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Welcome to the ESF Workshop on Sustainable Development, where we will raise awareness and provide practical experience to enable you to mainstream sustainable development. Join us to learn about the big picture, statutory requirements, policy assessment, implementation plans, good practice, and more!
Welcome Sustainable Development in ESF WorkshopSouth East, 26th February 2010 This project is part-financed by ESF Technical Assistance
Introductions Chris Walker – ECOTEC Ian Heptonstall – Action Sustainability
Purpose of the Day To raise awareness of sustainable development and enable you to mainstream sustainable development Introduce approach Practical experience Statutory requirements
Agenda 10:30 Introduction and Welcome 10:35 Sustainable Development The Big Picture (Action Sustainability) ESF Requirements, (Ecotec) Q & A 11:35 Tea and Coffee (10 minutes) 11:45 Policy Assessment Tool Exercise 12:15 LUNCH 13.00 Flexible Framework Implementation Plan Exercise 14:15 Tea / Coffee break (10 minutes) 14.25 Good Practice, Feedback and Learning Points 14:45 Close
Common Approach for SD & EOs: ESF Requirement for Policy and Action Plan ‘Flexible Framework’ approach Continuous improvement
What is Sustainability? “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Brundtland Definition Economic Equitable Environmental Social Viable Sustainable Bearable
Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change CO2 levels highest for 650,000 years Climate change “unequivocally” happening Global temperature will rise between 1.8oC and 4oC in the next century, worst case 6.4oC In the worst case, Trafalgar Square would be under water
A few carbon teasers .... Which has the bigger carbon footprint…? 14 Feb From Kenya From Holland
How big is his? What proportion of global emissions is the UK responsible for? 2% 17% Both None of these It depends
How big is theirs? Virgin Atlantic – 4.8M Tonnes/annum BAA – 3M M&S – 6M Olympics – 5M (maybe) Drax power station – 23M What makes up yourorganisation’s carbon footprint?
It’s not just about carbon! Resources If the whole world lived like Western Europe we would need 3 planets resources to sustain life Inequality 25% of London’s Black Caribbean community is unemployed compared to 2.5% of the Indian community 25% of the UK population has a physical or mental disability 3.8M children were living in poverty in the UK in 2005/6 Health UK childhood obesity is increasing at the same rate as the USA, we are breeding a generation that will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents Average male life expectancy in Tower Hamlets is 7 years shorter than Kensington Waste Landfill capacity is likely to be non-existent within 7 years
What is Sustainable Procurement? • “Sustainable Procurement is a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment”. • Sustainable Procurement should consider the environmental, social and economic consequences of: • Design; • non-renewable material use; • manufacture and production methods; • logistics; • service delivery; • use; operation; maintenance; • reuse; recycling options; disposal; • ... and suppliers' capabilities to address these consequences throughout the supply chain.” Procuring the Future – June 2006
The challenge to buyers, contract managers and contract monitoring officers and providers “Using procurement to support wider social, economic and environmental objectives, in ways that offer real long-term benefits”. Sir Neville Simms Chairman Sustainable Procurement Task Force How can DWP support sustainability objectives?
Why? “Future generations will neither excuse or forgive us for ignoring the signals we see today. They will not accept that it is too difficult or too costly to keep our economic aspirations in balance with the impact on the environment and the effect our decisions will inevitably have on society.” Sir Neville Simms Chairman Sustainable Procurement Task Force
Some sustainable successes Zero waste prison mattress Market leading initiative
M&S Plan A Vision Leadership Research Marketing led Delivery?
Global EU National CFOs Statutory Requirements Issues
2. EU / ESF EU SD Strategy (Updated 2006) Regulatory requirement to promote SD - threat of claw back! ‘Cross Cutting Theme’ (Horizontal & Vertical) ITM ‘Skills for Climate Change’ National SD Sub Committee ESF Guidance Manual
SD in the New Programme (2007-13) Jobs & skills main drivers of ESF activity; emphasis on environmental aspects of SD Implementation via: tender specifications, project appraisal, project delivery CFOs responsible for selecting projects to promote SD, monitoring, identifying good practice Projects required to have SD Policy & Implementation Plan
Verification & Audit Article 13 DWP Auditors (RAD) European Court of Auditors National Audit Office European Commission Auditors ‘Forensic’ approach & clawback
3.National Policy Agenda • UK Govt. SD Strategy ‘ Securing the Future’ (March 05) • Focus on ‘leading by example’ through sustainable procurement • All Govt depts. Required to integrate SD into decision making and to produce SD strategy • SD Commission and Department for Energy and Climate Change • Climate Change Act (Oct ‘08) and legally binding target to reduce carbon emissions by 34% by 2020
4.CFOs • LSC SD Strategy ‘From Here to Sustainability’ (2005) • ‘SORTED’ – free on-line SD resource for providers in FE + Partner Forum • DWP SPIG & SPRAM • LAAs
5. Statutory Requirements Environmental Permit (from April ’08) for waste management and pollution control WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive Onus on provider to prove you are satisfied (e.g. check with local authority)
Issues: Scope Marketing / PR Large / Multiple Locations CMs / Providers? Provider ESF Project Sub Contractor S/C Sub Contractor P A R T I C I P A N T S?
Further Information http://europa.eu/index_en.htm http://www.esf.gov.uk http://www.esf.gov.uk/info_for_cfo_and_projects/sustainable_development_in_the_new_esf_programme.asp http://www.dwp.gov.uk/sus-dev/ http://www.lsc.gov.uk/providers/esf-procurement/ http://www.eauc.org.uk/sorted/lsc_strategy (WEEE) http://www.environment-gency.gov.uk/business/1745440/444663/1106248/2028318/?version=1&lang=_e http://intralink/1/corp/sites/finance/ced/procurementguidance/dwp_m304613.asp#TopOfPage
Sustainability impacts Exercise 1 – 10 minutes Work in pairs/ on your table What are the greatest sustainability impacts that your organisation has? Please prioritise these according to the size/ scale of the impacts.
Examples of Sustainability impacts • CO2: • Energy use in venues and offices • Transport, staff and materials • People • Equality & diversity • Labour standards • Increasing skills • Local community benefits & risks • Waste • Legal compliance • Reduction of waste • Recycling & re-use • Use of recycled materials
Provider evaluation & development We are here Evaluation tool Evaluation tool Policy tool Compliance monitoring tool Evaluate provider policy Discuss provider policy Provider Self-assessment Action plan Review
Assessing a provider's SD Policy • Exercise 2 – 20 minutes • Read through the sample policy provided • Work in the main group to agree a score
What you can do to meet the sustainability challenge www.actionsustainability.com
Sustainability Tools • Policy Assessment Tool • Basic checklist, highlights areas for improvement • Flexible Framework Action Plan Tool • Self-assessment tool • Not an Action Plan in itself! • Helps improve Action Plan, probes and generates recommended actions
The Flexible Framework Lead Enhance Practice Ambition Embed Foundation Time
The Flexible Framework Elements • People • Policy, strategy and communications • Procurement process • Engaging suppliers • Measurement and results
SPTF Flexible Framework Foundation Embed Practice Enhance Lead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 People Policy, Strategy & Communications Procurement Process Engaging Suppliers Measurements & Results
Provider evaluation & development Evaluation tool Evaluation tool Policy tool Compliance monitoring tool Evaluate provider policy Discuss provider policy Provider Self-assessment Action plan Review
Flexible Framework Action Plan Exercise 3 – 40 minutes Work in pairs/ on your table Using the populated Flexible Framework Section on your table, please review the provider’s input and scores. Work together to record questions that the provider may be asked by the CM/ CMO and formulate some SMART actions to improve the provider’s sustainability performance.
Purpose of the Day To raise awareness of sustainable development and enable you to mainstream sustainable development Introduce approach Practical experience Statutory requirements
Thank YouDon’t forget your feedback form! Keep in touch www.actionsustainability.com www.ecotec.com