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Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc . Uniform Collegiate Chapter By-Laws (UCCB) Guide. General Rules in By-Law Writing. Format should mirror the Uniform Collegiate By-Laws If the context doesn’t apply, do not add it in to that section General Rules of Thumbs
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Uniform Collegiate Chapter By-Laws (UCCB) Guide
General Rules in By-Law Writing • Format should mirror the Uniform Collegiate By-Laws • If the context doesn’t apply, do not add it in to that section • General Rules of Thumbs • Local Ordinances may not allow anything explicitly forbidden in the National Constitution & By-Laws • Local Ordinances may not forbid anything required in the National Constitution & By-Laws • Numbers required (to reach quorum, vote counts, etc) may only be more strict than what is required in the National Constitution & By-Laws • For Example: If a minimum is required, only a higher minimum may be allowed • If a maximum is required, only a lower maximum may be allowed
General Rules in By-Law Writing • Avoid adding sections if not necessary, Sub-Sections may be added if needed • Common Exceptions: Duties of committees or officers the Chapter has chosen to add that do not exist in the UCCB • Avoid adding unnecessary language • It is assumed that all aspects of By-Law XVII (Local Ordinances) are additions to language in the UCCB • Unless the language is modified, do not re-write it into the local ordinances • Any extra information can be written in to policy
Ordinance I - Title • Section 1 – This section defines the name of the Chapter (Greek Letter) and should always be edited to conform to the local context • Section 2 – This section defines the right to incorporate and/or create corporations within the Chapter. Unless there are changes to this, do not add other information. General Language for No Additions: No additions to By-Law X, Sec. X of the Uniform Collegiate Chapter By-Laws.
Ordinance II – Membership • Section 1 – This section is an open-ended ordinances. It should layout the conditions required to be a member of the chapter only. The stipulations stated here are those that must be met to be in good standing (outside of dues). • Ex: GPA requirements, attendance requirements, etc • Note: This section is not meant to define punishments for bad standing or how to recover good standing. Those items should be placed in local chapter policy or in Ordinance 11, Sec 4 & 5 if related to dues.
Ordinance III – Election of Members • Section 1 – This section should define the procedure for determining who is eligible to pledge the chapter. Simple requirements such as GPA, student status at the school and other objective requirements are listed here. Specifics about pledge events, etc should be kept in local policy only. • Section 2 – This section should define any necessary steps for election of members not currently stated in the Ritual. (Rule: a minimum of 75% is required to elect into membership, a chapter may increase that number if they desire)
Ordinance IV – Officers and Order of Election • Section 1 – This section outlines the chapter officers and their order of election. The chapter must include the listed officers in this by-law in the correct order, but may also include additional officers determined at the chapter’s discretion. • Additional officer shall be listed after Sergeant-At-Arms but before Grand Council Deputy(ies).
Ordinance V – Qualification, Election and Installation of Officers • Section 1 – Determines the time of nominations and elections for Chapter officers. These two items may be on the same day or separated per the chapter’s desires. Requirements for officers, such as academic standing and “good standing” with the Chapter are defined here. It also defines that any member who fails to meet the above listed stipulations shall be removed from office or placed on probation until obligations are discharged. • Unless there are specific stipulations not already mentioned, there is no need to repeat this language.
Ordinance V – Qualification, Election and Installation of Officers • Section 2 – Unlike basic quorum of ½, this section stipulates that quorum must be 2/3 of membership present in order to perform elections with simple majority required to elect. This section also discusses the “waterfall” process of election. • As mentioned previously, this number can only be higher than 2/3 if the chapter so chooses. However, if the Chapter chooses to exclude APPE students from quorum (See Ordinance 14), that may assist in meeting the more stringent quorum requirements.
Ordinance V – Qualification, Election and Installation of Officers • Section 3 – Describes the voting process itself with regards to distribution of ballots, counting procedures and announcement of elected officers. It also allows for questions of eligibility to be determined by the chapter. • Section 4 – Defines the process and timeline for installation of officers as 30 days (it may be sooner if the chapter finds it necessary to do so). It also defines the chapter’s ability to object to installation of an individual officer.
Ordinance V – Qualification, Election and Installation of Officers • Section 5 – States that no officer shall assume duties until properly installed. Defines what happens if officer was ineligible for office at time of election or if officers are suspended. • Section 6 – Allows the Regent to appoint a member to act as interim officer until election can occur. The officer discharged is required to hand over all objects related to that office to the interim officer. • Section 7 – Defines procedure for removing brothers from office for unethical conduct. Definition of unethical conduct is referred to By-Law III of the Constitution & By-Laws on Discipline. Unless there are additional reasons, no additions are needed.
Ordiance VI – Duties of Officers • GENERAL RULES: • Unless there are additional duties not already defined, there is no reason to re-write the language. • If there are additional duties, simply write them. The duties already defined in the UCCB are assumed to remain with that office unless explicitly defined under another officer’s duties. • There is no need to write “In addition to the duties listed in By-Law VI, Sec X, the officer shall also…” • Any additional officers whose duties are not outlined in the UCCB shall be added as sections 14 and beyond • These shall be listed in the same order as the offices are listed in Ordinance 4.
Ordinance VI – Duties of Officers • Section 1 – Lists the duties of the Regent. • Section 2 – Lists the duties of the Vice-Regent. • If there are multiple Vice-Regents, create a sub-sections defining the different duties. • Section 3- Lists the duties of the Secretary. If the chapter has a recording & corresponding secretary, this section shall be dedicated to the duties of the Recording Secretary. • Section 4- Lists the additional duties of the Corresponding Secretary.
Ordinance VI – Duties of Officers • Section 5 – Lists the duties of the Treasurer • Section 6 – Lists the duties of the Assistant Secretary and/or Treasurer, simply as stated as they will assist their Superior Officer. It is often not required to modify this section, but rather place the duties under the Superior officer. • Section 7 – Lists the duties of the Historian. • Section 8 – Lists the duties of the Chaplain • Section 9 – Lists the duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms • Section 10 – Lists the duties of the GCD • Section 11 – Lists the duties of the Co-GCD, strictly says “shall assist the GCD”
Ordinance VI – Duties of Officers • Section 12 - Defines the duties of the Officers of the Ritual, which are appointed positions by the Regent. • Section 13 – Defines the election of the Chapter’s Province and GCC Delegates and Alternate Delegates. Also defines process for proxy if needed.
Ordiance VII, Sec. 5 – Duties of Committees • GENERAL RULES: • Unless there are additional duties not already defined, there is no reason to re-write the language. • If there are additional duties, simply write them. The duties already defined in the UCCB are assumed to remain with that office unless explicitly defined under another officer’s duties. • There is no need to write “In addition to the duties listed in By-Law VII, Sec 5, Sub-Section X, the committee shall also…” • Any additional officers whose duties are not outlined in the UCCB shall be added as Sub-Section ‘N’ and beyond • These shall be listed in the same order as the committees are listed in Ordinance 7, section 2. • If a committee doesn’t exist, put “No additions” language
Ordinance VII – Committees & Their Duties • Section 1 – Lists required standing committees, these must include those listed in this by-law. • Section 2 – Lists additional standing committees that the Chapters are allowed to create at their discretion. Any committees that the chapter creates that are standing committees should be listed here. • Section 3 – Allows for special committees to be created as needed. It is not necessary to include non-standing committee titles, this section merely allows the right to form special committees.
Ordinance VII – Committees & Their Duties • Section 4 – Defines the composition of the Executive committee. Defines the minimum number (3) of Brothers on any committee. • Section 5 – Merely wording to show that the following sub-sections list the duties of the committees, there is no reason to change the language here • Sub-Section A- Executive Committee Duties • Sub-Section B- Judiciary Committee Duties • Sub-Section C- Legislative Committee Duties • Sub-Section D- Scholarship Committee Duties • Sub-Section E- Graduate Relations Committee Duties • Sub-Section F- Social Committee Duties
Ordinance VII – Committees & Their Duties • Section 5 (Cont) • Sub-Section G- Risk Management Committee Duties • Sub-Section H- Finance Committee Duties • Sub-Section I- Auditing Committee Duties • Sub-Section J- Professional Relations Committee Duties • Sub-Section K- Interfraternity Committee Duties • Sub-Section L- Chapter House Committee Duties • Sub-Section M- Athletic Committee Duties
Ordinance VII – Committees & Their Duties • Section 6 – Defines the meeting frequency for all committees. Defines the chair as the liason to the Chapter meetings to inform them of the proceedings. Also defines that a copy of the minutes be submitted to the Chapter Secretary. • Section 7 – States that no program or activity created by any committee shall commence until the Chapter as a whole has approved it.
Ordinance VIII – Records • Section 1 – States that chapter proceedings (aka minutes) and chapter reports will be submitted on forms approved by the Central Office. • Typically, no reason to change this
Ordinance IX – Unethical Conduct • Section 1 – Simply states any Member found guilty of unethical conduct may be punished after due trial according to the Constitution. This section should not define what is unethical conduct as this is already defined in the Constitution. • Section 2 – States that those who file unfounded or malicious charges to the committee can be charged with unethical conduct. No other language should be included here (such as process for filing complaints). Process for filing is already listed in Ordinance 7, Sec 5, Sub-Section B
Ordinance IX – Unethical Conduct • Section 3- States that any member that misuses or abuses the name, emblems or secrets of the Fraternity shall be charge with unethical conduct. In addition, anyone who uses membership for strict personal gain will be charged likewise.
Ordinance X – Meetings • Section 1 – This section defines the time for regular meetings of the Chapter. The regular meeting time should be as specific as possible (i.e. the first Monday of each month, etc). This section also allows changes if needed, provided proper notice is given. • Section 2 – Allows for chapters to include a fine for absence from regular meetings. The fine amount and type shall be dictated by the Chapter and shall be the means for renewing standing for missing a meeting. • Section 3 – States order of business shall be that prescribed in the Ritual.
Ordinance X – Meetings • Section 4 – Allows parameters for special meetings to be called, either at demand of Regent or a certain number of members of the Chapter. Confines special meetings to the topic for which it was called and defines parameters for notification.
Ordinance XI – Dues • Section 1 – Defines the dues for NEWLY elected Members only. Current language is the Membership Fee stipulated by the Constitution (currently $45 – which includes only the first semesters dues). • If a greater amount is stipulated by the Chapter it must be noted in this section. It is recommended, but not required that a breakdown of distribution of fees be included here. • Section 2 – Defines dues for established Members of the Chapter. • Consider whether you want to write this as yearly or per semester. As noted, the Membership fee only includes one semester. Therefore Section 1 & 2 should be in congruence for per semester vs per year dues.
Ordinance XI – Dues • Section 3- Allows for special assessment to be imposed per a vote of the Chapter at any time. • This section allows for changes from year to year, therefore any permanent changes should be readdressed as needed and included in updates to Chapter Ordinances and resubmitted for approval. • Section 4 – States any member who hasn’t paid dues by a certain time shall be deemed to not be in good standing. The timeframe may be modified at the chapter’s discretion. • Section 5 – Defines the consequences for being in arrears with dues. Also defines timeframe for correcting arrears before formal charges are filed.
Ordinance XII – Secrecy • Section 1 – Defines that all proceedings, Ritual and ceremonies shall be kept secret. Not often required to add to this section. • Section 2 – States that all Officers & Members names may be published, but the names of the Officers of the Ritual shall never be published. Also states any Member who reveals the secrets are subject to expulsion from the Fraternity.
Ordinance XIII – Ritual of Initiation • Section 1 – Defines that the Ritual of Initiation will be utilized as appropriate. This section also explicitly forbids hazing and those who are found guilty of hazing shall be subject to expulsion.
Ordinance XIV – Quorum • Section 1- This section stipulates that quorum must be a minimum of 1/2 of membership present in order to conduct business of the fraternity. This doesn’t apply to the 2/3 required in Ordinance 5, Sec 2 when electing new officers. • As mentioned previously, this number can only be higher than 1/2 if the chapter so chooses. • Removing APPE students from quorum is now allowed per the amendment approved at the 56th GCC. This might be recommended for most Chapters to ease the ability to obtain quorum. This is not automatic and must be added into your ordinances.
Ordinance XV – Parliamentary Procedure • Section 1 – This section lays out Robert’s Rules of Order – Newly Revised as the parliamentary authority for governing meetings. Since this is defined in the UCCB, this must be the guide of the Chapter. If they wish to add additional guides, they may due so in subordinate fashion to RRONR.
Ordinance XVI - Amendments • Section 1 – This section defines the process for submitting and approving amendments. A minimum of 2/3 affirmative is required to approve amendments. There must be additions to this Section to define how amendments will be handled between assemblies. Changes to the procedure defined are allowed, provided they adhere to RRONR. • Section 2 – This section states that local ordinances must be subordinate to and in congruence with the Uniform Province By-Laws. There should be no need to add to this.
Ordinance XVI - Amendments • Section 3 – This section states that any adopted amendments are in force upon adoption. However, if there is any question about an enforced adoptions, the action must be delayed until evaluation by the Grand Counselor. • Section 4 – This allows a 120 day window to appeal to the Grand Counselor or Legislative committee any charges brought against a Member for violating chapter ordinances not approved by the GC. Once by-laws have been approved by the GC, they are in effect and no question can be raised.
Questions? • If there are any questions about drafting By-Laws or amendments to local ordinances: • Contact the Grand Counselor • Ask for assistance from Province Supervisor(s) • Discuss with members of the legislative committee