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Presentation given at SXSWedu on March 6, 2012. The podcast of the presentation can be found here: http://audio.sxsw.com/2012/podcasts/edu/06_Re_envisioning_Pedagogy.mp3
Re-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators as Curators Re-envisioningPedag gyEducators as curators Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D. Shannan Butler, Ph.D. St. Edward’s University @corinnew, @shannanbutler
cu • ra • torSomeone who plans and oversees thearrangement, cataloguing, andexhibition of collections. S/he describesand analyzes valuable objects for thebenefit of researchers and the public.
The list is the origin of culture. It’s part ofthe history of art and literature. What doesculture want? To make infinity comprehen-sible. And how, as a human being, doesone face infinity? How does one attemptto grasp the incomprehensible? Throughlists, through catalogs, through collectionsin museums & through encyclopedias &dictionaries. - Umberto Eco
FindSelect becoming anEditorializeArrangeCreateShareEngageTrack Educator-Curator Steps to
FINDFind relevant info/content: - Set up a personal learning network of colleagues, authors, experts, etc. - Aggregate what you discover
Aggregating potential course material with social bookmarks COMM 3309 tag: my social media class
SELECT Filter content Select content: - quality - relevance - originality
EDITORIALIZE Conte xtuali ze co n tent Introd uce/s umm arize Add y our p erspe ct ive
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ARRANGE Sort content Rank content Lay out content - Juxtaposition
Info Molecules“A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a way tobuild an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble
Info Molecules“A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a way tobuild an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble
CREATE 5 Decide on a format: Paper.li, Scoop.it Storify, Storiful, etc. Wiki, CMS, Slides
Pictures Tweet Create Course Stats Graphs Content Editor- Blog Editor-ializing Video Post ializing News Editor- UNAudio Story ializing Reports
Jan. 25th &the 21st century Internet issues Create it raises Course An action unprecedented in Internet history: Government switches off Internet, mobile & SMS February 2nd: Internet returns Content ?Why cut access to the Net Neutrality An ISP could start treating different content types, platforms & sites differently What IF we lost net neutrality?INTERNET Message control in this case: Kick out Al Jazeera Message controlled by the State Media: No protesters Slow Lane: For the Rest please wait ... Internet Tiered Matter of Message Control: Fast Lane: social media shifts message control to people For the Rich What IF Should the government be allowed to switch off the Internet in case of a cyber emergency? The INTERNET KILL SWITCH we lost net neutrality? • Some ISPs may not allow access to sites like Youtube (hence no video of the revolution) • Rich may have access to Video not available faster network that can handle video, poor may not be able to afford that Internet access A Basic Human Right? Mobile reporting: Important in getting story out
SHARESharing = socialSharing with your networkSharing as a lagniappe
"For it is in giving that we receive." -St. Francis of Assisi
ENGAGE Host the conversation: - Provide space - Participate - Invite others - Animate
Role of the curator-educator:Inviting others, animating discussions
Engaged students? Conversation carried on after classResponses to live-tweeting & current news slides discussed in class
TRACKTrack engagement - comments, shares - depth & quality of discussionAssessment used for improvement
Assessment used for improvementFeedback from former students (sometimes takes a while to appreciate)
CREDITSCorinne Weisgerber, Ph.D. Shannan Butler, Ph.D.Associate Prof. of Communication Associate Prof. of CommunicationSt. Edward’s University St. Edward’s University@corinnew @shannanbutler