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NFIRS 5.0 All-Incident Reporting System

NFIRS 5.0 All-Incident Reporting System. Unit 4 Civilian Fire Casualty Module. NFIRS 4 - Civilian Fire Casualty Module. Objectives. The participants will be able to: describe when the Civilian Fire Casualty Module is to be used

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NFIRS 5.0 All-Incident Reporting System

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  1. NFIRS 5.0All-Incident Reporting System Unit 4 Civilian Fire Casualty Module

  2. NFIRS 4 - Civilian Fire Casualty Module

  3. Objectives The participants will be able to: • describe when the Civilian Fire Casualty Module is to be used • demonstrate how to correctly complete a Civilian Fire Casualty Module and appropriate other modules for different scenarios

  4. Civilian Fire Casualty Module • Captures data regarding civilian and/or non-fire service casualties • The injury must be the result of a fire

  5. A - Header Header information is repeated on all modules . . . • In an automated system, this information is entered once and imported into all modules

  6. Injured Person B 1 Male 2 Female First Name MI Last Name Suffix 1 2 B - Injured Person Identifies the name and gender (sex) of the casualty

  7. Casualty C Number 1 Casualty Number 2 C - Casualty Number  Assign a specific consecutive number to each casualty • beginning with 1

  8. D Age or Date of Birth Months (for infants) Age OR 1 Date of Birth 2 Month Day Year D - Age or Date of Birth  Identifies the age or date of birth of the casualty • use months for infants

  9. Race E 1 1 White 2 Black 3 Am. Indian, Eskimo 4 Asian 1 1 5 Multi-racial U Undetermined Ethnicity E 2 2 2 Hispanic E1 - Race / E2 - Ethnicity E1 Identifies race of casualty • Based upon US Census categories E2 Identifies the ethnicity of the victim • Currently the only Census Bureau classification for ethnicity is Hispanic

  10. Affiliation F Civilian 1 EMS, not fire department 2 Police 3 Other 0 1 2 F - Affiliation Identifies if the casualty was a civilian or a non-fire service emergency responder

  11. Midnight is 0000. G Date & Time of Injury Date of Injury Time of Injury Month Day Year Hour Minutes 2 1 Bedroom G - Date and Time of Injury • Captures the casualty date • Captures the time using a 24 hour clock • midnight is 0000

  12. Severity H 1 1 Minor 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Life threatening 2 5 Death H - Severity  Identifies the relative severity of the casualty

  13. I Cause of Injury 1 Exposed to fire products including flame heat, smoke, & gas 2 Exposed to toxic fumes other than smoke 3 Jumped in escape attempt x 4 Fell, slipped, or tripped 5 Caught or trapped 6 Structural collapse 7 Struck by/or contact with object 8 Overexertion 9 Multiple causes 0 Other U Undetermined I - Cause of Injury • Identifies the physical event that caused the injury • Additional codes can be found in the handbook or QRG

  14. J Human Factors Contributing to Injury None Check all applicable boxes Asleep x Unconscious Possibly impaired by alcohol Possibly impaired by other drug Possibly mentally disabled Physically disabled Physically restrained Unattended person J - Human Factors Contributing to Injury Identifies the physical or mental state of the person that may have contributed to the injury

  15. K Factors Contributing to Injury None Enter up to three contributing factors Contributing factor (1) Contributing factor (2) Contributing factor (3) K - Factors Contributing to Injury Identifies the most significant factors that contributed to the injury • Can identify up to 3 factors

  16. Activity When Injured L 1 Escaping 2 Rescue attempt 3 Fire control 4 Return to fire before control 5 Return to fire after control 6 Sleeping 7 Unable to act 8 Irrational act 0 Other U Undetermined 6 3 2 Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1 9 8 5 L - Activity When Injured Identifies the activity in which the person was engaged at the time of the injury

  17. Location at Time of Incident M 1 In area of origin and not involved 1 Not in area of origin & not involved 2 Not in area of origin, but involved 3 In area of origin and involved 4 Undetermined U 6 3 2 Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1 9 8 5 M1 - Location at Time of Incident Identifies the location of the victim in relation to fire origin

  18. M General Location at Time of Injury 2 Check ONE box. If undetermined, leave blank and skip to Section N. Skip to 1 In area of fire origin Section N 2 In building, but not in area Skip to 3 Outside, but not in area Section M 5 6 3 2 Hot Plate XRS 130 34345 1 9 8 5 M2 - General Location at Time of Injury Identifies the location of the victim at time of injury • If casualty was in area of fire origin, skip to section N • If casualty was outside of the building and not in area of origin, go to M5

  19. Story at Start of Incident M 3 Complete ONLY if injury occurred INSIDE Story at START of incident below grade M3 - Story at Start of Incident • Complete only if the injury occurred inside of building • Identifies the floor level where the victim was at the start of the incident

  20. M Story Where Injury Occurred 4 Story where injury occurred, below grade if different from M 3 X M4 - Story Where Injury Occurred Identifies the story (floor level) where the casualty was located at the time of the injury

  21. M Specific Location at Time of Injury 5 Complete ONLY if casualty NOT in area of origin Specific location at time of injury X M5 - Specific Location at Time of Injury Identifies the specific location at the time of injury • Codes can be found in the Handbook or QRG

  22. Primary Apparent Symptom N 01 Smoke only, asphyxiation 11 Burns & smoke inhalation 12 Burns only 21 Cut, laceration 33 Strain or sprain 96 Shock 98 Pain only Look up a code only if the symptom is NOT found above 6 3 2 Hot Plate Primary apparent symptom XRS 130 34-2345 1 9 8 5 N - Primary Apparent Symptom The casualty’s most serious injury • other codes can be found in the Handbook or QRG

  23. O Primary Area of Body Injured 1 Head 2 Neck & shoulder 3 Thorax 4 Abdomen 5 Spine 6 Upper extremities 7 Lower extremities 8 Internal 6 3 2 Hot Plate 9 Multiple body parts XRS 130 34-2345 1 9 8 5 O - Primary Area of Body Injured Describes the part of the body that sustained the most serious injury

  24. P Disposition Transported to emergency care facility X P - Disposition Identifies if the casualty was transported to an emergency care facility

  25. Remarks Local option X Remarks The 'remarks' section is an area for any other remarks that might be made concerning the incident. A narrative description of the incident may be written in this block.

  26. Summary • The Civilian Fire Casualty Module (NFIRS 4) captures data regarding any civilian casualty associated with fire-related incidents • Civilian Fire Casualty: • private citizen, emergency medical responder (not fire department), or police • dies or is physically injured as a result of a fire-related incident

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