on the Agency Contact Listing • Update any contact using the Agency Delegation & Contact Information Packet located @ http://finance.ky.gov/internal/eMARS/Agency+Contacts.htm. • AIL to e-mail or fax updates to the Customer Resource Center, Attn: Donna Hall

  13. eMARS Training • eMARS Training is scheduled to begin mid-March • Various methods available to users • On-line training available through Office Communications Server (OCS) • Short, “how-to” recordings • Training Manuals will be updated and posted • In-classroom training • Pre-implementation classes limited to new users • Agency Implementation Leads (AILs) & Training Team Leads (TTLs) will be notified when details are available

  14. eMARS Inbound Interfaces The eMARS Inbound Interface Template document has been updated and posted at: http://finance.ky.gov/internal/eMARS/Interface+Material.htm UPDATED

  15. Functional Area Highlights

  16. Basic Navigation • Application • Jump To – Allows “leafing” of up to 5 pages • Collapsible Navigator • Delete Actions Confirmed • Within most documents • Log out Button • Tables • Multi-Sort Feature • Export/Download feature in select areas

  17. Basic Navigation • Documents • Tab View vs List View • Accordions • Shows more document information • “Quick Switch” feature • Allows users to move between multiple vendors or commodity lines • Buttons and Actions displayed • Some have been relocated • Pick Lists added to Accounting Section • Edit with Grid • Creates spreadsheet-like data entry • Error Bar • Opens within document to a scrollable list

  18. Budget • ”Less Worse Off” Scenario • No longer requires override • Smart Budget Roll-Up • Revenue Budgets (BGR42) only • Duplicate roll-up lines fixed • Enhanced Drill Down for Budget Inquiry Screens • Drill Down information correct • Export/Download to Excel

  19. General Accounting Additional Chart of Account elements can be required on spending & revenue documents for Fund/Dept combinations eMARS 3.6 eMARS 3.9 Activity Sub-Activity Function Sub-Function Reporting Code Sub-Reporting Code Department Object Location Sub-Location • Activity • Sub-Activity • Function • Sub-Function

  20. General Accounting • Fund Requirements Considerations • Required Elements should be added at the beginning of the new Fiscal Year • Encumbrances that will roll should be modified to include the new elements prior to fiscal year-end • Requirements are set by Fund and Department for ALL revenue and/or spending transactions • SAS-14 will be updated to accommodate these requirements

  21. General Accounting • Drill Down available for Pending transactions on the Cash Balance Summary Query (CBALSQ) • Use Magnifying Glass

  22. General Accounting The detail can be exported to MS EXCEL by clicking the Download link

  23. General Accounting Fund Accounting and Detail Accounting will be consistent across documents (Detail Accounting – CR & JV2E shown)

  24. Document Workflow • Submitter ID on Worklist • Enables user to search on the Submitter ID field in a Worklist • Worklist Grid can be sorted by Submitter ID • Bypass Comments Page upon Document Approval • When a document is “Approved”, user is returned back to the document, skipping the Document Comments Page • When document is “Rejected”, the Document Comments Page will be returned

  25. Document Workflow • Worklist Management • Worklist has been enhanced to allow user-defined sorting of Approval Roles/Worklists • New Page, Approval Role Display Order (ROLEDISP), determines sorting order of worklists • Can be accessed from the Worklist page(s) and Page Search

  26. Cost Accounting • New Cost Accounting Setup Document (CAS) • All Grant Chart of Account elements can be set up on CAS (Major Program, Program, Program Period Code, Funding Profile, Funding Priority, Funding Line & Funding Profile Inference) • CAS document will generate a draft BGPDR document with Program Period Budget entries already entered • Select Smart Budget Roll-up, Validate & Submit • Modifications to the Grant set up must be completed on tables as the CAS document cannot be modified

  27. Cost Accounting CAS Document

  28. Accounts Payable • GAX Document Header contains Payee section • Check/EFT issued to Payee if entered regardless of Vendor selected in Vendor Section • Vendor Invoice Line and Vendor Invoice Date no longer have to be entered on the GAX or PRC • Vendor Invoice Number still required • Vendor Invoice Line and Date inferred upon validate, but can be changed

  29. Accounts Payable • DISBQ page now displays in a Grid/Scalar format • “Check Status” and “Cleared Date” added to table

  30. Accounts Payable • MD Documents can now be copied if desired • Vendor Transaction History (VTH) Table • Allows users to easily search for all vendor related transactions on a single table • Displays a list of transactions/documents for a single vendor based on user-defined search criteria • Provides hyperlinks to related tables • Provides ability to export/download to MS Excel

  31. Accounts Payable VTH Table

  32. Revenue/Receivables & Fixed Assets • No Significant Changes • Other than Look & Feel

  33. infoAdvantage • 3.9 Universes are significantly different from 3.6 Universes • General Accounting • Procurement • Fixed Asset • 3.9 offers New Universes

  34. infoAdvantage • Plan is to “Phase Out” 3.6 Universes and Replace with 3.9 Universes after Go-Live • Upon Go-Live most Statewide Reports will point to Current 3.6 Universes • Minimal report edits • Minimal troubleshooting • Report Developers will be notified of plan when details are available

  35. Procurement • Master Agreement Search Improvements • Ability to search on expired MAs • Ability to search on Expiration Date • Ability to search on Commodity Code • Pick-lists added to existing search parameters • Ability to create Delivery Order or Payment Request directly from the URCATS search • No UR generated

  36. Procurement • Procurement Folder is accessible by a link within every procurement document • Accounting Line amount is inferred from Commodity Line upon Save or Validate • Ability to Inactivate procurement lines • Attachments can be views from within Section or entire Document • Paperclip represents where attachments are present and indicates the number attached • Award Document Terms & Conditions default to “by full text” • Solicitation Response Receiving Location • Performance Evaluation (PE) document has additional fields

  37. VSS • Summary and Detail views available • Countdown clock shows vendor’s time left to respond • Solicitation retains original Issued Date • New field displays Last Amended Date • Tab view for specific information

  38. FAS2 • FAS Evolution • Decision to Upgrade • Upgrade Design and Testing Team • Expanded Testing Team DEMO

  39. Questions ?

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