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Church Membership. C&MA Church Constitution On Membership GHAChurch Policy On Membership. Intro:
Church Membership C&MA Church Constitution On Membership GHAChurch Policy On Membership
Intro: Pebyogibpawgntseegkwsnyobmuajnummuajtswv, muajnumtswvkevcai, muajkevcojnojcojuakwspebyuavtsum tau yoog. Dlua le, pebyogibhaivtuabneeg lug sissaunyobzwmruaibpaabibpawg, lug koomntseegibtxujkevntseeg, pebyuavtsumsisyoogkuaslawv le pebhaivtuabneeg, lawv le peblubkoomhum, hablawv le pebtxujkevntseeg.
Yog thaus tej kev cojnoj cojua sis cuamtshuam taag, ces peb yuav lug saib yaam twg yog yaam tseemceeb dlua ces peb yoog le qhov ntawd uantej. Kev ntseeg—Ntseeg Vaajtswv Dlaabqhuas Kev cai— Lub tebchaws yug nyob Yug le kevcai
TxheejtxheemTswvcuabhuvpawgntseegGrace Hmong Alliance Church KEV TXAIS TSWVCUAB Homphaj:Pawgntseeglubhomphajlawv le Mathais 28:18-19 yog: • Tawm moog kuasthoobqaabntujhabcojtuabneeg lug uaYexusthwjtim. • Yogleejtwgntseegmuabnwguakevcairausdlej. • CobqhakuasnwgpaubnoogVaajtwv lug hab moog cojlwm tug lug ntseeg.
KEV TXAIS TSWVCUAB Yog le ntawd, ibfeemdlejnumntawmcovtxwjlaugyognrhavkevpaab tug kwsyuav lug zwmruapawgntseegkuasnwg tau chaw cogcaagnwgtxhajyuavua tau lawv le Vaajtwvlubhomphaj.
Txhais Lug: • Tug tswvcuabyog tug “tswv” ntawmlubcuab. Nwgpaubtxugpawgntseegtejhomphaj. Nwgnreg tau pawgntseegtejdlejnumhabpaubtivthaivpawgntseegntawmtejyeebncuab. Nwg mob sab txhawbkuaspawgntseeglujhlub. Saab nyajtxaghabdlaagzug los nwgyeejkub sab quas lug. Tsitaag le ntawdnwgmuajcuabkaavqha tau rualwmtugkuaspaubtxugpawgntseeglubhomphaj. • Yog le ntawd, tug tswvcuabyog tug kwscovTxwjlaugleegpaubhabsaunwgnperuahuvpawgntseegphauntawvtswvcuab.
Church Constitution On Membership • Preamble: Vaajtswv Txujlug Phoo Tshab qha tas pawgntseeg huv zejzog yog qha txug Yexus lub cev rua suavdlawg pum. Vaajtswv cov tuabneeg yuavtsum ua lubneej hab tu Vaajtswv lug ntawm kev noog Vaajtswv Txujlug hab ca Yexus ua tug coj. (The New Testament teaches that the local church is the visible organized expression of the Body of Christ. The people of God are to live and serve in obedience to the Word of God and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ).
Art. III. 1. Membership Tug tsimnyoguatswvcuabyuavtsumntseeglawvlecovkaablugnraagnuav: (Qualifications for membership shall consist of): 1. NtseegYexushabualubneejqhatxuglubneejyugdluatshab(Confession of faith in Jesus Christ and evidence of regeneration).
2. Ntseeg Vaajtswv Leejtxiv, Leejtub, hab Vaaj Ntsujplig Tug Dlawbhuv; Vaajtswv Txujlug yog Vaajtswv tshoov kuas tuabneeg sau, ntseeg Yexus txuj kev tuag theejtxhoj, ntseeg txuj kev dlimtxim moog ibtxhis yog muaj pub rua txhua tug kws ntseeg hab kev teemtxim rua txhua tug kws tsi ntseeg Yexus (Belief in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; in the verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given; in the vicarious atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the eternal salvation of all who believe in Him and the eternal punishment of all who reject Him).
3. Txais yuav txuj kev ntseeg tas Yexus yog tug Tswv Cawmseej, Yog tug Ntxuav Kuas Dlawbhuv, Yog tug Khu Mob, hab tug Vaajntxwv kws Yuav Lug (Acceptance of the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King). 4. Muab sab npuab C&MA tej kev ntseeg hab tej homphaj dlejnum, hab koomteg ua dlejnum(Full sympathy with the principles and objectives of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and cooperation by systematic support of its work). 5. Lwmyaam kws teev rua huv pawgntseeg tej kevcai lijchoj ntxiv (Such other qualifications for membership as may be stated in the bylaws).
Art. III.2. KevRhuTswvcuab(Removal): • Sauntawvtawmtswvcuabruacovtxwjlaughuvpawgntseeg(Submission of written letter of resignation to the elders of the church). • Tsiualawv le covnqai Tug TsimnyogUaTswvcuabkws has lawd(Failure to meet the qualifications of membership as stated above). • Tug kwstsiyuavlawv le kaabkeqhuabntuagthausnwgraugqhuabntuag(Disciplinary action taken under the Uniform Policy for discipline. Restoration, and Appeal of The Christian and Missionary Alliance).
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP • Applicants shall fill out the C&MA membership application form and then meet with the senior pastor and the other elders to give their personal testimony of conversion and commitment to this church. The senior pastor and the other elders shall then act upon the applications. They shall also act upon requests for membership transfers from other Alliance churches.
Children may be accepted into membership of the church upon approval by the senior pastor and the other elders with the consent of their parents or guardian, provided they meet all qualifications stated herein.
All applicants will be provided with a copy of, and be required to read and consent to this Constitution, and these bylaws. Further, they must affirm their willingness to subscribe to the UNIFORM POLICY ON DISCIPLINE, RESTORATION, AND APPEAL, as found in the current edition of The Manual of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Such consent and affirmation exists when applicants place their signature on the application for membership
TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP • Active Membership. Active members shall consist of those members who adhere to the conditions stated in the Constitution and Bylaws, and are regularly attending this church.
Inactive Membership. • Those who have permanently moved from the community, but have not transferred their membership to another church shall be placed on the inactive membership list. A letter shall be sent informing them of this action.
Those, who for any cause, except physical disability or who are temporarily absent from the community, have absented themselves from the regular services of this church for one year or more, shall be placed on the inactive membership list. A letter shall be sent informing them of this action.
An inactive member may be placed on the active membership list again by request to and approval of the senior pastor and the other elders. • Inactive members shall not be eligible to vote on any question.
MEMBERSHIP LIST The membership list shall be examined each year by the senior pastor and the other elders one month prior to the annual congregational meeting so that the church will have an updated membership list. After efforts have been made to contact inactive members as to their relationship to the church, the senior pastor and the other elders shall have the power to remove inactive members from the rolls who have exceeded the one-year mark or to extend the inactive status for another year. A letter shall be sent to the member concerned informing him/her of this action.
TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP. Upon request, members in good standing may be granted a letter of transfer to other evangelical bodies upon approval of the senior pastor and the other elders.
TUG KWS TSIMNYOG UA TSWVCUAB: Alliance Manual A5-2 Art.III. • LeegtxaisyuavYexusKhetouanwg tug TswvCawmseejua tau povthawjtaslubneejhloovlawm. • LeegtxaistxujkevntseegtxugVaajPebleeg (the Trinity): VaajLeejtxiv, VaajLeejtub, VaajNtsujplig tug Dlawbhuv. • Uakevcairuasdlejkwsyograusplujplaguapovthawjqhanwgtxujkevntseeghabkevfijnwg tug kheejruaYexus.
Leeg txais txuj kev ntseeg kws has txug “Plaub Phaab Txuj Moo Zoo” (Accept the Four-Fold Gospel): Yexus yog tug Cawmseej, tug Ntxuav kuas dlawbhuv, tug Khu Mob, hab yog tug Vaaj Ntxwv kws yuav rov lug. • Txaus sab txhawb hab coj lawv le C&MA txuj kev ntseeg hab kev ua dlejnum.
(GHAC) Txaus sab koompawgntseegtejkevsisntsibhabtxhawbpawgntseegtejkevcailijchojhabkevtswjfwm. Yogleejtwgtsi tau paublossistsi tau cojlawv le covnqaisaunuavnwgyuav tau kawmkuaspaubhabcovtxwjlaugntsuag tau tastsimnyogtsuavmaamtxais tug ntawduatswvcuabruapawgntseeg.
KevNpaajUaTswvcuab • Kawmtxugkevntseeghabkevdlimtxim (doctrine & salvation). • Kawmtxug C&MA, HauvpaugKoomhumMoob (HKM) hab Grace Hmong Alliance Church (GHAC) le keebkwmhabhomphajua num.
Koom nrug tej paab small group kuas muaj kev sis paub hab sis raug zoo. • Koom teg nrug tug mentor kws cov txwjlaug taw lug paab nwg. • Koom nrug pawgntseeg kev pehawm Vaajtswv hab kev paab dlejnum lwm yaam.
TxheejtxheemTxaisTswvcuab • Thausib tug twgtsonpeuatswvcuab, covtxwjlaugyuav tau tebntawvruanwghab teem sijhawmntsib (interview) nwgthawjzag lug sojntsuamnwgkevntseeg. • Thausnrugnwgthaamtaaglawd, covtxwjlaugyuavrov lug txavtxim sab saibpuas tau tsimnyogtxaisnwgua “tswvcuab.”
Yogpumtasnwgtuncuatejyaamtseemceeb, puabyuavtsi tau txaisnwguatswvcuab. Covtxwjlaugyuav tau npaaj: • Ibtug tswvcuabua tug paab (mentor) nwg. • Npaajkevkawmntxivruanwglawv le nqai II (Tug KwsYuav Tau Kawm) huvqaabnuavuantejtsuav.
Tom qaab nwg kawm tav lawd cov txwjlaug maam teem ntsib nwg (interview) zag ob hab ntsuag nwg kev ntseeg hab kev sis koom nrug pawgntseeg. • Yog txais nwg ua tswv cuab, nwg yuav tau suamnpe rua dlaim ntawv leeglug ua tswvcuab (Official Membership Consent Form). • Thaus txais nwg ua tswvcuab lawd maam coj nwg/tsevneeg lug qha rua pawgntseeg.
Tug KwsYuav Tau Kawm • Tug kws lug lwmpawgntseeg C&MA lughabnwgua tau povthawjtxugnwgkevdlimtximlawm, habtsitaag le ntawdnwgyeejua tau povthawjtasnwgpaub C&MA hab HKM le keebkwmhabhomphajdlejnum. Kevkawm: Nwgyuav tau kawmob (2) zagtxug Grace Hmong Alliance Church le keebkwmhabhomphajdlejnum.
Kev Koom: • Koom ib paab small group • Koom teg nrug tug mentor • Koom pawgntseeg kev pehawm hab kev sis paab dlejnum Sijhawm: Thaus kawm taag lawm hab txwm peb (3) lub hlis, cov txwlaug maam teem nrug nwg thaam zag ob txug kev ua tswvcuab.
Tug kws lug lwmpaabntseeg (denomination) lughabnwgua tau povthawjqhatxugnwgkevdlimtximlawm. Kevkawm: Nwgyuav tau kawmob (2) zagtxug C&MA keebkwm, ob (2) zag HKM le keebkwmhabhomphajuadlejnumhabob (2) zagtxug GHAC le homphajhabdlejnum.
Kev Koom: • Koom ib paab small group • Koom teg nrug tug mentor • Koom pawgntseeg kev pehawm hab kev sis paab dlejnum Sijhawm: Thaus kawm taag lawd, hab txwm peb (3) lub hlis, cov txwjlaug maam teem sis thaam zag ob ua tswvcuab.
Tug kws lug ntseeg tshab. Nwg yuav tau kawm taag nrho cov kev ntseeg hab keebkwm huvsi. • Tug kws tsi tau paub. Txawm yog nwg lug lwm pawgntseeg C&MA lug lossis nwg lug lwm paab ntseeg (denomination) lug los tuabyaam, yog nwg tsi paub txug C&MA hab HKM le keebkwm hab kev ntseeg ces nwg yuav tau kawm txhua yaam.
KevKawm: 12 zaghuvchaavkawmuatswvcuab • Kawm 14 zaajhuvphauLubNeejNpluamag. • 7 zaajyog tug mentor maamcojnwgkawmuake. • 7 zaajyogkawmuakehuvchaavkawm. • Kawm 2 zag C&MA keebkwmhabkevntseeg. • Kawm 1 zag HKM keebkwmhabkevuadlejnum. • Kawm 1 zag GHAC keebkwmhabkevuadlejnum. • Kawm 1 zagtxug HKM & GHAC policy.
Kev Koom: • Koom ib paab small group • Koom teg nrug tug mentor • Koom pawgntseeg kev pehawm hab kev sis paab dlejnum Sijhawm: Thaus kawm taag lawm, hab txwm peb (3) lub hlis, cov txwjlaug maam teem sis thaam zag ob ua tswvcuab. Note:Txhua zag kws kawm txug pawgntseeg (GHAC) le keebkwm hab kev ua dlejnum, tug qha yuav muab phoo kevcai lijchoj rua nwg.
CovkwsMuaj 18 XyooRovSauhabCovNyaabTshabVauvTshab Homphaj: • Paabcovmivnyuas, covnyaab, habcovvauvtshabkwsmuajnoobnyooglawmkuaspuabtxujkevntseeglujhlub, habuatswvcuabntxivruapawgntseeg. • Paabcovnamtxivkuasmuajkevruaj sab ruacovmivnyuastxujkevntseeg. • XwbfwbhabcovTxwjlaugyuavqhacovhluaskuaspaubnpaajtxhijuantejntsigtxugkevuatswvcuabntawmpuab tug kheej.
Yog le ntawd, txhua tug kwsmuaj 18 Xyoorovsauyuavtsum (is required) tsonpeuatswvcuabruapawgntseegntawmnwg tug kheej. • CovTxwjlaugyuav tau nrugnwgthaamthausnwgmuaj 18 xyootxugnwgkevuatswvcuabhabmuab ID ruanwg.
Yogtasnwgtxavtxim sab tsiuatswvcuab, covTxwjlaugmaamrhunpetawm. • Covkws cognitively incapable (txavtxim sab tsi tau ntawmnwg tug kheejlossistsipaubtaab) nwgnpenyobnrugnamtxivlossistsevneeg. • Yogtasmuajtej tug quaslaugkwsyeejyogtswvcuabtabsiscaletsimeejpemlawm (txavtxim sab tsi tau lawm) covTxwjlaugmaamnrugcov tub nyaabthaam.
Txhua tug nyaabtshabkws lug yuavtsumtsonpeuatswvcuab, covTxwjlaugmaamnrugnwgthaamtxugnwgkevuatswvcuab. • Tug nyaabtsi tau ntseegyuav tau qhahab, yognwgtxaus sab, cojnwgtxaisyauvYexushabkawmchaavuatswvcuabtaagmaamtxaisuatswvcuab.
Tug nyaab ntseeg kws lug lwm pawgntseeg lug, cov Txwjlaug yuav tau nrug nwg thaam txug kev ntseeg hab kev ua tswvcuab uantej txais nwg ua tswvcuab. • Cov nyaab kws tseem tsi tau muaj npe rua huv pawgntseeg le, yog nwg txaus sab ua tswvcuab nwg yuavtsum tso npe hab kawm chaav ua tswvcuab uantej txais ua tswvcuab.
Cov nyaab kws tsi tau muaj legal age, pawgntseeg yuav txais tsi tau ua tswvcuab. • Pawgntseeg tsuas leegpaub hab txais yuav cov txwjnkawm kws yog quaspuj quasyawg sisyuav ua tswvcuab xwb. (Eligibility for membership will only be honored by GHAC with unions that are biblically recognized).
Yog tug nyaab lossis tug vauv tsi kaam ua tswvcuab tabsis tug txwjnkawm ho yog tswvcuab hab ob tug muaj mivnyuas, ob tug yuav tau cais meej saib cov mivnyuas yuav nrug leejtwg.
Covvauvkws lug tshab los sivtuabyaam le covnyaabsaunqai “B” nuav. • Namtxivyuavtsumntxivtxhua tug mivnyuasyugtshabnperuahuvpawgntseegtsi pub dlhau 30 nub (grace period 30 nub), hablwm tug mivnyuaskwsnamtxivcoj lug nrugnyob.
Xaus Lug: Tej kevcai kws peb npaaj nuav yog xaav paab kuas peb suavdlawg ua tau Vaajtswv ibtug mivnyuas tag tsi yog ua tswvcuab rua pawgntseeg xwb. Peb tsi xaav kuas ibtug twg tau ua tswvcuab rua pawgntseeg xwb, tabsis yog lug ua Vaajtswv ibtug mivnyuas kws hlub Vaajtswv ntaag. Hab peb xaav kuas peb ua ib pawgntseeg noog numtswv lug.
Tub yog vim le nuav, tug kws paub tsi tau txaus, peb txha xaav paab kuas nwg paub ntxiv. Tug kws muaj noobnyoog txavtxim sab tau ntawm nwg tugkheej lawd, peb txha xaav nrug nwg thaam hab txhawb kuas nwg paub ua Vaajtswv dlejnum ntawm nwg tugkheej.
Hab peb txhaj ua kuas tsi xob txhum numtswv hab xob txhum Vaajtswv. Ca peb lug sistxhim khu kuas peb ua tau Vaajtswv ib pawgntseeg qha tau Vaajtswv rua huv lub zejzog nuav. Thov Vaajtswv foom koobmoov kuas peb yuav sis paab tau ntxiv moog. By: Nkangle Vang, April 21, 2013
Not Only Be a Church Member, But Be His Loving Child!