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Week One November 28 th -December 2 nd

Week One November 28 th -December 2 nd. English A & B 2 nd Trimester. Agenda ~ Monday 11-28-11. Syllabus Seating chart & Procedures NO FOOD in class only water Please Bring Water Hand Out Books Thought for the day… Vocabulary lesson 13 correct Tuesday/ Quiz Friday

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Week One November 28 th -December 2 nd

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  1. Week One November 28th-December 2nd English A & B 2nd Trimester

  2. Agenda ~ Monday 11-28-11 Syllabus Seating chart & Procedures NO FOOD in class only water Please Bring Water Hand Out Books Thought for the day… Vocabulary lesson 13 correct Tuesday/ Quiz Friday The Odyssey: Focus characterization: read sample essay starter Begin reading and note taking pages 887-891 focus terms & pre-story information Partner read 890-891 & share notes( 10 minutes) Start CD#21 Book One

  3. Tuesday 11-29-11 Correct Vocabulary 13 Type Cornell Notes from Monday Read The Odyssey 886-893 in class Plan… read to page 915

  4. Wednesday 11-30-11

  5. Journal Write #1 Hero December 1st Although they may not be an epic hero, _______ is a hero to me. WHY? WHY? WHY? Give Examples Full Page

  6. Grabber TechniquesImprove your writing skills…grab the reader’s interest Ask a question???? State a fact Use a Quote Make an emotional statement which uses a exclamation mark Create a vivid image ( a be there moment )

  7. HW for Friday Study for Vocabulary 13 & Odyssey quiz Come in with an adjective to describe yourself & a positive thought with the author of the thought Free Reading Book when you walk in the door Finish reading The Books of The Odyssey in our text book pages 943-967

  8. Friday December 3 12-3-11 Agenda: English 9 A & B Vocabulary & Odysseus Quiz 2nd hour ~ Journal Write improve opener/ grabber for Hero writing Make stockings and place adjective & positive statement & author on stocking

  9. Quiz The Odyssey Fill in the missing words to this statement: An ______ ______ is a larger than _______figure, usually a man, who embodies the ideas of ________________________. Word Bank for questions 1-5 Penelope Telemachus Odysseus Helen Paris Homer Trojan War Heroism Interference of Gods Ithaca Troy Menelaus Lotus plants Cyclopes 1. __________ the most beautiful woman in the world 2. __________ author of The Iliad and The Odyssey 3. __________ would make humans forget their purpose and desire for home 4. __________ the place where Odysseus is King 5. __________ a giants prodigious, ignorant, no laws, no tribal ways Explain the value of using Cornell Note Taking:

  10. Quiz The Odyssey retake Fill in the missing words to this statement: An ______ ______ is a larger than _______figure, usually a man, who embodies the ideas of ________________________. Word Bank for questions 1-5 Penelope Telemachus Odysseus Helen Paris Homer Trojan War Heroism Interference of Gods Ithaca Troy Menelaus Lotus plants Cyclopes 1. __________ the land where Odysseus calls home 2. __________ the place Odysseus had to go to free Helen 3. __________ would make humans forget their purpose and desire for home 4. __________ the wife of where Odysseus 5. __________ a giants prodigious, ignorant, no laws, no tribal ways Explain the value of using Cornell Note Taking:

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