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Division I Four-Year College Transfers

Division I Four-Year College Transfers. Learning Objectives. Recognize and apply appropriate 4-4 transfer legislation; Display ability to apply permission-to-contact legislation as it relates to a hearing opportunity; Describe conditions surrounding the academic year of residence;

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Division I Four-Year College Transfers

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  1. Division I Four-Year College Transfers

  2. Learning Objectives • Recognize and apply appropriate 4-4 transfer legislation; • Display ability to apply permission-to-contact legislation as it relates to a hearing opportunity; • Describe conditions surrounding the academic year of residence; • Identify and apply appropriate four-year college transfer exceptions; and • Demonstrate ability to apply appropriate graduate student transfer legislation.

  3. Agenda • Permission to Contact. • Academic Year of Residence. • Four-Year College Transfer Exceptions. • Residency Requirement Waivers • Football 9-semester hour / 8-quarter hour transfer implications. • Graduate Transfer Participation.

  4. Permission to Contact - General Rule • An athletics staff member or representative of the institution’s athletics interests cannot make contact with the student-athlete (SA) of another NCAA or NAIA four-year institution, directly or indirectly, without first obtaining WRITTEN permission of the first institution’s athletics director (or designee). NCAA Bylaw

  5. Permission to Contact - continued • Second institution has seven business days upon receipt to grant or deny permission-to-contact request. • Automatic grant if seven business days pass with no action.

  6. Permission to Contact - Outcomes • Permission granted: • All applicable NCAA recruiting rules apply. • Permission denied: • Requesting institution may not encourage the transfer. • SA may transfer but second institution cannot award athletically related aid until the SA has attended second institution for one academic year. • SA has a hearing opportunity. Bylaw

  7. Question • What if permission is denied by the NAIA school?

  8. Answer • We have no authority to require a hearing.

  9. Permission-to-Contact Exceptions • Permission to contact is not necessary if: • SA withdrew from four-year institution and at least one academic year has elapsed since the withdrawal. • SA completed an official religious missions and did not enroll full time in a collegiate institution within one calendar year of completion of the mission. Bylaws,, and

  10. Permission to Contact Exceptions - continued • SA is looking to transfer from an institution placed on probation by the Committee on Infractions and ineligible for postseason competition.¹ • SA in their last year of eligibility is looking to transfer from an institution whose team is ineligible for postseason competition due to Academic Performance Program sanctions.² • ¹,² Institution must be notified of recruitment and may establish reasonable restrictions related to contact. Bylaws,, and

  11. Academic Year of Residence • General rule: • 4-4 transfer may not be eligible for intercollegiate competition at a member institution until the SA has fulfilled a residence requirement of one full academic year at the certifying institution. • Academic year = two full-time semesters OR three full-time quarters. • Summer term may not used to fulfill a year of residence. Bylaws 14.02.13, and

  12. Academic Year of Residence - continued • SA admitted after the 12th class day of the term may not use that term for year-of-residence purposes. • SA must pass a numbers of hours that is at least equal to the sum total of the minimum load of each of the required terms. • May include hours earned at the certifying institution during the summer term. Bylaws 14.02.13, and

  13. Nonqualifer Year in Residence • A nonqualifer who attends two four-year institutions during their first year of enrollment may combine the terms of enrollment to fulfill their one-year residence requirement. • Note: this applies for athletically-related financial aid and practice only. 3/23/2011 Official Interpretation

  14. Eligibility for Exceptions • SAs may be eligible for an exception to year-of-residence requirement if they: • Do not have an unfulfilled residence requirement at the institution from he or she is transferring; and • Satisfied the requirements for qualifier status at the time of initial collegiate enrollment. NOTE: SA who qualifies for an exception may not be eligible to compete at the certifying institution if he/she competed during the segment of the same academic year in that sport at the previous four-year institution. Bylaws and

  15. Common Exceptions • Discontinued/nonsponsored sport exception. • Two-year nonparticipation exception. • Return to original institution exception. • Nonrecruited student exception. • One-time transfer exception. Bylaws,,, and

  16. Discontinued/Nonsponsored Sport • SA’s original four-year institution dropped the SA’s sport from its intercollegiate program; or • SA’s original four-year institution reclassified the sport from DI to DIII, and the SA subsequently has not competed in the sport at the DIII level; or • SA’s original four-year institution never sponsored the sport on the intercollegiate level while the SA was in attendance at the institution. Bylaw and

  17. Case Study No. 1 • 2010-11: Sean, a football SA, initially enrolled at Institution #1. Sean practiced, competed and received athletics aid. • May 23, 2011: Institution #1 announced that it will discontinue its football program effective immediately. • June 7, 2011: Institution #1 provided Institution #2 permission to contact Sean. • Sean enrolled at Institution #2 August 2011. • Can Sean compete during the fall 2011 semester?

  18. Case Study No. 1 - Solution • Yes. Sean can use the discontinued sport exception.

  19. Case Study No. 2 • 2010-11: Charlie, a football SA, initially enrolled at Institution #1. Charlie practiced, competed and received athletics aid. • March 30, 2011: Article discusses an appointed council at Institution #1 recommend whether any teams should be eliminated. • June 6, 2011: Report released from Institution #1 which began speculation the football program would be discontinued; • July 7, 2011: Institution #1 provided Institution #2 permission to contact Charlie.

  20. Case Study No. 2 – continued: • Charlie enrolled at Institution #2 August 2011. • August 20, 2011: Institution #1 announced it will discontinue its football program at the conclusion of the 2011 fall term. • Can Charlie compete in fall 2011 at Institution #2?

  21. Case Study No. 2 - Solution • No. • Charlie cannot use the discontinued sport exception. Charlie transferred to Institution #2 prior to Institution #1 formally announcing the discontinuation of football.

  22. Two-Year Nonparticipation • SA has not competed in intercollegiate competition for a consecutive two-year period immediately before the SA’s participation date; and • SA has not engaged in other CARA in intercollegiate athletics in the involved sport beyond a 14-consecutive-day period; or • SA has neither practiced nor competed in organized noncollegiate amateur competition while enrolled as full time student in a collegiate institution. Bylaw

  23. Case Study No. 3 • 2008-2009 and 2009-2010: Conor practiced, competed and received aid in football at institution #1. • 2010 fall term: Conor practiced, competed and received aid in football at institution #1. • 2011 spring term: Conor transferred to institution #2 to play baseball .

  24. Case Study No. 3 – continued: • Institution #1did not object to the transfer and Conor was eligible at previous institution. • Conor was not recruited in baseball and did not play baseball at institution #1. • Conor is from the local area of institution #2 and is transferring home to be closer to family. • Conor initiated the transfer on his own, transferred without being advised by institution #2 and was unfamiliar with transfer legislation. • Can Conor compete at institution #2 spring 2011?

  25. Case Study No. 3 – Solution 1 • Conor is not eligible to compete in baseball in spring 2011 term • Baseball legislation for mid-year transfers clearly states that mid-year transfers are not immediately eligible. Bylaw

  26. Case Study No. 3 – additional thoughts • What if Conor was transferring to run track (and had not participated in track at the previous institution)?

  27. Case Study No. 3 – Solution 2 • Conor would be immediately eligible under the two-year non-participation exception. Bylaw

  28. Return to Original Institution • SA transferred from a four-year institution to a second four-year institution; • SA did not compete at the second institution; • SA did not engage in other CARA at the second institution in the involved sport beyond a 14-consecutive-day period; and • SA returns to original institution. Bylaw

  29. Nonrecruited Student • SA was not recruited by the certifying institution; • SA has not received any athletically related financial assistance; • SA has not competed for any previous institution; and • SA has not engaged in other CARA in intercollegiate athletics beyond a 14-consecutive-day period at any previous institution. Bylaw

  30. One-Time Transfer • SA is a participant in a sport other than baseball, basketball, bowl subdivision football or men’s ice hockey at the institution to which the SA is transferring; • SA is transferring from an FBS institution to an FCS institution, and the SA has at least two seasons of competition remaining in football; OR • SA is transferring from an FCS institution that offers athletically related financial aid in football to an FCS institution that does not offer athletically related financial aid in football. Bylaws and

  31. One-Time Transfer - continued: • NOTE: SA who does not qualify for exception due to his/her sport, may use the exception if he/she was not recruited by original four-year institution and has never received athletically related financial aid from any four-year institution.

  32. One-Time Transfer - continued: • SA has not previously transferred from a four-year institution; • SA is in good academic standing and meets progress-toward-degree requirements; • SA’s former institution has certified in writing that it has no objection to the SA being granted an exception to the transfer-residence requirement. • Former institution has seven business days to grant/deny written request for “release”. Bylaw

  33. Football 9-Semester/8-Quarter Hour Rule • Football requirement: Pass 9-semester hours or 8-quarter hours during the fall term and earn the APR Eligibility point for that term.

  34. Question • What affect does the Football Additional Credit Hour Requirement have on the one-time transfer exception? • Can a football student-athlete who does not meet the additional football requirement use the one-time transfer exception if he is otherwise eligible for it? • Assume the SA earned the E point for that fall term and met all progress-towards-degree requirements.

  35. Answer • An SA who does not meet the football additional credit hour requirements but is eligible under all progress-toward-degree legislation is academically eligible for purposes of the one-time transfer exception. • Football withholding condition still applies at certifying institution. Bylaw and 2/15/2012 Official Interpretation

  36. Case Study No. 4 • Maddox enrolled as a freshman for Fall 2012 at Institution #1 – an FBS institution • Maddox earned only eight hours in Fall 2012 • Maddox decides to transfer to Institution #2– an FCS institution, for the Spring 2013 term

  37. Case Study No. 4 continued • Can Maddox meet the football one-time exception using hours from both institution #1 and institution #2? • Are the hours completed at institution #1 required to be degree applicable to institution #2?

  38. Case Study No.4 - Solution • Yes, a transfer SA can combine hours from the two institutions to meet the 27-hour rule. • No, the hours earned in the Fall 2012 term can be applicable to institution #1 or institution #2.

  39. Case Study No. 4 – Solution continued Fall 2012 institution #1 - eight hours (only six transferable & applicable at institution #2) Spring 2012 Institution #2 -12 Hours Summer 2013 institution #2 – seven hours = 27 hours Maddox meets the exception.

  40. Case Study No. 4 - continued • Assume Maddox stayed at institution #1 for both the fall 2012 and spring 2013 terms. • Maddox completed eight hours in fall 2012, 12 hours in spring 2013 and four hours in summer 2013 (24 total). • Maddox then took a year off to work.

  41. Case Study No. 4 - continued • Maddox transferred to institution #2 for the fall 2014 term. • Is Maddox eligible to compete immediately at institution #2? (Assume all other transfer and progress-toward-degree requirements are met.)

  42. Case Study No. 4 – Solution continued • Maddox is eligible for competition immediately. • Ineligibility for competition under this rule applies to the immediately ensuing playing season. • Because Maddox did not participate in fall 2013, he satisfied his withholding condition. 4/5/2012 Official Interpretation

  43. Residence Requirement Waivers • One-year residence requirement may be waived for: • Health issues. • Certain amateurism or recruiting violations if SA is innocent or an inadvertent participant. • On recommendation of the Committee on Infractions. • On recommendation of the Committee on Academic Performance. Bylaw 14.8.2

  44. Residency Requirement Waivers – Committee on Academic Performance • Only applies to SA’s whose teams are ineligible for postseason competition during their final season of eligibility. • Criteria will include: • The student-athlete’s career APR eligibility and retention point history; • The student-athlete’s grade-point average and credit hours earned; and • The impact of the transfer on the student-athlete’s anticipated date of graduation.

  45. Graduate Transfer Participation • SA who is enrolled in a graduate or professional school of an institution other than the institution from which he/she previously received a baccalaureate degree may participate in athletics if: • The SA earned his baccalaureate degree; • The SA fulfills the conditions of the one-time transfer exception; and • The SA has eligibility remaining. Bylaw 14.1.9

  46. Graduate Transfer Participation - Exception If SA is not meeting one-time transfer exception due to the sport limitation (Bylaw (a)), And, If aid is not renewed, Then the SA can play right away. Bylaw

  47. Case Study No. 5 • 2007 fall term: Claire, a women’s soccer SA, enrolled at Institution #1 (Division I). • Claire did not practice, compete or receive athletically related aid. • 2008 spring term: Claire enrolled at Institution #2 (Division II). • Claire did not practice, compete or receive athletically related aid.

  48. Case Study No. 5 – continued: • 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11: Claire enrolled at Institution #2; Claire practiced and competed but did not receive athletically related aid. • May 2011: Claire earned bachelor's degree at Institution #2. • 2011 fall term: Claire enrolled at Institution #3 (Division I) as a full-time, degree-seeking graduate student. • Can Claire compete during the fall 2011 semester?

  49. Case Study No. 5 - Solution • No. • Claire does not satisfy the graduate student/postbaccalaureate participation legislation. • Specifically, Claire ( a 4-4-4 transfer) has previously transferred from a four-year institution.

  50. Case Study No. 6 • 2007-08: Jackson, a football SA, initially enrolled at Institution #1 (FBS institution). Jackson practiced and received athletics aid. • 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 academic years: Jackson attended Institution #1; Jackson practiced, competed and received athletics aid. • 2011 winter term: Jackson graduated from Institution #1.

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