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Fantasy : A Literary Genre and A Useful Source for the Film Industry. Anıl Badı. Fantasy As A Literary Genre. Fantasy is a genre of fiction in which the magical and supernatural elements are used . Therefore , in fantasy works , the events take place in imaginary lands .
Fantasy: A LiteraryGenreand A UsefulSourceforthe Film Industry Anıl Badı
Fantasy As A LiteraryGenre • Fantasy is a genre of fiction in whichthemagicalandsupernaturalelementsareused. Therefore, in fantasyworks, theeventstakeplace in imaginarylands. • Use of fantasticelements can be seeneven in thefirstwrittenepics in theworld. • William Morris, TeddyBrooks, C.S Lewis, J.K. Rowlingand J.R.R. Tolkien.
Fantasy As A Sourceforthe Film Industry • Since thegenreoffers a newworldeither in a placeresemblinghellorheaven, manypeoplelikereadingfantasybooks. • The film industry, which is aware of thisappreciation, producesmovieswhoseplotsarebased on theworks of fantasy.
FantasyBooks, FantasticFilms • Some of thebest-knownworks of fantasytakentothemovietheatresare LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter, TheChronicles of Narnia, SnowWhiteandThe 7 Dwarves. • Thesemoviesappealtomillions of people in theworldfromchildrentoadultsandthisbrings a hugeprofittotheindustry.
As A Conclusion, Fantasy… • Tosumup, appealingtomillions of peopleregarless of theage, fantasy is a uniquegenre. Andthe film industry, usingfantasyworks, alsoappealstomanypeopleandmakeshugeamounts of money. • May youallenjoythefantasy in yourlives!