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MT 340 Conflict Resolution & Team Dynamics

MT 340 Conflict Resolution & Team Dynamics. Seminar #1 Sunday, 14 November 14, 2010 Agenda. Seminar #1 Agenda. Course Syllabus and Expectations Contact Information DWilson @Kaplan.edu or Instructor Lounge Rules about AIM availability

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MT 340 Conflict Resolution & Team Dynamics

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  1. MT 340 Conflict Resolution & Team Dynamics Seminar #1 Sunday, 14 November 14, 2010 Agenda

  2. Seminar #1 Agenda • Course Syllabus and Expectations • Contact Information • DWilson @Kaplan.edu or Instructor Lounge • Rules about AIM availability • drddwilson@aol.com during office hours Sun & Mon 8:30-9:30ET • Syllabus and Grading Policies • Rubrics for Projects and Discussion – See syllabus • Assignment Policies, including Late Policy • Rules re: Seminar Attendance • Seminar Ground Rules or Protocols • Your questions

  3. Seminar #1 Agenda Continued • Discussion Board Grading Comments • Frequency • Need to post original response to each question\ and responses to three (3) classmates postings per discussion question (to qualify for high scores) • Quality • Need to add to discussion and comments supported by appropriate research sources/references • Timely • Need to post original response to question early in the week ie., no later than by Thursday, and responses to classmates comments middle of the week and toward the end of the week. Waiting until Tuesday to post comments do not earn high points as this practice is just meeting minimum expectations.

  4. Seminar #1 Agenda Continued • Final Project – • Select an organization that you are familiar with and • Can obtain information re: management and organizational practices • Critique how your organization performs using the various course concepts as a frame of reference…make a scorecard…and grade the practices…along with suggestions for improvement • Each week…evaluate the organization on how it is performing on the course concepts studied during the week. Don’t let yourself get behind…short memories!

  5. Final Project • Projects submitted in Unit 2, Unit 4, and 8 using Word documents: • Unit 2 – brief description of organization; various different groups; use of teams; decision making pitfalls and how to avoid such pitfalls; use APA reference cite format and submit as a Word document • PPP Summary of Key Points submitted in Unit 9

  6. Final Project Cont. • Unit #4 installment – 4-5 page Word document on • Leadership skills and styles being practiced • Influence tactics being used • Existence and roles of organizational politics • How is conflict resolved in the organization

  7. Final Project continued • Unit #8 Installment 5-6 page Word document covering: • Organization’s culture • Human resource management practices • Performance Appraisal methods and processes used • Diversity concepts being practiced • Review of prior practices involving earlier concepts – leadership, groups and team dynamics mentioned in Units 2 and 4 Project submissions.

  8. Final Project Conclusion • In Unit #9 submit a 12-16 Set of PPP slides over the Key Points from your Unit 2, 4 and 8 Projects. • These Key Points should cover the major course concepts you have observed being practiced or not being practiced in your studied organization and should • Include a set of your recommendations for improvement or continuing on the same path. • Submit the PPP at end of Unit #9.

  9. Unit #10 Writing Assignment • Remember that Unit #10 Has a Writing Assignment • Reflection Paper – Min of one full page • Submit the Sunday of Week #10 – Not the usual Tuesday midnight ET deadline.

  10. Seminar #1 Agenda Continued • Unit #1 Concepts • Nature of Work • Role of Organizations • Social • Economic • The “Human Side of Organizations”

  11. Seminar #1 Agenda Continued • Looking Forward – Unit #1 Concepts • Groups and Teams • Role of Groups • Types of Groups – Formal vs. Informal • Difference Between a Group and a Team • Pros and Cons of Group Decisions • Group concepts: • Norms – Cohesiveness – Roles – Role Conflict • Psychological Contract – Social Loafing

  12. Seminar # 1 Agenda • Wrap Up and Prepare for Unit #7 Seminar on Sunday of Week #7 • Questions – Comments • Lesson learned from this first Seminar? • Thanks for coming • See you also on Sunday of Unit #7

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