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Meadowbrook Media Equipment Grant

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Meadowbrook Media Equipment Grant

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    1. Meadowbrook Media Equipment Grant

    2. Our Mission Statement Meadowbrook Elementary in cooperation with students, families, and community members, will provide a caring and quality environment that prepares all students to become knowledgeable, responsible, and respectable citizens in a diverse and rapidly changing world.

    3. At the Present Time. . . We have one ELMO document machine stationed on the news team Video Cart. The Video Cart is in daily use by the MBE news team. Movement of ELMO and wiring from the unit is cumbersome.

    4. At the Present Time . . . We have one Sony MAVICA Digital Camera. It takes 20 pictures per diskette. It holds a charge for 200 shots. Easy floppy disk use and compatible with all Microsoft Products.

    5. 2003-2004 School Budget Issues All school budgets have been cut in ˝. Media center budgets cover needs of--520 students/70 staff. 1st priority of media center budget is books. New school--necessitates new equipment.

    6. Building Issues 3rd Year Title I School. 25% students transient. Large ESL population. Diverse student population—special ed. and gifted and talented. MEAP Scores one of the lowest of 14 elementary.

    7. Student Population Student population ranked as the most economically disadvantaged in district. At Meadowbrook Elementary only 30% of current fifth grade students that started in kindergarten, have finished in fifth grade grade.

    8. No Child Left Behind Act NCLB Act requires schools to use instructional goals that work. National Education Technology Goals: #l “All students and teachers will have access to information technology in their classrooms, schools and communities”.

    9. District Technology Goal “A computer literacy program that provides the resources to teach K-12 students in an exciting environment that increases opportunities to learn and with skills needed to compete in the 21st century”.

    10. Meadowbrook School NCA Goals Students will improve in social studies skills. Students will improve in reading information text. Students will improve in using scientific knowledge and vocabulary.

    11. State Technology Standards 1 & 2 Standard 1: All students will use and transfer technological knowledge and skills for life roles (family member, citizen, worker, consumer, lifelong learner). Standard 2: All students will use technologies to input, retrieve, organize, manipulate, evaluate, and communicate information.  

    12. State Technology Standards 3 & 4 Standard 3: All students will apply appropriate technologies to critical thinking, creative expression, and decision-making skills.  Standard 4: All students will employ a systematic approach to technological solutions by using resources and processes to create, maintain, and improve products, systems, and environments.

    13. Project Goals To acquire through Foundation for Excellence Grant: Sony Digital Camera & ELMO To integrate technology into the curriculum through staff and student use.

    14. Itemized Budget Sony Mavica Digital Camera Cost: $356.00 REMC item

    15. Budget Item Visual Presentation Camera: a.k.a. ELMO document camera Cost: $1,742.00 REMC item Total cost: $2,098.00

    16. Relevant Resources REMC ELMO Video Presentation http://www.remc.org/avbid/searchlist.cfm REMC Sony Digital Camera Pricing http://www.remc.org/avbid/searchlist.cfm Sony: Digital Camera Display http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/-/-/-/SY_BrowseCatalog-Start?CategoryName=dcc_DIDigitalCameras_FDMavicaDigitalCameras

    17. Timeline of Activities Gather staff support for project at August staff meeting. Fine tune grant with building principal. Present grant issues to PTA early September October 1st deadline submittal date.

    18. PTA Possibility Meet with PTA officers and discuss project Present grant and educational need at first PTA meeting in fall.

    19. WHY USE CAMERAS? People remember: 10% of what they READ 20% of what they HEAR 30% of what they SEE 70% of what they SEE and HEAR 70% kids--Visual Learners

    20. Why Digital Camera? They are COOL Technology They are FUN Technology They work with many different applications They allow users to put their personal touch into their projects. Immediate feedback.

    21. Why SONY Digital Camera? KISS {Keep It Simple to Survive} Uses a 3.5” floppy. JPG format – works with everything. Very short learning curve. Around 20 pictures per diskette. 2-3 hours of constant use on one charge. View pictures on screen.

    22. Why ELMO Document Camera? ELMO is light years ahead of overhead projectors. Overhead or base lights are used to illuminate an object. High resolution display of text or objects Focus on object, zoom in or out, adjust lighting and projection to monitor or computer

    23. “ELMO as a Visual Presenter” Authentic documents Maps Visual diagrams Artifacts and regalia of history Geographic region’s pictures/photos Single copies/Phone books/Thesaurus/Text

    24. Uses of ELMO Document Camera Projecting 3-dimensional objects Pictures/photographs Hard copies of documents Small objects Magazines, books newspapers

    25. The Four Common Places Teacher: Media Specialist/CRT—I will be conducting the training. Learner: For this project, I am targeting the teachers. I am hoping that through this grant those teachers will have another available resource for technology integration.

    26. Four Common Places Continued Subject: The focus is a grant to the Foundation for Excellence to acquire two needed pieces of equipment in the building: a digital camera and an electronic document camera (ELMO). Setting: Meadowbrook Elementary computer lab. It is a resource that can be used throughout the building. Preview will be at the earliest staff meeting.

    27. Expected Outcomes Expanded use of cameras across curriculum. Projects completed in timely manner. Free to use camera for longer periods of time. More student use of cameras. Less fear of consequences of damage since second camera back-up. Camera on field trips and off-site.

    28. Evaluation Evaluation will be based on frequency of usage and by the nature of the activities that it is used for. A survey indicating the types of activities that the cameras were used for will be sent to teachers at the end of each semester. Both the ELMO and digital camera will be bar-coded. Therefore these items can be tracked as to how many times they are being checked out.

    29. Uses of Digital Camera by Staff and Students PowerPoint Presentations. Posters Student reports Science Fair projects Web Pages Field trips Classroom instruction Bulletin Boards

    30. Writing/Reading Pictures for ABC book Self-photos for “I Am poems”. Student’s “about the author” page of their stories. Student created advertisements, Process picture writing

    31. Pictures for . . . “All About Me” posters School newspaper For writing prompts For family tree For reports “How-to” books Student autobiography Examples of vocabulary

    32. Just For Fun Pictures Gifts (magnets, pins, ornaments, calendars T-shirt transfer of student photo Book marks Classroom quilt of student photos End-of-year certificates with photo

    33. Sites for Integration 75 Ways to Use Your Digital Camera http://www.semo.net/suburb/mgilmer/digcam/index.htm 1001 Uses for a Digital Camera: Casio’s Site: http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/%7Eucfcasio/qvuses.htm Adapting Digital Images http://members.ozemail.com.au/%7Eleemshs/adapt.htm Digital Camera Basics http://members.ozemail.com.au/%7Ecumulus/digcam.htm Digital Camera Web Links http://wneo.org/hotlists/digcam.htm Going Digital in the Classroom: http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/sbeck/digital/goingdigital.htm

    34. More Digital Camera Links Using Digital Images in the Classroom http://www.watertown.k12.ma.us/dept/prodev/cameras/cameras.html Wacona Elementary School: Using Digital Cameras in the Classroom: http://www.wacona.com/digicam/digicam.html#Links You Choose and Integrate a Digital Camera http://etc.davis.k12.ut.us/dianne/digicam.htm Kathy Shrock’s Guide to Digital Gadgets http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/gadgets.html Kodak’s Digital Learning Center for Teachers/Learners: http://www.kodak.com/US/en/digital/dlc/plus/chapter5/index.shtml

    35. Visual Presentation (ELMO) Links ELMO Corporation http://www.elmo-corp.com Document Cameras/Visual Presenters http://www.visualedtech.com/document_cameras.htm

    36. Similar Grants NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education (Fine Arts Grant Program) http://www.nfie.org/grants.htm   U.S. Department of Education (Check search in box: digital cameras) http://www.ed.gov/topics/topics.jsp?&top=Grants+%26+Contracts

    37. Here’s Look’in At Ya . . .

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