Germany Adrienn Szőnyi
General review:• Officialname: GermanFederalRepublic• Constitutionalgovernment: federalrepublic• Capital: Berlin• Area: 357 023 km2• Population: 82 000 000• Officiallanguage: German• Climate: northern-moderateclimate• Head of state: Herr Horst Köhler• Primeminister: FrauAngelaMerkel• Officialcurrency: euro
Deutsche Bank Twin Towers • Frankfurt isoneoftheleadingfinancialcenters in Europe.
The Old Opera House • The famous old opera house (Alte Oper) was built in 1880 by the architect Richard Lucae.
Römer • The nameofthecity hall means „Roman“. In fact, ninehouseswereacquiredbythecitycouncil in 1405 from a wealthymercantfamily. The middlehousebecamethetown hall and was laterconnectedtotheneighbouringbuildings.
Saint Bartholomew‘s Catedral From 1356 onwards, thekingsofthe Holy Roman Empire whereelected in thischurch, andfrom 1562 to 1792, the Roman-German emperorswerecrownedhere. Gothic building which was constructed in the 14th and 15th centuries .