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The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution. Objective: Describe and explain the Industrial Revolution’s growth of INDUSTRY. Warm-up : What do you think the Industrial Revolution is?. The Industrial Revolution saw the growth of:. I.N.D.U.S.T.R.Y. I. Increase in population, education, and the middle class!. N.

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The Industrial Revolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Industrial Revolution Objective: Describe and explain the Industrial Revolution’s growth of INDUSTRY. Warm-up: What do you think the Industrial Revolution is?

  2. The Industrial Revolution saw the growth of: I.N.D.U.S.T.R.Y.

  3. I • Increase in population, education, and the middle class!

  4. N • New advancements in science: • Tenner: smallpox vaccine • Pasteur: discovered bacteria

  5. D • Dangerous working conditions

  6. U • Urbanization- growth of cities

  7. S • Standard of living increases • Standard of living is how much you can buy

  8. T • Transportation improved • James Watt- steam engine (trains)

  9. R • Rise of pollution • air and water

  10. Y • Yes, steel production improved • Bessemer- made steel cheaper

  11. Focus • Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain? • How did industrialization cause a revolution in the production of textiles? • How did steam power the Industrial Revolution? • Where did industrialization spread beyond Great Britain?

  12. Britain’s Big Advantage The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain. • Had essential elements for economic success • Factors of production • Land • Labor • Capital

  13. A Revolution in Great Britain Factors for Success Agricultural Factors Research and development on farms JethroTull, seed drill Improved livestock breeding Better varieties of food crops Increased food supply Population grew Enclosure movement • Exploration and colonialism • Seapower • Political stability • Government support • Growth of private investment

  14. Textile Industry • Beginning of Industrial Revolution • Weaving was a cottage industry • Labor performed at home • Industrialization transformed this • New Way of Making Cloth • Fabric made of wool or cotton • Supply of fibers increased in the 1700s • Slave labor in America • Invention of cotton gin • Invention of spinning jenny • Invention of flying shuttle

  15. Cloth-making in Factories • Cottages too small • Factory invented • Power for factories? • Water frame for water power • Output increased 8x by 1770

  16. Industrialization Spreads America • British restrictions • Hamilton, 1791 • Samuel Slater • Water frame • Slater’s Mill • Lowell’s Mill Europe • Belgium, 1807 • France, 1815 • Germany, 1850 • Railroads • Treaties

  17. Industry in Asia Eventually, industry spread to Asia. • Japan first in 1868 • Meiji government • The 1900s—industrialization for • China • India • Russia

  18. Industrial Revolutionaries • Guglielmo Marconi • Thomas Edison • Alexander Graham Bell • Frank Lloyd Wright • Louis H. Sullivan • Rudolf Diesel • Louis Pasteur • Wright Brothers • Henry Ford • Marie and Pierre Curie • Dmitri Mendeleev • Elias Howe / Issac Singer • Cyrus McCormick • George Eastman • Charles Goodyear • Nikola Tesla • George Westinghouse • Dr. Richard Gatling • James Watt • Eli Whitney • Samuel F. B. Morse • Robert Fulton

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