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The Inbreaking Kingdom

The Inbreaking Kingdom. 11 July 2012 Bill Brewer. A sports analogy . . . . Would you play the game differently if you were to think it is … Rigged in your favor? Rigged against you? Going to be preempted before it’s ever completed?. 2. American History: “Manifest Destiny”.

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The Inbreaking Kingdom

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  1. The Inbreaking Kingdom 11 July 2012 Bill Brewer — Bill Brewer

  2. A sports analogy . . . • Would you play the game differently if you were to think it is … • Rigged in your favor? • Rigged against you? • Going to be preempted before it’s ever completed? — Bill Brewer • 2

  3. American History: “Manifest Destiny” • Would American history have been different if we were to have seen it as . . . • Rigged in our favor— destined to extend from sea to shining sea? • Rigged against us— destined to occupy only the original colonies? • Going to be preempted— destined to lose what had already been gained? “Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way” by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816-1868) — Bill Brewer • 3

  4. What about a religious version of “Manifest Destiny”? • Does it make a difference if Christians view progress of the Kingdom as . . . • Rigged in their favor— human action is needful and effective? • Rigged against them — human action is needful but futile? • Destined for preemption— human action is neither needful nor effective? — Bill Brewer • 4

  5. Models of the Kingdom ΤheKingdom as . . . • Future Ηορe • Inner Spiritual Experience • Mystical Communion • Institutional Church • Countersystem • Political State • Christianized Culture • Earthly Utopia Models of the Kingdom, Howard A. Snyder, 1991, Abingdon Press — Bill Brewer • 5

  6. Dimensions of the Kingdom • Church • !Church|>Church Past|Present • Future • Divine Action • Human Action • Climactic • Gradual • Communal • Individual • Spiritual • Material — Bill Brewer • 6

  7. A different perspective . . . — Bill Brewer

  8. Where does the idea of a “millennium” originate? • Rev 20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand • 2 And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand [Greek chilioi, Latin mille] years • Latin mille Millenarianism – belief in a future reign of Christ on earth, often with emphasis on its carnal pleasures Millennialism – another word for millenarianism • Greek chilioi Chiliasm – another name for millenarianism “The Archangel Michael binds Satan” by Guido Reni — Bill Brewer

  9. Millennial Views Premillennialism Jesus returns before the Millennium “Blessed Hope” Titus 2:13 Secret Rapture Cultic redux Church Age Millennium New Creation Historic Premillennialism Dispensational Premillennialism Tribulation • The church experiences the Tribulation • The “Church Age” morphs into the Millennium • Israel is distinguished from the church but not so distinctively as to be saved under a non-Christian covenant • The church is raptured away prior to the Tribulation, which precedes the Millennium • Christ literally rules earth as king of a restored Israelite kingdom • Ancient Israelite cultic practices are reestablishe — Bill Brewer • 9

  10. Millennial Views 3 Premillennialism Postmillennialism 1 (Historic and Dispensational) 2 Jesus returns before the Millennium Jesus returns after the Millennium Church Age Millennium New Creation There is no literal Millennium Amillennialism 4 — Bill Brewer • 10

  11. Orthodoxy (Right Belief) Christ can be Savior without being Lord! "The message of (a) faith only and the message of (b) faith plus commitment of life cannot bothbe the gospel”— Charles Ryrie Dispensational Premillennialism Post-millennialism Amillennialism Orthodoxy Heterodoxy Heterodoxy Dispensationalists see eschatology as a matter of fellowship Historic Premillennialism — Bill Brewer • 11

  12. How many stages? Premillennialism Postmillennialism (Historic and Dispensational) Jesus returns before the Millennium Jesus returns after the Millennium Church Age Millennium New Creation 1 2 3 There is no literal Millennium Amillennialism — Bill Brewer • 12

  13. 1 Cor 15: 22ff 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming, 24 then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be abolished is death. …. 28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all. 1 2 The End Christ’s Reign The Father’s Reign All die Christ, the first fruits All made alive Christ’s Coming Kingdom handed over to God All rule, authority, power abolished — Bill Brewer • 13

  14. The Book of Revelation • B. of Revelation is much more complex than 1 Cor 15 • E.g., adds a future “Millennium” (thousand-year reign of Christ) • Note that 1 Cor 15 is amillennial (i.e., no literal 1000-year reign) • Revelation is premillennial (i.e., Christ returns before the Millennium) 1 2 3 Coming of Christ (Rev 19:11ff) Millennium Millennium New Creation New Creation • (Church Age) Tribulation Binding of Satan Satan Released Letters to the seven churches 7 Seals, Trumpet, Bowls First Resurrection Judgment Second Death — Bill Brewer • 14

  15. Rationalizing the two views . . . PREMILLENNIAL VIEW 1 2 3 Coming of Christ (Rev 19:11ff) Millennium New Creation • (Church Age) Tribulation Binding of Satan Satan Released 7 Seals, Trumpet, Bowls First Resurrection Judgment Second Death 1 2 AMILLENNIAL VIEW “The Church Age” The End Christ’s Reign The Father’s Reign Christ, the first fruits Christ’s Coming All die All made alive All rule, authority, power abolished Kingdom handed over to God — Bill Brewer • 15

  16. Inbreaking Kingdom View PREMILLENNIAL VIEW Coming of Christ (Rev 19:11ff) Millennium New Creation • (Church Age) Tribulation Binding of Satan Satan Released 7 Seals, Trumpet, Bowls First Resurrection Judgment Second Death Inauguration Inauguration Consummation Consummation AMILLENNIAL VIEW “The Church Age” The End Christ’s Reign The Father’s Reign Christ, the first fruits Christ’s Coming All die All made alive All rule, authority, power abolished Kingdom handed over to God — Bill Brewer • 16

  17. An illustration . . . The Church is to Israel . . . as . . . the New Creation is to the church Inbreaking Kingdom The fulfillments of God’s promises in past ages were not exhausted by those fulfillments They are consummated by the advent of a later age Israel Church New Creation The fulfillments of God’s promises in the “church age” are not exhausted by those fulfillments They are consummated by the advent of a later age — Bill Brewer

  18. An application . . . The Church is to Israel . . . as . . . the New Creation is to the church Inbreaking Kingdom Mission of the Seventy “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning” Lk 10:18 War in Heaven “Satan was thrown down to earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” Rev 12:9 Israel Church New Creation An amillennialist could see Lk 10:18 as a fulfillment of Rev 12:9 A Historic Premillennialist would see Lk 10:18 as insufficient fulfillment of Rev 12:9 Inbreaking Kingdom (Inaugurated Eschatology) allows for both understandings!! — Bill Brewer

  19. More applications . . . The Church is to Israel . . . as . . . the New Creation is to the church Inbreaking Kingdom • Cleansing • Resurrection • Judgment • Divine Banquet • Outpouring of the Spirit • Coming of the Messiah • Eternal Life • Salvation • Cleansing • Resurrection • Judgment • Divine Banquet • Outpouring of the Spirit • Coming of the Messiah • Eternal Life • Salvation ? Israel Church New Creation ? ? ? Provisional and limited Definitive and Exhaustive ? ? ? ? INAUGURATIONS CONSUMMATIONS — Bill Brewer

  20. Simplified explanation of millennial views . . . The Kingdom is both now and not yet 5 • Inbreaking Kingdom (Inaugurated Eschatology) • The first advent of Jesus inaugurated the “last days” (Eschaton) with realities that prefigured its consummation • Baptism, Spirit, Eucharist, etc. are figures of greater things to come • NT reinterprets the OT The Kingdom is now The Kingdom is not yet 1 • Amillennialism • Pessimistic about success • Historic Premillennialism • NT interprets the OT 3 • Postmillennialism • Optimistic about success 2 • Dispensational Premillennialism • OT interprets the NT • Bible is trustworthy because it meets the criteria of Enlightenment historiography 4 — Bill Brewer

  21. Purpose • Provide background on various views of the Kingdom to help members better appreciate the value and significance of viewing the church in terms of the “inbreaking” of God’s Kingdom — Bill Brewer • 21

  22. Final Thoughts • Christians are citizens of a future age • Jesus has ushered in a new world order in which the future is already being made real in the present. The mission of the church is to witness to that new order as a present reality — Bill Brewer • 22

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