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A.A. Milne with his son Christopher Robin and Christopher’s friend Pooh Bear.
A.A. Milne with his son Christopher Robin and Christopher’s friend Pooh Bear
When I was One,I had just begun.When I was Two,I was nearly new.When I was ThreeI was hardly me.When I was Four,I was not much more.When I was Five,I was just alive.But now I am Six,I'm as clever as clever,So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.
One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." Matthew 19:13,14. New Living Translation
DAVID 13Samuel took his flask of oil and anointed him, with his brothers standing around watching. The Spirit of God entered David like a rush of wind, God vitally empowering him for the rest of his life. SEVEN CHRIST-LIKE CHILDREN
DAVID 10I challenge the troops of Israel this day. Give me a man. Let us fight it out together!”
DAVID “I’m declaring war between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers. He’ll wound your head, you’ll wound his heel.”
DAVID JESUS CHRIST Anointed by the Prophet Baptised by the Prophet Defeated Goliath Defeated Satan Given a bride by the King Given a bride (the Church) He was a Shepherd He is “the Good Shepherd” Born in Bethlehem Came from Bethlehem
SAMUEL 26Hannah said, “Excuse me, sir. Would you believe that I’m the very woman who was standing before you at this very spot, praying to God? 27I prayed for this child, and God gave me what I asked for. 28And now I have dedicated him to God. He’s dedicated to God for life.”
SAMUEL JESUS CHRIST “And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favour both with the Lord and men.” “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.”
SAMUEL JESUS CHRIST Samuel was a Prophet Jesus was a Prophet Samuel became a Priest Jesus has become our High Priest. (Hebrews) Consecrated to God for life Set apart for life (Nazarene) “Grew in Favour with God and man” “Grew in Favour with God and man”
JOSEPH JESUS CHRIST Joseph was a Prophet Jesus was a Prophet Joseph was sold as a slave Jesus was sold as a slave Joseph was falsely accused Jesus was falsely accused In prison with two others Was crucified with two thieves Gave the world the Bread of life Fed the nation of Egypt In prison with two others Was crucified with two thieves Joseph elevated to royalty Jesus rose to sit with Father on His throne
ISAAC “Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and gave it to Isaac his son to carry.”
ISAAC “7Isaac said to Abraham his father, “Father?” “Yes, my son.” “We have flint and wood, but where’s the sheep for the burnt offering?” 8Abraham said, “Son, God will see to it that there’s a sheep for the burnt offering.” And they kept on walking together.”
ISAAC “9They arrived at the place to which God had directed him. Abraham built an altar. He laid out the wood. Then he tied up Isaac and laid him on the wood. 10Abraham reached out and took the knife to kill his son.”
ISAAC JESUS CHRIST Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice. Christ carried his own cross. Isaac submitted to the will of his father. Christ willingly laid down his life. God provides a substitute for us. God provided a substitute for Isaac
SHUNAMMITE WOMAN’S SON JESUS CHRIST The woman and her husband build a room for the prophet. The Israelites build a sanctuary so God can “dwell among them”. The prophet prays for a son for the Shunammite family God sends his Son to the World. The Son of God dies for us. The son dies. Jesus is resurrected. The child is resurrected.
NAMAAN’S MAID SERVANT Jesus ‘cleanses” a leper.
CAPTAIN NAAMAN’S MAID JESUS CHRIST She was a servant. Jesus declared himself “a servant”. She witnessed for her faith and offered hope for a leper. Jesus preached the Good News and cleansed lepers
JEPHTHAH’S DAUGHTER And Jephthahvoweth a vow to Jehovah, and saith, ‘If Thou dost at all give the Bene-Ammon into my hand—then it hath been, that which at all cometh out from the doors of my house to meet me in my turning back in peace from the Bene-Ammon—it hath been (dedicated)to Jehovah, or I have offered up for it—a burnt-offering.’Young’s Literal Translation
39You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you possess eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me. TNIV