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Cultivation Theory

Cultivation theory suggests that television shapes viewers' perceptions of reality. This study examines the desensitization effect of fictional violence on individuals. The secondary research and survey results indicate a correlation between exposure to violence on television and increased aggression in real life.

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Cultivation Theory

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  1. Cultivation Theory By: Brittany Audino And Daniel Walterscheid

  2. What is it? • George Gerbner’s definition:Cultivation theory says that people gradually come to accept the view of the world as portrayed on television as a true representation of reality – and adapt their hopes, fears, and understandings accordingly. • Definition in our own words:Cultivation theory suggests that television is responsible for shaping, or cultivating viewer’s perceptions of reality.

  3. Our Question • Does fictional violence desensitize people to actual violence?

  4. Class Participation • Game of Thrones • The Walking Dead • True Blood • Sons of Anarchy • Boardwalk Empire (Rated by the site, What’s Culture) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU0EJS3cJIc&feature=em-share_video_user

  5. Survey Results

  6. Secondary Research • Dr. Jordan Grafman of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke research • Article published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology • Research done by two psychologists from Iowa State University

  7. Our final Conclusion • As much as we don’t want to believe it, we have come to the conclusion that we are in fact desensitized to actual violence after being exposed to fictional violence based on all of the secondary research. • Secondary Research: • More participants • More scientific data • Conducted by Professionals

  8. Unexpected Discovery • Our study did reveal that watching violence can cause you to be more aggressive in real life. • Free-response from violent viewers: • “That made me want to kill the mother f***er” • “He should be badly punished” • “I want to hit the guy” • Non-violent viewers simply said things like this made me sad, scared, uncomfortable, heartbreaking etc.

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