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One to One Tuition Lead Briefing. Tuesday 16 th March 2010 Kendleshire Golf Club. Aims. To provide information and resources that supports schools’ evaluation of the quality of their tuition programmes
One to One Tuition Lead Briefing Tuesday 16th March 2010 Kendleshire Golf Club
Aims • To provide information and resources that supports schools’ evaluation of the quality of their tuition programmes • To support schools’ planning for the expansion of the One to One Tuition Programme in 2010-11 • To provide opportunities for discussion and sharing of experiences • To provide opportunities to raise individual issues with LA Tuition Coordinators and/or LA Personnel staff.
Story So Far…1 to 1 National roll-out: • tuition has begun in 150 LAs • tuition has been strongly welcomed by pupils • school leaders are engaging well with tuition agenda • recruitment difficulties have eased from Making Good Progress pilots (although challenges for scaling up remain) • positive feedback received from LAs about support from DCSF Based on evidence collected by the DCSF and the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit:
Tutored pupils keep up • The final report of Making Good Progress found tuition had a positive impact on pupil progress. • In particular: • Tutored pupils with the lowest KS1 results outperformed their peers at KS2 – this also applied to FSM pupils • In reading, pupils progressed in line with their peers – a significant achievement given they were selected for tuition because they were stuck in their learning – again, this also applied to FSM pupils • 75% teachers surveyed confirmed the impact of tuition on pupil progression
Story So Far… Autumn/Spring Data – Headlines • 103 schools introduced tuition • 1453 pupils have started tuition • Most secondaries have prioritised Years 8/9 and English over Maths • Most primaries have prioritised Year 6 and English over Maths • Gender difference in English is marked, not so much Maths • Approx 13% receive FSM • Approx 6% have EAL • Under 1% are LAC
Feedback on early stages of implementation • Steve Lloyd conducted an evaluation of One to One Tuition in 10 schools in the Autumn term. • The evaluation included conversations with Headteachers, tutors, teachers and children. • Overwhelmingly positive picture with some key points to consider for future development
Positive messages Already impacting on pupils’ progress Very positive response from students, teachers and parents Effective leadership Tuition experience has inspired tutors to change their practice in the classroom Issues to consider: Involvement of parents Identification of pupils from vulnerable groups and broader range of year groups Tutor training and development Greater interactions between tutor/class teacher/pupil/parent Overview of the evaluation
Tutor training and support • LA induction training for tutors; • Tutor networks for ongoing support between tutors; • Web-based guidance, materials and examples http://www.learningwithsouthglos.org/onetoone/index.htm
Future support for tutors • What areas do you feel tutors need to consider? • How could we best enable tutors to attend CPD events?
LA Visits to schools • Four Primary schools to date. • Four Secondary schools to date.
Practice identified: ITP format to record agreed targets; Learning logs/ pupil passports record work in sessions and next steps; Governors aware of the programme and its aims; Pupil tracking systems enabling identification and monitoring of pupil attainment and progress; Tutor, pupil and teacher voice. Possible next steps: Observation and feedback of tuition sessions; Linking tuition to SDP priorities, where appropriate; Evidence base for qualitative data gathered; Analysis of short term and long term impact of tuition on pupil progress and attainment; Reporting to governors and parents on impact of tuition. Schools’ self evaluation practice
Schools’ self evaluation practice • How does the resource help you to evaluate the development of your tuition programme? • What could be added that would accurately describe your provision at specific stages? • How would you use this in school?
Expansion of the programme • Funding has doubled for the next academic year. • This equates to: • 1652 Primary places • 1179 Secondary places
Implications for doubling of funding • When will these numbers of pupils be tutored across the year? • Is the current number of tutors sufficient? What is the school’s capacity to deliver tuition? • Will the current model of tuition delivery be sustainable or will it need to be adapted/ changes?
Allocation criteria: Secondary 1-2-1 Strategy group have agreed the following in principle: • Setting aside a small allocation for Looked After Children and other vulnerable groups • Allocation According to Average No.’s of Students Entering Below L4 (En/Ma Combined)
Allocation criteria: Primary • 1-2-1 Strategy group have agreed the following in principle: • 3 year average for pupils entering Key Stage 2 below 2b in English and mathematics. • Capping school numbers at 30 places to ensure capacity and retain 180 places for the Every Child a Writer programme (if it runs.)
Pupil registration and funding procedures Proposed system: • Funding distributed as 2009-10, delegated at specific times based on numbers of pupils confirmed as starting tuition; • Schools upload all identified pupils in September.
Pupil guarantee That every pupil, aged 7–11 who has fallen behind national expectations and is not making good progress, receives one-to-one tuition to get them back on track – from September 2010
Pupil guarantee • That every pupil beginning secondary school behind national expectations in english and/or mathematics receives one-to-one or small group support from September 2010, and their learning is assessed through a progress check, which is reported to parents.
Tailoring the Pupil Guarantees – latest policy developments Looked After Children The guarantees now entitle all looked after children to support (paragraphs 159 and 168 of Pupil and Parent Guarantees) Exemptions In some exceptional cases if the school judges that the pupil’s particular learning needs cannot be met through a course of one-to-one tuition (or small group support) then the school may disapply this guarantee in relation to that child. This may apply for example in some particular instances of EAL or SEN
Models of tuition • Schools may consider these questions around the current models of identification and delivery: • Which year groups/ vulnerable groups need 1-2-1 intervention? • Do we need a balance of English/ maths or is one a priority for the school? • Can we begin tuition earlier to maximise impact across the year? • Does the tuition timing need to be more responsive to pupils needs and circumstances? • Will tuition be solely internal/ external or will the school need to consider both options? • If staff currently tutor, is there the capacity to add more pupils?
Models of tuition • Could the school allocate additional funds to increase the number of pupils tutored or allow tuition for both English and mathematics for some individuals? • How will the school sustain the CPD of tutors, particularly if they are colleagues who are not current employees? • How are parents currently involved in tuition? Is there more we can to engage them with the tuition in terms of support at home/ updating on progress or drawing on their knowledge of their child? • Considering the timescales, what planning needs to be in place in order to move tuition on in school\/ \what support do we need/ want to access to help us?
Key Messages • Consider how pupils are identified for one to one tuition. Are vulnerable pupils being excluded from consideration because of other factors. E.g. attendance? • Evaluate whether the school has the capacity to tutor increased numbers of pupils • Review the current model for tuition. Is it appropriate for 2010-11? • Start planning soon! Aim to begin tuition in September/ October. • Consider how you ensure the continued quality of tuition and how its impact be evaluated and communicated to stakeholders.