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Presents IMTC Forum 2004

Presents IMTC Forum 2004. OSGi: From Gateways To Mobile. Presented by Vadim Draluk Motorola. OSGi intro Technology Applications Going mobile How to get in touch. Asia/Pacific. EMEA. North/South America. Who is the OSGi Alliance?. Global Cross Industry Consortium.

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Presents IMTC Forum 2004

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  1. Presents IMTC Forum 2004

  2. OSGi: From Gateways To Mobile Presented by Vadim Draluk Motorola

  3. OSGi intro • Technology • Applications • Going mobile • How to get in touch IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  4. Asia/Pacific EMEA North/South America Who is the OSGi Alliance? Global Cross Industry Consortium 4DHomeNet, Inc., Alpine Electronics Europe GmbhAMI-C, Atinav Inc., Belgacom, BMW, Cablevision Systems, Deutsche Telekom, Echelon Corp., Electricite de France (EDF), Espial Group, Inc.,ETRI, France Telecom, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft,Gatespace Telematics AB, IBM Corporation, Insignia Solutions, Institute for Infocomm Research, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Motorola, Inc.,Nokia, NTT, Object XP AG, Oracle Corporation,Panasonic Technologies, Inc., Philips, ProSyst Software AG, Robert Bosch Gmbh, Samsung Electronics Co., Sharp Corporation, Shell, Siemens, Sun Microsystems, Telcordia Technologies, Telefonica I+D, TeliaSonera, Texas Instruments, Inc., Toshiba Corporation OSGi Alliance Members by Region 41% 32% 27% IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  5. What does the OSGi Alliance do? • Specify and enhance a Java-based open service delivery and management software platform called the OSGi Service Platform • Promotethe widespread industry adoption ofthe Platform • Serve as the focal point for a collaborative ecosystem of service providers, technology, mobile, industrial, consumer and automotive electronics communities IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  6. OSGi Key messages • The OSGi Alliance Service Platform enables new & exciting services and applications for networked devices • OSGi technology improves time-to-market, reduces manufacturing and development costs with unique new after-market sales opportunities for device manufacturers and service providers • OSGi technology provides a widely accepted open software specification for lifecycle management of services and applications to networked devices • OSGi technology is in products and services from several Fortune 100 companies • Top-tier handset manufacturers and service providers are extending OSGi technology to be the platform-of-choice for mobile services and applications • The OSGi Service Platform supports multiple business models for vendors and service providers in the home, vehicle, mobile, and industrial markets IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  7. OSGi intro • Technology • Applications • Going mobile • How to get in touch IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  8. Essentials • Reliable • Large-scale deployments fail without extremely high reliability • Portable • Attract third-party developers to create essential innovative services • Dynamic • Allow configuration to adapt to user & operator needs over time • Secure • Protect service providers from each other • Guarantee a prescribed quality of service • Scalable • Members have very different configurations for their deployment of OSGi frameworks IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  9. Core Functions • Life Cycle Management • Install, Start, Stop, Update, Uninstall • Registry of services with notifications • Package and version management • Open remote management architecture • Strict separation of specifications and implementations • multiple implementations IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  10. Bundle Bundle Bundle Bundle (Application) = service interface exported and imported by bundles OSGi Java VM Operating System Driver Driver Driver Hardware OSGi Environment IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  11. Bundles • A bundle is the deliverable application • Like a Windows EXE file • A bundle registers zero or more services • A service is specified in a Java interface and may be implemented by multiple bundles • Searches can be used to find services registered by other bundles • Query language • The Framework itself is represented as the system bundle IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  12. Collaborative model • OSGi is more than an Applet, MIDlet, Xlet runner • Bundles can collaborate through: • service objects • package sharing • A dynamic registry allows a bundle to find and track service objects • Framework fully manages this collaboration • Dependencies, security IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  13. Services • A service is an object registered with the Framework by a bundle to be used by other bundles • The semantics and syntax of a service are specified in a Java interface • Different bundles (from different vendors) can implement the same interface • Implementation is not visible to users • Allows operator to replace implementations without disrupting service • OSGi defines a standard set of services • Other organizations can define more • Extensive notifications for services life cycles • Services have a unique id IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  14. R1 R2 R3 Position XML Parser Service Measurement Preferences Service User Admin Device Manager Http Service Log Service Configuration Admin Service Tracker Wire Admin IO Service Jini Service UPnP Service Package Admin Permission Admin URL Handler Start Level Release 3 Contents OSGi Specifications Content Framework Execution Environment IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  15. OSGi intro • Technology • Applications • Going mobile • How to get in touch IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  16. OSGi Deployment Facts • 26 OSGi member company deployments (non-confidential) • Smart Home/Health Care (14) • Automotive/Infotainment (8) • Service Provisioning (4) • Plus 10 EU-projects (using OSGi-certified platforms) • More information: • Deployment Fact Sheet on www.osgi.org …AND MORE TO COME… IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  17. Home: 13 OSGi based Service Gateways • Motorola MS 1000 • Hbrain Solygate • Samsung SAIT • PowerIA Service Gateway • 4DHomeNet • Everex IntelliWAY Broadband Gateway • Pilotfish Industrial Telematics • CP Technologies SG2100+ • Ciaolab Set-top-box • Setrix S-3720 • Pylix Broadband Gateway • CorAccess Companion 6 • ETRI Home Server (HESTIA) IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  18. Shell Home Genie • OSGi based-Motorola Gateway and Motorola Gateway Management System (MGMS) selected as the heart of Shell Home Genie • Shell Home Genie is initially focused on home comfort and management • Manage climate, lighting, and small appliances from home or away 24/7 • Over time, new services can be added to the HomegenieTM offering, thereby offering a more connected valuable user experience • A service that makes broadband more universally appealing IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  19. Eclipse Overview • Original Mission: Create a platform independent, language/domain neutral platform for tooling Provide “middleware” for application development tool builders • Main features: • Plug-in model: similar to bundles • Extensions & Extension-points: declaratively specify connections • SWT: platform independent, native-based widget toolkit • UI framework: infrastructure for GUIs • One of the largest open source projects in existence IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  20. How OSGi technology is being used by Eclipse • OSGi Service Platform is a well-defined runtime specification • Replace the Eclipse runtime with an OSGi framework implementation • Eclipse plug-ins map onto OSGi bundles, plus: • Applications • Extensions/Extension points • Eclipse backward compatibility layer (99% binary compatible) • Use existing OSGi services (e.g., URL, XML, …) • Use services to manage dynamic behavior IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  21. OSGi Technology Based Architecture Conventional New Eclipse Legacy Eclipse My Eclipse Environment Legacy Plug-in 1 Legacy Plug-in 2 Install Update UI Help Legacy Eclipse Search Resources SWT Core Services Extension Registry Log Config Admin Service Tracker OSGi framework Java VM/class libraries IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  22. OSGi intro • Technology • Applications • Going mobile • How to get in touch IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  23. Why OSGi ? • The mobile devices evolving rapidly into a powerful computing platform • Software lifecycle closer to one of PCs, detached from one of devices, hence dynamic provisioning a must • Security issues becoming increasingly critical • New software development ecosystem to be established • MIDP specifications not designed to address the requirements listed • OSGi has the functionality necessary to address the requirements above IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  24. OSGi Mobile Expert Group • Formed December 9th 2003 • Chartered with defining an OSGi-based operational management paradigm for mobile devices, including: • Application model and lifecycle • Application deployment infrastructure • Security policies framework • Device management functionality • Participants include • Motorola - Deutche Telecom • Nokia - France Telecom • IBM - TeliaSonera • Sun - ProSyst • Oracle - Espial • Co-chaired by Motorola and Nokia IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  25. MEG status and roadmap • RFP stage (requirements and use cases) complete, RFPs open for further comments and contributions from other OSGi EGs and JSR 232 • High-level architecture developed • Currently at the beginning of the specification design • Work is expected to be concluded by mid-2005, including: • Specifications • Reference implementation • Test compliance kit • Certification procedures IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  26. MEG and other standard bodies • JCP • Full MIDP hosting • JSR 232 • Adopting libraries from future relevant JSRs • OMA • Liasoning relationship being established • Perfectly complementary in scope • Re-use of OMA standards • Working through members of both organizations to enhance existing OMA specifications to reflect MEG developments IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  27. OSGi intro • Technology • Applications • Going mobile • How to get in touch IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

  28. Invitation to the OSGi Alliance 2004 World Congress • OSGi Alliance 2004 World Congress • 11-15 October, Barcelona, Spain • “Going Mobile? Convergence and OSGi – End to End Architecture and Solutions” • Pre-conference workshops (Intro) • Post-conference workshops (Developer Bootcamp) • Three full days of Congress • Home, Mobile, Automotive, Service Providers • Early registration discounts at www.osgiworldcongress.com IMTC Forum – May 2004 – San Jose, California

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