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Science Fiction Literature Circle. INFORMATION ABOUT LIT CIRCLES. 1.Students choose their own reading materials 2. Small temporary groups are formed, based upon book choice 3. Different groups read different books 4. Roles are assigned and will switch daily or every other day.
INFORMATION ABOUT LIT CIRCLES • 1.Students choose their own reading materials • 2. Small temporary groups are formed, based upon book choice • 3. Different groups read different books • 4. Roles are assigned and will switch daily or every other day. • 5.Discussion topics come from the students
The Different ROLES • Discussion Director • Vocabulary Enricher/Checker • Literary Luminary/Connector • Character Captain • Artistic Adventurer
DISCUSSION DIRECTOR • Job Description: Your job is to develop questions about the text that your group will discuss in order to increase comprehension. You must also answer these questions. As Discussion Director it is your job to be the leader of the discussion for that day and to make sure your group transitions easily from one role to the next. • High Quality Questions: Below is a checklist to make sure you’re asking high quality questions. • My questions cannot be answered by a simple yes or no. • My questions ask the group to think about what happened in the reading, not just recall a random fact. • My questions focus on the “whys” and the “hows” not just the “whats.”
Vocabulary Enricher As the Vocabulary Enricher, it is your job to look for especially important vocabulary words within the book your group is reading. Words chosen should be: *Important*Unfamiliar*Different*Puzzling*Funny* *Used in an unusual way*Interesting* How does the word fit in the story? How does this word make you feel? What is the etymology of this word? What images does this word evoke? Does this word carry any specific connotations?
Checker The Checker checks for completion of assignments, evaluates participation, and helps monitor discussion for equal participation. Participation + given for other contributions and cooperative behaviors - given for interrupting, distracting, goofing off Evaluation of Our Group
Literary Luminary The Literary Luminary locates 3-4 sections of text to share with the group and states the reasons for choosing the selections. Possible reasons for picking a passage to be shared aloud
Connector As the Connector, it is your job to find connections between the novel your group is reading and the outside world. This means connecting the reading to:
Character Captain As the character captain, it is your job to share observations you have about the main character(s). Select three adjectives that describe one or more of the characters in your novel, and support your selection with an example taken from your reading assignment.
Artistic Adventurer As the Artistic Adventurer it is your responsibility for sharing an artistic representation of the material you read for today’s Literature Circle. Some ideas for sharing may include: a character, the setting, a problem, an exciting part, a surprise, a prediction, or anything else. Examples of genres for expressions may include: *Artwork*Music*Poetry*Collage*Mobile
How do we get started? Read daily- decide as a group how much you will read every day Turn in a self-reflection sheet after you have finished a role Complete necessary assignments within your role Figure out what role you will be taking next
Self-Reflection: Taking Part in a Group 1. Did I understand what my role was in the group? 2. Did I complete my task to the best of my ability? 3. Did I have my turn speaking? 4. Did I let others have a turn at speaking? 5. Did I listen while others were speaking? 6. Did I offer to help when it was needed? 7. Did I enjoy taking part in the group work? 8. Did I enjoy working with the others in my group 9. What are 3 things that you enjoyed about your role in your group? 10. What is something that you want to do differently next time?