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How mobility management can help tackle climate change: the perspective of the EIB

Explore how EIB supports urban transport, environment, and sustainability goals to combat climate change. Learn about EIB projects, financing criteria, and the importance of public-private partnerships.

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How mobility management can help tackle climate change: the perspective of the EIB

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  1. How mobility management can help tackle climate change: the perspective of the EIB Mario Aymerich Deputy Head of Division Urban Transport & Development European Investment Bank

  2. Rationale for the participation of the EIB in a project The EIB can become involved either: • Up stream, where the EIB financial contribution is critical and the EIB’s technical know-how can influence the project’s concept • Down stream, where the the EIB’s contribution supports the overall financial package

  3. EIB, the policy bank of the European Union • Urban transport projects fall within main priorities of the Bank: • Environment • Regional development • and possibly: • Innovation • Social cohesion A policy-driven Bank

  4. EIB’s environmental and sustainable objectives • Promoting social well-being • Minimising adverse environmental impact in all projects • (public consensus) • EIB environmental investment focuses on: • tackling climate change • protecting and enhancing biodiversity • promoting the sustainable use of natural resources & waste management • improving the quality of life in the urban environment Preserve, protect and improve the environment, EIB’s “Environmental Statement” on the web

  5. EIB project requirements: the « three pillars » Financial viability and adequate security Eligibility = consistency with EU priorities Technical quality and economic soundness A project assessment with many facets Comply with procurement and environmental protection regulations

  6. Reasons for financing public transport projects • Urban public transport projects require public support: • Infrastructure (100%) • Operation (x%, depending on operator’s efficiency) • Therefore: • A “technical fee” and an “operation contract” must be assumed at political level • Efficient allocation of tasks and risks need to be well understood by all parties, and properly shared • A metropolitan transport authority might be required Sustainable urban development

  7. Project basic information the EIB needs • Planning context • General and legal information about the enterprise, its principal partners or sponsors • Technical and environmental data of the project • Economic data (market, jobs created, economic rate of return) • Financial data; operating costs (incl. depreciation and overheads), forecast financial statements (operating account and balance sheet), financing plan • Compliance with environmental protection and procurement regulations • Guarantee security A test for sound investment

  8. The reality implementing complex projects Unfortunately, many major projects use to suffer

  9. About public-private partnership The main objective of a PPP is not just to build a nice project but to provide high quality services over a long term period. PPPs are useful finance schemes, but only under a very clear operational context and both the public and the private sectors must recognise and assume their respective obligations. PPPs require a close collaboration among all parties, who must always consider the user as the prime recipient of the services to be provided.

  10. Critical (strategic) PPPs aspects … and risk analysis, in particular dealing with PPPs, becomes a major issue • RISK Assessment • who takes decisions • clear definition of responsibilities • Government partnership • legal & institutional framework (contract issues) • managerial arrangements (who takes each risk) • construction risks (technical, timing, cost) • technology related risks (R&D, deployment…) • financial risks (structure, money cost…) • operation risks (availability maintenance) • market risks (demand, tariffs, payment mechanism) • residual value (concession conditions) • other (political, force majeure…)

  11. Metropolitana di RomaGlobal warming benefits • Reduction in CO2 emissions: • Linea B1: 202 135 tonnes • Linea C: 3 072 643 tonnes • Total reduction of about 3.3 billion tonnes over approximately 35 years (economic asset life). • Assuming a value of 35 EUR/tonne, this has a net present value of 57 M EUR over the 35 year period of time for both projects. • This represents approximately 2.5% of the investment cost.

  12. Isolated actions do not solve real problems. Therefore, only INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS will be acceptable in the near future. A crucial lesson learned

  13. The Green Paper « Towards a new culture for urban mobility » EIB projects “include the construction, extension or rehabilitation of collective transport infrastructures or the acquisition of rolling stock”. But, this is not all. Urban development (including social housing) in the context of integrated plans (Leipzig Charter) and, in general, urban environment enhancement projects are also eligible for the Bank. New financial instruments, including higher assumption of risks (both during construction and operation), are being developed.

  14. Joint initiatives with the EC JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European RegionS) is a major joint policy initiative of the EIB, the European Commission and EBRD to assist beneficiary countries (principally the new Member States and acceding countries of the EU) to absorb EU Structural and Cohesion Funds over the next budgetary planning period 2007-2013. JESSICA (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas) is a joint initiative of the Commission, the EIB and the Council of Europe Development Bank. The aim is to use Structural Funds to finance Urban Development Funds (UDFs) using revolving financial mechanisms to support revenue-generating projects within integrated urban plans supporting the sustainable development of urban areas. The EIB may act as holding fund of UDFs and is contributing to the initiative with its expertise and complementary financing of projects through loans.

  15. The Clean Buses initiative • The Bank is currently preparing a new loan facility (namely using leasing financial principles) oriented to provide advantageous long-term financing to urban transport operators replacing or expanding their bus fleets with new vehicles outperforming existing environmental regulations. • Pending issues: • European label (adherence of the EC) • Green and/or joint procurement • Introduction or EuroV and IV standards • Incentives to R&D (EC framework programs) • Particular treatment of O&M costs

  16. Thank you www.eib.org

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