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Manufacture of bio-diesel fuel from micro-algae. "Agromodvita" SRL, Republic Moldova, Chishinau E-mail: agromodvita@mail.ru.
Manufacture of bio-diesel fuel from micro-algae "Agromodvita" SRL, Republic Moldova, Chishinau E-mail:agromodvita@mail.ru
The project provides manufacture of the bio-diesel fuel received from algae oils. Productivity on the first year is from 4.000 tons, with the subsequent increase within 5 years up to 50.000 tons one year. The most part of made bio-fuel will be realized on the territory of EU and in Republic Moldova. The investments involved in the project make 3 million Euro. With the increasing interest in bio-diesel as an alternative petro diesel, many have looked at the possibility of growing more oilseed crops as a solution for the problem of peak oil. There are two problems with this approach: first, growing more oilseed crops would displace the food crops grown to feed mankind; second, traditional oilseed crops are not the most productive or efficient source of vegetable oil. Micro-algae is the highest potential energy yield vegetable oil crop. In our project raw material for manufacture of oils will be micro-algae which are raised in bioreactors (installations of continuous all-the-year-round action).
Algae biomass Algae oil
Micro-algae in 40-120 times with its potential power output surpasses rapeseedoil which is typical the representative of vegetative olive cultures. • Micro-algae is an olive culture, capable to give the highest potential outputs of oil: • Liters of oil from hectare one year: • Grain 68,22 • Soybeans 181,92 • Sunflower 386,58 • Rapeseed 481,33 • Micro-algae 18950-56850 • Micro-algae grows within all year and has short life cycle; • Micro-algae the most fast-growing plant on Earth - grows in 100 times faster, than trees. Usually the weight of micro-algae for a day is doubled; • For micro-algae the readily available raw material is required: sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and nutrients (Р and N); • From micro-algae it is possible to receive natural products: pigments, fibers, enzymes, sugar, fats, amino acids, vitamins. • Depending on kinds of algae (exists more than 30.000 kinds) and conditions of its cultivation, the chosen algae makes about 40-60 % of oil. • Selection micro-algae grows in all environments. Even if the temperature of water makes - 2°С.
Bioreactors (installations for cultivation of algae ) provide fast growth of algae with the high contents of oil. The basic advantages of a bioreactor: - Economy of space. The reactor can be established horizontally or vertically, both in a room, and behind its limits. There is no necessity for using big areas of the agricultural grounds. One bioreactor of 50 kg at one o'clock (430 tons of a biomass one year) with productivity of a biomass occupies the area 10 х 10 sq. meters. - The reactor considerably reduces expenditures of labor and eliminates complexities in service. - The system can work during long periods of time without destruction of culture. - Light in a reactor is taken as much as it considerably increases its productivity. - The bioreactor is equipped with convenient system of self-cleaning that reduces its pollution. - Reactors represent closed, controlled, automated systems of continuous action that allows to support hygiene of cultures in easier way. Ecological parameters of system also easily give in to management. - The size of a reactor is not limited.
Bio-diesel Fuel • Bio-diesel fuel as the alternative of oil diesel fuel is the non-polluting kind of fuel received from vegetable oils, and used for replacement of usual diesel fuel. The bio-diesel engine differs good воспламеняемостью, that is provided with higher, than at "oil" дизтоплива, cetane number (56-58 against 50-52). • From the chemical point of view the bio-diesel engine represents a methyl ether. By its manufacture, in process этерификации, oils and fats make a reaction with methyl spirit and sodium hydroxide, serving catalyst therefore fat acids are formed, and also by-products: glycerin and others. • The bio-diesel engine can be used in usual engines of internal combustion as it is independent, and in a mix with usual diesel fuel, without modification in a design of the engine. • Possessing approximately identical energy potential with mineral diesel fuel, the bio-diesel engine has a number of essential advantages: • - It is not toxic, practically does not contain some sulfur and cancerogenic benzene; • - Decays in natural conditions (approximately the same as sugar); • - Provides significant reduction in harmful emissions in an atmosphere at burning, both in engines of internal combustion, and in technological units; • - Increases cetane number of fuel and its greasing ability, that essentially increases a resource of the engine; • - Has high temperature of ignition (more than 100 °С), that makes its use rather safe; • - Its source are renewed resources; • Cost of a bio-diesel engine now does not exceed cost of "oil" diesel fuel and tends to decrease, in relation to the last. • The bio-diesel engine has received a wide circulation in many countries of the world. Among them, Germany, Austria, Czech, France, Italy, Sweden, the USA, and also other countries. Experts on motor technics count a bio-diesel engine the best fuel for motors with spontaneous ignition. • The bio-diesel engine has big prospects in our country, on the one hand, it is considered as alternative renewed fuel, by way of maintenance of power safety of the state and execution of the law on renewed energy (№ 160-XVI from 12.07.2007), and on the other hand, in connection with euro-integration aspirations of Moldova and instructions of EU (since 2010 bio-fuel in the European Community should make not less than 5,75 % from all used fuel).
AgromodvitaChishinau MoldovaFax: 37322/481198; mobile: 373/69132277 Thank You!