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EQAVET Secretariat Report

EQAVET Secretariat Report. Annual Network Meeting 2019, Bucharest Sean Feerick and Arancha Oviedo. Policy context relevant to work in QA of VET. EU reflection on future policy priorities and most appropriate way of dealing with quality assurance in VET

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EQAVET Secretariat Report

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  1. EQAVET Secretariat Report Annual Network Meeting 2019, Bucharest Sean Feerick and Arancha Oviedo

  2. Policy context relevant to work in QA of VET • EU reflection on future policy priorities and most appropriate way of dealing with quality assurance in VET • Ten years of work since adoption of EQAVET Recommendation in 2009 and appointment of the secretariat • Final year of two- year work programme • Transition to new phase of work on quality assurance building on achievements of last ten years

  3. Focus of Report • What has happened since ANM 2018 • Thematic suggestions for Peer learning in 2020 • Secretariat Survey results

  4. EQAVET Peer Learning Activities 2019 Greater focus on the study visit and learning from providers’ experiences on how are implementing and making best use of the national approaches to QA in VET aligned to EQAVET PLAs organised in 2018: • Peer Learning Activity on 'Involving teachers and trainers in the QA processes' took place in Prague 9-10 October 2018. • Peer Learning Activity on the theme of 'Higher VET and the role of QA' took place in Larnaca, Cyprus, 20-21 March 2018. PLA for 2019: • PLA on 'Self-assessment for work-based learning’, Göteborg, Sweden 27–28 March 2019 • PLA on ‘The role of QA in making VET more attractive’, Berlin, Germany 28-29 November 2019

  5. EQAVET Forum 20183rd European Vocational Skills Week ‘Learners – a voice for quality and excellent in VET’; 6-7 Nov 2018, Vienna • < 100 participants from 40 countries. Organised in conjunction with ARQA-VET Focus: the voice of learners and the importance of their role in strengthening the quality of VET Reflection: experiences of current and former VET learners from AT, FI, RO and UK (Wales); and the ways in which providers and the national systems in these countries support and encourage learners to participate in QA processes. The learners presented their experiences of VET; described their motivation for taking a VET programme; and explained how they are encouraged to contribute to improvements in the quality of provision; Message: QA and VET provision benefit from the learners’ perspective The Forum was orgainsed into four panel sessions: 1. VET a first choice, learner centred provision 2. Engagement with student groups and the utilisation of role models 3. Designing and delivering work-based learning - engagement with learners 4. Tracking VET graduates - benefits and challenges of developing a common approach to tracking VET graduates

  6. PRE-FINAL RESULTS – EQAVET Secretariat survey 2018

  7. Exercise 2018 • Collates and analyses responses from all 28 EU Member States • EN and DK did not participate in the current exercise; therefore, there is no updated information in relation to these two countries and the information from 2016 is used • Norway; and Turkey, Montenegro, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina also completed the exercise in 2018 • Sent to all members of the Network for consultation in February • prepare a short publication containing key messages based on trends and findings -supported by the views of the members of Steering Committee • Publish results on the EQAVET website after the Annual Network Meeting

  8. Structure of Report The survey comprises 8 parts: • Introduction and overview - key findings and trends • National VET policy and the national approaches to QA in-line with the EQAVET Framework • Quality standards for VET and learning outcomes • National reference points • The use of EQAVET indicative descriptors at system and provider levels for IVET and CVET sectors • EQAVET+ indicative descriptors at system and provider levels for IVET and CVET sectors • The use of EQAVET indicators for IVET and CVET sectors • Conclusion: key trends and reflections

  9. Focus presentation Focused on progress, trends and new information to inform: • Overview: key findings and trends • Policy implications • Conclusions

  10. Monitoring implementationBruges deliverables

  11. Monitoring implementationBruges deliverables

  12. Monitoring implementation 2018 and 2016 2013

  13. Monitoring implementation

  14. Monitoring implementation of Riga deliverables, progress in 2018 The national approach to QA in VET include a system that collects information relating to graduates who complete Initial VET and CVET IVET However only in 50% the information is used to improve or modify VET provision

  15. Work of NRPs

  16. Use of Indicative descriptors At system level CVET At system level IVET At provider level CVET At provider level IVET

  17. Use of EQAVET+ Indicative descriptors At system level CVET At system level IVET At provider level CVET At provider level IVET

  18. EQAVET indicators used at system level IVET & CVET sectors

  19. Main messages - General Outcomes • Shared understanding and language when discussing QA • Require collaboration with all relevant partners in the national contexts; which increases visibility of the NRPs and Network • Provides a snapshot of progress on implementing the Recommendation • The data enables the SEC and Network to prepare its ongoing work and activities • Used by the COM when reporting on progress in the context of the EU deliverables in E&T carried out by Cedefop

  20. Main findingsTrends • Incremental approach to improving and strengthening QA in VET • Approaches are not only aligned to but increasingly ‘using’ EQAVET • EQAVET process seems to be the anchor and impetus for developments; and progress is ongoing and EQAVET is supporting this • NRPs are an integral part of these developments • Greater focus on labour market relevance of VET and its outcomes; and on the learner • Council Recommendation on promoting automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary education diplomas and the outcomes of learning periods abroad

  21. RESPONSES FROM NRPs on the identification of topics for possible EQAVET Peer Learning Activities 2020

  22. Objective • Since 2013 the EQAVET Secretariat has invited NRPs to identify topics for PLAs. • This input has ensured that the PLAs are relevant, respond the needs of Member States, promote capacity building and deepen a community of practice for quality assurance in VET Sec Survey - areas were identified: 1: the evaluation and review phases on the QA cycle 2: identified by the EQAVET+ indicative descriptors 29 NRPs responded representing 24 Member States

  23. Responses – Area 1

  24. Responses – Area 2

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