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Circulatory and Respiratory Study Guide

Circulatory and Respiratory Study Guide. 1. Define circulatory system. System where blood flow transports oxygen throughout the body and sends carbon dioxide to the lungs. 2. What are the 3 parts that make up the circulatory system?. Blood Blood vessels Heart.

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Circulatory and Respiratory Study Guide

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  1. Circulatory and Respiratory Study Guide

  2. 1. Define circulatory system • System where blood flow transports oxygen throughout the body and sends carbon dioxide to the lungs

  3. 2. What are the 3 parts that make up the circulatory system? • Blood • Blood vessels • Heart

  4. 3. What is the difference between pulmonary and systemic circulation? • Pulmonary – heart to lungs to heart • Systemic – heart to body to heart

  5. 4. What are the 3 types of blood vessels? • Arteries • Veins • Capillaries

  6. 5. What does an artery do? Vein? • Artery – carries blood AWAY from the heart • Veins – carries blood TO the heart

  7. 6. What is the job of the capillaries? How thick are they? • Diffusion of gases • Microscopic – 1 cell thick

  8. 7. What makes up the majority of your blood? • Water

  9. 8. What is the second largest component of blood? • Red blood cells

  10. 9. How many liters of blood do you have? • 4-6 liters

  11. 10. What are the different components of blood (4)? • Red blood cells (RBC) • White blood cells (WBC) • Platelets • Plasma

  12. 11. What do red blood cells do? • Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide (help of hemoglobin)

  13. 12. What is another name for a red blood cell? • erythrocytes

  14. 13. What are red blood cells missing that most cells have? • A nucleus

  15. 14. What do white blood cells do? • Fight off foreign substances in the body

  16. 15. What is another name for a white blood cell? • leukocytes

  17. 16. What is the prefix/suffix that means cell? • -Cyte

  18. 17. What do platelets do? • Clot the blood

  19. 18. Where are red blood cells made? • Bone marrow

  20. 19. What is the pump of the circulatory system? • Heart

  21. 20. What kind of muscle makes up the heart? • Cardiac

  22. 21. The sac around the heart is called the ____________. • pericardium

  23. 22. What cell organelle is in abundance in hearts cells (makes energy using oxygen)? • Mitochondria

  24. 23. What is the job of the heart? • Pump blood throughout the body

  25. 24. The 2 upper chambers of the heart are known as _____________. • atria

  26. 25. The 2 lower chambers of the heart are known as __________. • Ventricles

  27. 27. What is the job of the aorta? • Sends blood to the body; largest artery

  28. 28. What part of the heart pumps blood out of the heart? • Ventricles

  29. 29. The left ventricle pumps blood to the • Body

  30. 30. The right ventricle pumps blood to the • Lungs

  31. 31. What is responsible for keeping blood from flowing backwards in the heart? • Valves – they also keep blood from flowing the wrong direction in the veins

  32. 32. What happens to the person’s heart rate when they exercise? Why? • When you exercise you need more energy. • To make energy, you need more oxygen. • So you start breathing harder and your heart starts pumping faster.

  33. 33. What are the following disorders: • Atherosclerosis– plaque buildup in the arteries • Hypertension – high blood pressure; increases the risk of a heart attack • Heart Attack – Atherosclerosis in the arteries; heart muscle dies because deprived of oxygen and nutrients • Stroke – blood clot in the blood vessels to the brain; brain cells die

  34. 34. What are the 4 blood types? • A • B • AB • O

  35. 35. What is the universal donor? • O

  36. 36. What is the universal acceptor? • AB

  37. 37. Which ventricle pumps blood to the body? Lungs? • Left Ventricle to body • Right ventricle to lungs

  38. 1. What are the 2 waste products of respiration? Carbon dioxide Water

  39. 2. What gas do you take in? • Oxygen

  40. 3. The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs occurs by _____________ (passive transport) • Diffusion

  41. 4. What is the job of the alveoli? • Gas exchange with the capillaries

  42. 5. When you inhale, the diaphragm moves ___________ • Down (contracts), and the lungs expand

  43. 6. When you exhale, the diaphragm moves _________ • Up (relaxes) and lungs return to normal

  44. 7. What is the pharynx? Throat – place where air and food meet

  45. 8. What is the trachea? • Windpipe

  46. 9. What is the bronchi? • Tube that connects the trachea to the lungs

  47. 10. What is the larynx? • Voicebox

  48. 11. What color is the blood when it is full of carbon dioxide? • Dark Red

  49. 12. What color is the blood when it is full of oxygen? • Bright Red

  50. 13. Where does the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occur in the body? • Between the capillaries and the cells • Between the capillaries and the alveoli (lungs)

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