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Social Survey Data in Taiwan: Accomplishment and Emerging Opportunities

Social Survey Data in Taiwan: Accomplishment and Emerging Opportunities. Ly-yun Chang Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica 2010/10/12. Examples: 人際 信任到制度信任. 張苙雲 當代台灣社會的信任與不信任。收錄於張苙雲、呂玉瑕、王甫昌主編 《 九零年代的台灣社會 》 。中央研究院社會學研究所籌備處專書第一號 ,1997 。 張苙雲 “制度信任及其行為意涵 ” 。 台灣社會學刊 , 23: 179-222 頁 ,2000 。

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Social Survey Data in Taiwan: Accomplishment and Emerging Opportunities

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  1. Social Survey Data in Taiwan:Accomplishment and Emerging Opportunities Ly-yun Chang Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica 2010/10/12

  2. Examples:人際信任到制度信任 張苙雲 當代台灣社會的信任與不信任。收錄於張苙雲、呂玉瑕、王甫昌主編《九零年代的台灣社會》。中央研究院社會學研究所籌備處專書第一號,1997 。 張苙雲 “制度信任及其行為意涵”。台灣社會學刊,23: 179-222頁,2000。 張苙雲、譚康榮。”制度信任的趨勢與結構: 「多重等級評量」的分析策略”,台灣社會學刊,33(2): 75~126, 2005。 Tony Tam and Ly-yun Chang. “Public Trust in a Government under Democratic Transition: Trends and Implications.” Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 1: 1-30, 2005.

  3. Estimated Trends of Public Trust in Non-elected Government Institutions, Annual Fit (Year-specific Estimates) and Quadratic Functional Form

  4. Estimated Trends of Public Trust in Professionals, Generalized Others, and Elected Government Institutions, Allowing for the Quadratic Functional Form

  5. Examples:Health Disparities in Taiwan: Do Resource-based Theories Explain Educational Gradients? Ly-yun Chang Academia Sinica Tony Tam Chinese University of Hong Kong July 13, 2010 XVII World Congress of Sociology

  6. Education Gaps across Age Women Men Figure 3. Age Profiles of Educational Gaps by Gender

  7. Cross-country Comparison:Fairness and Social Reciprocity among Chinese:Divergent Paths of Happiness in Taiwan and Hong Kong, 2000~2009 Ly-yun Chang Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica 2010/10/22

  8. HappinessTaiwan and Hong Kong, 2000-2009 Taiwan Hong Kong

  9. Happiness Disparities,Taiwan and Hong Kong, 2000-2009

  10. Examples • Multi-level analysis: • Chen, Duan Ruan, Ly-yun Chang and Meng-Li Yang. “Gender-Specific Responses to Social Determinants Associated with Self-Perceived Health in Taiwan: a Multilevel Approach.” Social Sciences and Medicine. 67(10):1630~1640. 2008. • Causal mechanism: • Chang, Ly-yun. “Parental Closure Effects on Learning: Coleman’s Theory of Social Capital on Learning Revisited” Pp. 277~298 in Ray-May Hsung, Nan Lin, and Ronald Breiger (eds.) Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Communities, Markets and Organization, pp.277~298,New York: Routledge. 2008.

  11. Research Possibilities • Social change: multi-wave cross-sectional • Cross-national comparison • Multi-level: individual and household • Growth curve: panel data • Multi-dimensional • Adults, adolescence, and children • ….

  12. Part I A quick review of major social surveys in Taiwan

  13. Survey Research Data Archivehttp://srda.sinica.edu.tw Raw data (SPSS,STATA,SAS), codebooks, statistical software programs, User’s Guide

  14. SRDA Data Collection 1 • Thematic categories • Social change, nutrition and health, education, elections and democratization, family, social problems, religion, etc • Labor force, family income, earnings and productivity • Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) (1984 -) • Taiwan Social Image Survey (TSIS) (1990 –) • Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) (1977 –) • Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NHST) (1993 -) • Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Contraception in Taiwan (KAPCT) ( 1965-1986)

  15. SRDA Data Collection 2a • Types of data • Census data • Cross sectional time series data • Panel data • One shot survey data Census • Population and Housing • Agriculture, Forestry and Husbandry • Industry, Commerce and Service

  16. SRDA Data Collection 2b Cross-sectional time series • Human Resource (Labor Force Survey) (1962~) • Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Contraception in Taiwan (KAPCT) ( 1965-1986) • Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (1977 –) • Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) (1984~) • Taiwan Social Image Survey (TSIS) (1990 –) • Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NHST) (1993~) Panels • Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) (1999 –) • Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) (2000-2007)

  17. SRDA Data Collection 3 • Unit of Records • Individual • Household • Organization, firm/ school, • Geographic locations: town or village Example • Family Incomes and Expenditures (1974~) • Social Development Trends (1998~ • The General Conditions of Social Welfare Organizations

  18. SRDA Data Collection 4 • Target population • General population • Women only • Senior citizens • Adolescence (students and the dropouts) • Aborigines • Employees Examples • Women’s Marriage, Fertility and Employment • Senior Citizen Condition • Taiwan Education Panel Survey

  19. SRDA Data Collection 5 • International Survey Data • World Value Surveys • International Social Survey Programme • East Asia Social Survey • Asia Barometers

  20. SRDA Data Collection 6 • Access • Public use for free • Restricted data • E.g., census data are exclusively accessible to A.S. Researchers • On-site use

  21. Membership & Management • Types of Membership • General members • Temporary members Types (number of datasets), total=1,623

  22. 由SRDA首頁進入Nesstar • http://srda.sinica.edu.tw

  23. SRDA: Nesstar首頁

  24. Part II Taiwan Education Panel Survey: The first large-scaled panel survey of high school students in Chinese societies

  25. Taiwan Education Panel Survey Sponsors: -Academia Sinica-National Science Council-Ministry of Education, National Academy for Educational Research Preparatory Office Principal Investigators: Ly-yun Chang& Tony Tam Institute of Sociology & Institute of American and European Studies, Academia Sinica

  26. Taiwan Education Panel Survey Total investment for 1999~2008: NT$96,000,000 ~= HK$24,000,000 # of downloads: 12,669 from over 831 researchers as was 2008/11 Three major disasters

  27. Key Feature 1 • Theory driven Central Themes: Learning, skill, behavioral, and psychological consequencesof schooling Institutions

  28. Questionnaire Framework Y = f (A, O, E) Learning Outcomes(Y) 1.Cognitive & non-cognitive 2.Behavioral 3.Mental health 4.Civic orientation 5.Value and attitude 1. Ability 2. Opportunity 3. Effort

  29. Key Feature 2 • Student-centered • Multi-dimensional • Multi-level: • Students • Class • School

  30. TEPS Respondents Parents:Both father and mother Students Schools: Principals and head of academic affairs Teachers:Master、Chinese、English & Math

  31. Key Feature 3 • Panel • Multi-Cohorts • Multi-Programs • Before and after major educational policy

  32. TEPS Schedule

  33. TEPS Schedule

  34. TEPS Schedule

  35. TEPS Schedule

  36. Key Feature 4 • Representative samples of the Students • Stratified sampling • Nested sampling • Large-Scaled

  37. Stratified Sampling 國中、普通、高職、綜合及五專等五種學程 本島及澎湖縣等23縣市

  38. Nested Sampling

  39. Sample Size 2001 2003 2005 2007 Schools 539 Classes 2,303 Students 39,337 Parents 38,592 Teachers 6,594 Schools: 535 Classes: 3,213 Students: 37,277 Parents: 36,756 Teachers: 6,590 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 20,073 Parents: 19,524 Teachers: 3,332 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 19,467 Parents: 19,075 Teachers: 3,438

  40. Sample Size 2003 2001 2005 2007 Schools: 535 Classes: 3,213 Students: 37,277 Parents: 36,756 Teachers: 6,590 Schools 539 Classes 2,303 Students 39,337 Parents 38,592 Teachers 6,594 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 20,073 Parents: 19,524 Teachers: 3,332 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 19,467 Parents: 19,075 Teachers: 3,438

  41. Sample Size 2005 2007 2001 2003 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 20,073 Parents: 19,524 Teachers: 3,332 Schools 539 Classes 2,303 Students 39,337 Parents 38,592 Teachers 6,594 Schools: 535 Classes: 3,213 Students: 37,277 Parents: 36,756 Teachers: 6,590 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 19,467 Parents: 19,075 Teachers: 3,438

  42. Sample Size 2007 2001 2003 2005 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 19,467 Parents: 19,075 Teachers: 3,438 Schools 539 Classes 2,303 Students 39,337 Parents 38,592 Teachers 6,594 Schools: 535 Classes: 3,213 Students: 37,277 Parents: 36,756 Teachers: 6,590 Schools: 260 Classes: 1,230 Students: 20,073 Parents: 19,524 Teachers: 3,332

  43. Key Feature 5: Public goods 1. Public – 59 Files 2. Restricted – 64 Files 3. On-Site – 272 Files http://www.teps.sinica.edu.tw/ http://srda.sinica.edu.tw/TEPS/index.aspx

  44. 分析工具 描述性統計 交叉分析 相關 迴歸 計算與重新編碼 長條圖和圓餅圖 加權 Nesstar: Interactive data exploration onlinePublish Data on the web • 查詢及瀏覽 • 簡單及進階查詢 • 瀏覽資料及相關文件

  45. Emerging opportunities for social science research Part III

  46. More Research Opportunities: Data Linking • Examples • Criminal data and birth certificates • Social development survey and administrative data of National Health Insurance Bureau • NHIB administrative data and mortality and birth certificates

  47. Disclosure Problems • It could be very possible to merge different databases to break anonymized data files • Removal of zip code • Institutional Review Boards (IRB)

  48. Thank you for your attention!

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