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Early Debate (pre 1700s)

Early Debate (pre 1700s). Rocks are fire formed (plutonists) Rocks are water deposited (Neptunists). Johann Lehmann (1756, Berlin ). Primary Rocks – hard crystalline Secondary Rocks-hard cemented Tertiary Rocks – soft cemented Quaternary - sediments. William Smith English Canal Engineer.

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Early Debate (pre 1700s)

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  1. Early Debate (pre 1700s) Rocks are fire formed (plutonists) Rocks are water deposited (Neptunists)

  2. Johann Lehmann (1756, Berlin) • Primary Rocks – hard crystalline • Secondary Rocks-hard cemented • Tertiary Rocks – soft cemented • Quaternary - sediments

  3. William SmithEnglish Canal Engineer • Some rocks dig easier than others • Many rock units contain fossils • Each rock unit contains a unique set of fossils • Somewhat systematic change in fossils fro one unit to another • Possible to correlate units based on fossils

  4. First geologic map “The map that changed the world” William SmithEnglish Canal Engineer

  5. Geologic Time Scale developed between 1795 and 1836 in Europe and eastern Asia

  6. Time Scale Based on • Where “geologists” were working • Marine strata • Well defined changes (sequence stratigraphy • Well exposed

  7. Wide distribution of eratics in Europe • Universal Flood – Dilluvium rafted debris drift eratics

  8. Early recognition of ice origin • Alps • 1821 Ignaz Venetz-Sitten (Swiss engineer) • Paper read before Helvetic Society on glacial origins of erratics and drift • 1830 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • “A epoch of great cold”

  9. Charles Lyell • Divided Cenozoic into smaller units based on percent of living representative in the marine deposits along the southern coast of France and Italy • 1836 Pliocene - Pleistocene

  10. North America • Louis Agazzi 1830s • James D. Dana 1863, 1875, and 1895 • Recent Period • Champlain Period • Glacial Period • Final Retreat • First Retreat • First Advance

  11. Thomas C. Chamberlain Chairman Department of Geology President of the University Chief of USGS Office 60 papers of glacial geology

  12. Thomas C. Chamberlain • Morphological Classification • East Wisconsin • Kansas • Afton, Iowa • Till / peat and gravel

  13. Sangamon Illinois Yarmouth (Yarmouth) Nebraska Frank Leverett 1859-1943

  14. Wisconsin Sangamon Illinois Yarmouth Kansas Afton Nebraska Classical Quaternary SequencePrior to 1973

  15. Late Cenozoic Temperature Curve

  16. Pleistocene Sub-divisions • Early Pleistocene (1.65 2.6 - 0.7 million ybp) Matuyama-Brunhes Magnetic Polarity Reversal Middle Pleistocene (0.7 - 0.13 million ybp) • Late Pleistocene (130,000 - 10,000 ybp)

  17. Mid-Pleistocene (0.7 - 0.13my) • Magnetic polarity reversal "coincides with the Perlette 0 volcanic ash (3 recognized Perlette ashes) • Yellowstone Lava Creek Tuff: (K-Ar 0.61 my) • Three normally-magnetized tills are 0.7, 0.6, and <0.6 my old • End of Middle Pleistocene coincides with Illinoian drift, inferred to be "0.13 my

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