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Anna , " favour " or " grace”. Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it . Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957). Anna. born weighing around 3 kg at birth in the year when Fiat 126p was first produced and ‘Czterdziestolatek’ had
Anna, "favour" or "grace” Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it. Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)
Anna bornweighing around 3 kg atbirth in the yearwhen Fiat 126p was first produced and ‘Czterdziestolatek’ had itspremiere on Tv and the album ABBA was launched;) Neverhad the experience of aninfant’sschoolbut lookedup to herelderbrowhotried to teachher English not knowingithimself ! At leastthinkingthat -ation – cation – ovation with every single wordsound English enough. To theirmum’sanger, with the same brothertheyused to stealfreshlymade pasta dough from the kitchen and hideunder the tablestuffingtheirmouths with the uncookedthing.
Anna hatedthe firstdays of kindergartedroutine. Therewerelots of tears and even one flee bid folied on the way; caught by one of the teachers, shewas ‘kept’ in the institutionuntilprimaryschooltimecame. Shecriedand thought the world was going to end whenshegot a ‘3’ in hersecondgrade As a childshedreamt of becoming a kindergartenteacher, strangelyenough! And iffate was not sogracious, shethoughtshecouldmake a goodflorist with her love of nature and flowers. Time passed and without a lot of the agonies of adolescenceshe was congratulatedon hercoming of age. Soonshebecame a driver of the abovementioned Fiat 126p…
In herprime, beingcurious to know the worldshetravelledacross Europe with littlemoney on her and a freshlyissuedpassport and…herfirstflame Soon, sheventuredinto the unknownworld of bonny Scotland facing the world of newfaces, breathtakingplaces, strangetastes and a variety of emotions. By the age of 22shehadpassed a plenty of life-examstogether with the Cambridge English CPE, which was thenconsidered a rarity. As a grown-upwith a baggage of experience, yetstillnot feelingherage, she was throwninto the world of schoolagain. Thistime, coincidentally, as a teacher in a stateschool.
Approachingmiddle-age, and not beingable to fullyrealiseherself and herprolificteachingideas in the institution of stateeducation, Anna went from ‘good’ to ‘better’ and from ‘better’ to …BEST Nowbeingthirtyish,mature but lookingyoung, atleastshewouldlike to believeso! shestillthinkslife beginsat forty With hergirlishsense of humourheresheis ;)hard-working, too much sosometimes,shetries to find the work-life balance travelling widelyaround the world. Shemay be twiceyouragenowdearreader, and getting on in years but itdoesn’t stop her from beingcreativeand somewhatartistic.. and hey itmakeshersoundinteresting;)
Heading for retirementshewill be all the moreliberal to a fault. Growingoldgracefully, Anna willbelieve in equality for everyone, thoughthatwill not makeheranidealist. As anoctogenerian, ifsheisstillalive!, shehopes to be direct, yetpolite with it, contrary to somesenilepeoplewhocan be a real pain in the…neck. As for looks, shethinksshewillscrubupprettywell, and most peoplewilltellherthey 'can'tbelieve' howyoungshelooks for herage. Or soshewouldlike to believe… Being as old as the hillsand not pushingup the daisies by then, (cremationpreffered) shewilllookback on her life and sayit’sbeen a long but a worthyway…