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Head Teacher Briefings for One to One Tuition. Primary Schools in Lancashire September 09. A Reminder. One-to-One Tuition
Head Teacher Briefings for One to One Tuition Primary Schools in Lancashire September 09
A Reminder One-to-One Tuition There are some children who, despite all best efforts, do not make the progress they need in a small group or whole-class setting. Without an individualised approach it may be hard for these children to make the progress needed to achieve their full potential. To support the needs of this group the DCSF has been trialling the use of one-to-one tuition for pupils falling behind in English and/or mathematics as part of the Making Good Progress pilot. • From 2009, one-to-one tuition is being rolled out on a national basis to pupils in Key Stage 2, 3 (and in National Challenge schools in Key Stage 4).
Who Receives It? • The target cohort will comprise students who entered the key stage below age related expectations:- students who have not made the appropriate progress in a key stage; students who are disadvantaged and vulnerable e.g. looked after children and children who are unable to afford extra one to one tuition. • It is likely that nearly all schools will be involved in this initiative. • The funding is ring-fenced. • Schools receiving money to provide one-to-one tuition places need to ensure that they can provide evidence that this money has been used to fund the appropriate number of tuition places. • Schools will also be expected to demonstrate the progress made by pupils as a result of the tuition they have received. Lancashire is mandated to offer every possible support to schools in achieving this.
To date in Lancashire • 100 Primary Schools have been involved in the LA pilot from Christmas 2009 offering 994 tuition places. • 51 so far have responded to an evaluation. • ‘Children all reached target of 2 levels progress. 2 ch. made 3 levels progress’
Quotes from Pilot Head Teachers • ‘The children grew in confidence and our internal data shows that 2 out of the 3 moved up a sub level in the short time they were tutored.’ • The pupils' confidence increased enormously during the 1:1 tuition. The children were much more confident and motivated when back in class, they were more willing to answer questions and get involved’. • ‘Huge rise in confidence particularly in maths and attitudes to learning had been raised in all areas.’
Roll-out 2009 Primary Roll-out in 2009/10 • In Lancashire we have been allocated £2.8M for One to One Tuition in 2009/10 (KS2, KS3, KS4 in National Challenge Schools). We have 3462 places at KS2 (target year groups Y3 & Y4) (funded at £368 per place - which represents 10 hours tuition + 2 extra hours pay for the tutor for liaison/planning/training @ £25 per hour + £4 on-costs. Schools receive £20.00 per place to fund the liaison between teacher and tutor.).
Phase 1 • 948 places have already been notified to schools – approx. £350,000 funding • The number of tuition places for each school in phase 1 has been calculated using a range of data based upon the selection criteria listed below: • Pupils on the 'Every Child a Writer' programme • ALL Looked-After Children in next year's Y3 or Y4 • Schools with the highest level of need as indicated by the index of multiple deprivation, low % L4+ in English and Maths (2008), low CVA (2008), high % Free School Meals • There is an expectation that all Looked After Children in Y3 and Y4 will access tuition places. Therefore, the number of tuition places allocated to each school includes the number of Looked After Children in current years 2 and 3. In schools participating in Every Child a Writer (ECaW) – these places must be used in accordance with the requirements of that programme.
Phase 2 • The remaining 2500 primary places will be rolled-out based on 2008 & 2009 KS1 data (final criteria yet to be agreed) – prioritising children at L2c at the end of KS1. • Schools can expect to be notified of their allocation in phase 2 by October half-term 2009 in time to implement tuition in the spring/summer terms 2010. • Schools identified in phase 2 as needing more tuition places than they were allocated in phase 1 will have it 'topped-up'. • For 2009/2010 there is flexibility in the proportion of tuition places allocated for English and mathematics. In 2010-2011 schools will be expected to divide the number of tuition places equally between English and mathematics.
What Support is Available • Steering Group • Senior Advisers • Advisers and SIPs • Project Lead and Extra Consultants---front line support • Pilot Experience • Website and moodle • DCSF Toolkit
continued • Support with tutor recruitment • Support for tutors in induction and on-going training • Networks for Tuition Leads and Tutors • QA processes • LA Action Plan • New Lancashire Pilot Involvement • All contact details, urls and many other useful documents including case studies are available on your CD.
Key Messages • One-to-One tuition: it must be one-to-one and not small group tuition • Suggested minimum tuition time of one hour per session for 10 sessions • Tuition must be delivered by tutors with QTS • Tuition sessions should reflect the discussions held between the class teacher and the tutor and curricular targets for an individual pupil • One-to-One tuition should not replace other more appropriate interventions • Schools will be expected to provide data on the progress made by pupils accessing one-to-one tuition • Funding for one-to-one tuition is ring-fenced
What to Do Now • After listening to the presentations and using the forum to seek any clarification, use the remaining time to plan your attack! A planning proforma has been provided. • You have some printed material to support you, mainly the DCSF Guidance for Schools. • Remember, not all sessions have to be completed in one term, it is likely that most schools will have organised their tuition for January start • All presenters and project personnel are available for support now, after 4pm if you require and from the Project Lead immediately.