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Marshall Public SchoolS 2010-2011 MCA II Results. 2010-2011 Demographics. AYP Information 2011. Screen shot of your district’s accountability report. Identify areas of concern by circling any ‘B’ in the box and SH (safe harbor). Screen shot of your school’s accountability report.
AYP Information 2011
Screen shot of your district’s accountability report. Identify areas of concern by circling any ‘B’ in the box and SH (safe harbor).
Screen shot of your school’s accountability report. Identify areas of concern with circling any ‘B’ in the box and SH (safe harbor).
Screen shot of your school’s accountability report. Identify areas of concern with circling any ‘B’ in the box and SH (safe harbor).
Screen shot of your school’s accountability report. Identify areas of concern with circling any ‘B’ in the box and SH (safe harbor).
Screen shot of your school’s accountability report. Identify areas of concern with circling any ‘B’ in the box and SH (safe harbor).
Achievement Levels for Proficiency Does Not Meet = 0 points Partially Meets = .5 point Meets = 1 point Exceeds = 1 point Example: Total Students = 30 Points Earned 3 “Did not Meet” = 0 10 “Partially Met” = 5 13 “Met” = 13 4 “Exceeded” = + 4 Total Index Points = 22 Total Points ÷ Total Students = Index Rate 22 ÷ 30 = .73 Index Rate
MCA 2011 ReadingAchievement Levels by Percent Green = Strength (+2) White = Average Red = Concern (-2)
MPS MCAII Reading Results
3RD GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
4TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
4TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Special Education
4TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Free & Reduced
5TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
5TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Special Education
5TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2007-2011) Free & Reduced
6TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
6TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Special Education
6TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2007-2011) Free & Reduced
7TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
7TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2006-2011) Special Education
7TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2007-2011) Free & Reduced
8TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
8TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Special Education
8TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2007-2011) Free & Reduced
10TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Sub-strands
10TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Special Education
10TH GRADE READING Trend Data (2008-2011) Free & Reduced
2011 MCA III MathAchievement Levels Green = Strength White = Average Red = Concern
MPS MCAII (Grade 11) & MCAIII (Grades 3-8) Math Results
3RD GRADE MATH MCA III - Sub-strands MPS compared to State
3RD GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Special Education
3RD GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Free & Reduced
4TH GRADE MATH MCA III - Sub-strands MPS compared to State
4TH GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Special Education
4TH GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Free & Reduced
5TH GRADE MATH MCA III - Sub-strands MPS compared to State
5TH GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Special Education
5TH GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Free & Reduced
6TH GRADE MATH MCA III - Sub-strands MPS compared to State
6TH GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Special Education
6TH GRADE MATH MPS compared to State Free & Reduced
7TH GRADE MATH MCA III - Sub-strands MPS compared to State