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Review of Division II Legislation Applicable to Two-Year College Transfer Students. Topics. Organized Competition Legislation Division II Two-Year College Transfer Requirements Division II Review of Academic Requirements Questions. Division II organized competition. General information.
Review of Division II Legislation Applicable to Two-Year College Transfer Students
Topics • Organized Competition Legislation • Division II Two-Year College Transfer Requirements • Division II Review of Academic Requirements • Questions
General information. • Organized competition. • Determining high school graduation. • Grace period. • Definition. • Academic year in residence. • Exceptions. • Waivers. • Questions.
Determining High School Graduation • Four ways to determine the date of high school graduation: • Traditional date of high school graduation; • Early graduation from high school; • Late graduation from high school; and • Discontinued high school enrollment.
Traditional High School Graduation • Traditional date. • The high school graduation date is considered to be the graduation date of the final high school class of which he or she was a member. • One-year grace period begins on the day following the date of high school graduation. NCAA Bylaw
Early Graduation from High School • Early graduation. • The individual becomes a member of that class and that is the graduation date used for certification. • The individual still has a one-year grace period following the date of high school graduation. NCAA Bylaw
Late Graduation from High School • Late graduation – required repeat year. • When an individual is required to repeat an entire year of high school he or she is a member of that class and that is the graduation date used for certification. The individual still has a one-year grace period following the date of high school graduation. Bylaw
Discontinued High School Enrollment • Discontinued high school enrollment. • An individual who discontinues high school enrollment and participates in organized competition after the grace period will be subject to the legislation. The individual still has a one-year grace period following the date of discontinued enrollment. Bylaw
Definition of Organized Competition • Competition is scheduled in advance; • Official score is kept; • Individual or team standings or statistics are maintained; • Official timer or game officials are used; • Admission is charged;
Definition of Organized Competition • Teams are regularly formed or team rosters are predetermined; • Team uniforms are used; • An individual or team is privately or commercially sponsored; or • Directly or indirectly sponsored, promoted or administered by an individual, organization or agency. Bylaw
Academic Year in Residence • Academic year in residence requirement is maintained. • May be fulfilled at any member institution. Bylaw • Exception to the academic year in residence. • A transfer student who has attended a two-year or a four-year collegiate institution for at least two full-time semesters or three full-time quarters and who has satisfactorily completed an average of at least 12 semester or 12 quarter hours of transferable degree credit for each full-time academic term of attendance at the two-year or four-year collegiate institution. • An institution must provide the amateurism certification process (ACP) staff with verification, in writing, confirming that the individual meets the exception. • Such confirmation and accompanying written verification shall be completed by the institution’s academic authorities outside the athletics department (e.g., registrar). Bylaw
Exceptions to Organized Competition • U.S. Armed Services Exception. • Provided competition is organized and administered by the U.S. military. Bylaw • National/International Competition. • Maximum of one year. Bylaw • Skiing Exception. • Maximum of two years for participation in competition sanctioned by the U.S. Skiing Association and its international counterparts. Bylaw
Other Useful Information • Organized competition is certified by: • ACP staff at the NCAA Eligibility Center. • Part-time enrollment at the two-year college while practicing during first year will no longer impact two-year college transfer students.
Overview Transfer Triggers Qualifier with No Previous Attendance at a Four-Year Collegiate Institution (Bylaw All Other Qualifiers, Partial Qualifiers and Nonqualifiers (Bylaw Newly Adopted Legislation Questions
Transfer Triggers • Full-time student and attends a class; • Reported for a regular squad practice; • Participates in countable athletically related activities even though they are enrolled part time; • Student-athlete receives athletic aid while enrolled in a summer term or summer school. Regular student enrolled full time at night school. • Attendance at a branch school: • With no athletics and previously enrolled elsewhere; and • With athletics and transfer to a school other than parent school.
Qualifiers with No Previous Four-Year College Attendance • Attend the two-year college as a full-time student for at least one full-time semester or one full-time quarter; • Complete an average of 12-semester or 12-quarter hours of transferable credit; and • Present a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.000.
Qualifiers with No Previous Four-Year College Attendance – Application • All transferable credit hours shall be used when determining the transferable degree credit hours and grade-point average. • Determining the transferable credit grade-point average: • Calculation must include all courses that are normally transferable to an institution. • Regardless of the grade earned or if that grade makes the course unacceptable for transferable credit. • Only the last grade earned in a repeated course may be used in the calculation.
All Other Qualifiers, Partial Qualifiers and Nonqualifiers • Attend the two-year college as a full-time student for at least two semesters or three quarters (excluding summer); and • Satisfy one of the following: • Graduate from the two-year college; or • Complete an average of at least 12-semester or 12-quarter hours of transferable degree credit with a minimum grade-point-average of 2.000.
All Other Qualifiers, Partial Qualifiers and Nonqualifiers – Application • All transferable credit hours shall be used when determining the transferable degree credit hours and grade-point average for a two-year. • Only credit hours earned at two-year college(s) attended since the last four-year college attendance shall be used.
Additional Transferable Degree Credit • Two-year college transfers who are not qualifiers must meet additional transferable degree credit requirements. • In addition to the current requirements, must also have successfully completed the following: • Six-semester or eight-quarter hours of English; and • Three-semester or four-quarter hours of math.
Additional Transferable Degree Credit • Application: • English and math hours required for partial and nonqualifiers only. • Credits must be transferrable to any baccalaureate degree program at the certifying institution. • Remedial courses may not be used to satisfy the requirement. Effective: August 1, 2011, for student-athletes initially enrolling full time in a collegiate institution on or after August 1, 2011.
Additional Transferable Degree Credit • Official Interpretation • Issued November 4, 2010. • Determination that a partial or nonqualifier who graduates from the two-year institution is not required to meet the English and math requirement. • Incorporated into the NCAA Division II Manual following the 2011 NCAA Convention.
4-2-4 Transfer Exception • Exception for "4-2-4" transfers who graduate from the two-year institution to be immediately eligible. • Old rule: Must have attended the two-year institution for at least two semesters or three quarters and graduate. • New rule: Attends the two-year institution for only one semester or one quarter and graduates.
Proposal No. 2011-20 • Application: • Not subject to the 25 percent credit-hour requirement for graduation from two-year college. • Exception not applicable when a transfer attends the two-year college for more than one semester or one quarter. Effective: August 1, 2011, for a two-year college transfer student-athlete with previous four-year collegiate attendance enrolling at a Division II institution on or after August 1, 2011.
4-2-4 Transfer Exception • Official Interpretation • Issued November 4, 2010. • Determination that a partial or nonqualifier who graduates from the two-year institution is not required to meet the English and math requirement. • Incorporated into the Manual following the Convention.
Academic Requirements Review • The review includes: • Progress-toward-degree requirements. • Initial-eligibility requirements. • Two-year college transfer requirements. • Sufficient data to support the review. • Changes in Division I requirements. • Focus on academic readiness, success and access.
Timeline for Review September 2011: Academic Requirements Committee November 2011: Faculty Athletics Representatives Association January 2012: Joint meeting of the Management Council and Presidents Council (initial review) February 2012: Academic Requirements Committee March through December 2012: Review and Feedback January 2013: NCAA Convention Education Session February and July 2012: Academic Requirements Committee Develops Proposals January 2014: NCAA Convention *Importance of feedback from the two-year college community.
Academic Performance of Div. II Student-Athletes by Transfer Status All APC Cohorts (2006-2009), Fall Entrants Only * 0/2 = ineligible and not retained
Academic Preparation and Performance of Two-Year Transfers, Div. I vs. Div. II Division I vs. Division II, 2009 Fall Entrants
Research Findings – Two-Year Transfers Into Div. I Schools • Grade-point average at two-year college is strongest predictor of first-year success at four-year college. • Ineligibility rates decrease significantly as two-year college GPAs increase. • Number of physical education activity credits at two-year college has a significant negative relationship with four-year college success. • Student-athletes with fewer physical education activity credits have better academic performance. • Core credits in English, math and science are particularly predictive of four-year college success. • Science in particular is a strong predictor of success.
Concepts for Two-Year College Transfer Students The addition of transferable degree credit in a natural/physical science. Establishing a limit on the number of physical education activity courses that may be used to certify the transferable degree credit of a two-year college transfer. Establishing a grade-point average for access to practice and athletically related financial aid and a separate grade-point average for access to practice, athletically related financial aid and competition.
Feedback and Comments • Thank you. • Comments may be directed to: • Jennifer Fraser (jfraser@ncaa.org)
Review of Recent NCAA Division I Board of Directors Actions Impacting Two-Year College Students. October 2011
Topics • Review of actions taken yesterday by the Division I Board of Directors: -Division I two-year college academic transfer requirements. -Division I initial-eligibility standards. • The Year of Academic Readiness Legislative Proposal. • Open discussion and comments.
Division I NCAA Legislative Proposals - Two Year College Transfers • Three Legislative Proposals: • 2011-65 – Year of Academic Readiness. • 2011-69 – Increased academic standards. • 2011-70 – Waiver provision mechanics.
Division I Board of Directors Action The Board of Directors adopted Proposal Nos. 2011-69 and 2011-70. Increased academic standards are effective for students initially enrolling full-time in any college on or after August 1, 2012.
Timeline for Increased Standards Students currently attending two-year colleges full-time are NOT impacted by these changes. Changes apply to students who enroll full-time in any college or university on or after August 1, 2012.
Changes for 2-4 Transfers Who Are QUALIFIERS • Increased transferable grade-point average from 2.000 to 2.50. • Physical education activity course limit of two credits applicable to ALL sports (currently applies only to men’s basketball). • All other current requirements remain in effect. • Athletics aid and practice permissible on transfer based on qualifier status.
4-2-4 Transfers/Qualifiers Increased to 2.50 grade-point average and expansion of limit on physical education activity credits (2) to all sports will also apply to 4-2-4 transfers who are qualifiers. 4-2-4 qualifiers may receive athletics aid and practice per current application of the rule (i.e., practice if full-time student; athletics aid if complete one term at two-year institution).
4-2-4 Transfers/Qualifiers(continued) Competition in first year after transfer to Division I school only if meet 2.50 transferable grade-point average and other current requirements (i.e., transfer 12 credits per term of attendance at two-year institution, one calendar year elapse since departure from four-year institution, graduate from two-year institution).
For Nonqualifiers Increased transferable grade-point average from 2.000 to 2.50 for competition purposes only (athletics aid and practice at 2.000 transferable grade-point average). Expanded physical education activity course limit of two credits to ALL sports (currently applies only to men’s basketball).