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The employment situation in Germany

The employment situation in Germany . Content. Employment situation in Germany unemployment rate available jobs Job situation western and eastern Germany Employment situation in Bavaria Possibilities for teenagers in Germany different school types after leaving school.

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The employment situation in Germany

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  1. The employment situation in Germany

  2. Content • Employment situation in Germany • unemployment rate • available jobs • Job situation western and eastern Germany • Employment situation in Bavaria • Possibilities for teenagers in Germany • different school types • after leaving school

  3. Employment situation in Germanyunemployment rate • Unemployment rate: 3 mio. -> 6,5 % • Western Germany: -> 5,7 % • Eastern Germany: -> 9,9 % • available jobs: 1 mio.

  4. Employment situation Germanyavailable jobs • Primary sector: farming, forestry, waterpower, animal breeding... • Industrial sector: industry, energy industry, building industry… • Service sector: trading, logistics, tourism, staates…

  5. Employment situation in GermanyJob situation in Western and Eastern Germany Mecklenburg – Vorpommern10,8 % Bremen 11,0 % Berlin 11,7% Baden - Württemberg 3,8 % Bayern 3,4 %

  6. Employment situation in GermanyJob situation in Western and Eastern Germany • eastern Germany: • −a higher unemployment rate • −not enough qualified workers • +unemployment rate decreases • western Germany: • −big consequences of the economic crisis • +higher industrial production

  7. Employment situation in Bavaria • Possible reasons for the extremely low unemployment rate

  8. Employment situation in Bavaria our hometown Amberg Above – mentioned companies

  9. Possibilities for teenagers in Germanydifferent kinds of school • After thefirstfouryearsof Grundschule (elementaryschool),thepupilscanchoosebetweenMittelschuleRealschule andGymnasium dependingon theirinterestsandabilities

  10. Possibilities for teenagers in Germanyafter leaving school • Whenthepupilsgraduatetheyhavemanypossibilities. • start an apprenticeship (officejobortrade)(workingand also visitingschooltwice a week)3 - 3.5 years • startstudying(visiting a university)4 yearsandmore • start a dual educatioin(visiting a universityandworking in a company)

  11. Possibilities for teenagers in Germanyafter leaving school • Howtoget a higherschooleducation • Mittelschule: just 9 yearsofschool, thepupilshaveto do a tenthyeariftheywantto→visittheFachoberschule (FOS) fortwoorthreeyears→gettheire Abitur (the same educationas Grundschule + Gymnasium)→studying • Realschule: 10 yearsofschool→FOS→Abitur→studying

  12. Possibilities for teenagers in Germanyafter leaving school • Mittelschule: an apprenticeship for 3 - 3.5 years→ visit the Berufsoberschule (BOS) →Abitur→studying • Realschule: apprenticeship for 3 - 3.5 years → visit the Berufsoberschule (BOS) →Abitur→studying • Gymnasium: the teenager can choose between an apprenticeship, university and a dual education

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