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War Drags On

War Drags On. What is the price for freedom?. Allies.

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War Drags On

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  1. War Drags On What is the price for freedom?

  2. Allies • The battle of Saratoga made France realize the USA could defeat the Brits, Ben Franklin had been in Paris for a year trying to gain support, France had given money secretly , but the announcement of the victory shifted their support to the open • Feb. 1778- France signed a trade agreement and alliance, france declared war on Britain, sent money, equipment and troops and trained officers • Spain- joined the Americans because they hated Britain, did not recognize independence til after the Revolution, declared war on Britiain in 1779, Gov. of LA, Galvez drove British troops from Baton Rouge and Natchez, captured Mobile and Pensacola, diverted Brit troops

  3. Valley Forge • French support did not reach America til Spring of 1778 • Gen. Howe in Philly, Washington set up Camp at Valley Forge, 20 miles away • Terrible winter of suffering, lack of decent food, clothing and shelter, tried to keep army together, lacked blankets, shoes, shirts, cowhide moccasins common, feet bleeding on frozen ground, many deserted, officers resigned • Determined Cont. Army survived, built huts, gathered supplies, volunteers including Martha Washington, made clothes and cared for the sick • New soldiers came in Spring, French nobleman the Marquis de Lafayette had spent winter with troops, Two Poles joined as well Kosciusko, engineer and Pulaski a cavalry officer, Frederick Von Steuben from Germany drilled the men to become better soldiers, Juan de Miralles from Spain helped gather support in Caribbean

  4. At Home • Continental Cong. Had no pwr to tax, received money from states and foreign Govt’s , more needed, printed 100 of millions of dollars in paper money, caused inflation, people stopped using money • Women question place in society, Judith Sargeant Murray in speaking of education said women’s minds as good as men’s, Abigail Adams wrote her husband John Adams to not forget the ladies in this new country • Loyalists- 1,000’s fought for the British, or became spies, many fled the colonies to Eng. Or FL or over the Appalachians or to Canada, stayed shunned, victims of violence, arrested, tried as traitors, executed a few • Equality- slavery ?ed even though slaves and freemen fighting for Independence

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