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Increasing the usablity of NCEP forecast models using prototype National Environmental Modeling System NEMS

2. Analysis--------------Ocean-------------Wind Waves--------------LSM----------------IC/ens gen.--------------Ecosystem--------------Nests --------------Cryosphere --------------Magnetosphere--------------Etc.. . Physics(1,2,3). ESMF Utilities(clock, error handling, etc). . . B

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Increasing the usablity of NCEP forecast models using prototype National Environmental Modeling System NEMS

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1 Increasing the usablity of NCEP forecast models using (prototype) National Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) Mark Iredell Global Interoperability Program Kickoff Meeting November 6, 2009

    2. 2 NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) (uses standard ESMF compliant software)

    3. 3 NEMS Atmosphere

    4. 4 Write history and Post processor

    5. 5 Run-time Registry Each component lists fields and their disposition (History, Restart, Import, Export, Ownership) in a run-time registry. NMMB-Dynamics Temperature H R I E O GFS-Phys Temperature H - I E O Precipitation H - - - - Names linked to internal state names in code, and can be aliased to CF names. Ownership can be shared during development and single during operations.

    6. 6 Ocean, waves and sea ice (possible scenario)

    7. 7 NEMS implementation of NAM in 2010 (~5th quarter)

    8. 8 Nested atmosphere

    9. 9 Ensemble atmosphere

    10. 10 segueing to FIM�

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