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ASEAN & Global Architecture: Towards an Integrated Community

This article provides an overview of ASEAN and its role in the global architecture, including its achievements, challenges, and future plans towards building an integrated community. It covers various aspects such as the ASEAN People's Forum, education, employment, and the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration.

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ASEAN & Global Architecture: Towards an Integrated Community

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  1. YRDP Youth Alumni 30 April 2012 Developed and shared by Kem Ley, Research Consultant 012 78 70 84 Kem_ley@yahoo.com

  2. OUTLINES ASEAN & Global Architecture ASEAN Overview ASEAN in Figures ASEAN People Forum ASEAN & Youth ASEAN & Education ASEAN & Employment ASEAN & Human Rights Declaration Toward ASEAN Community References

  3. ASEAN & Global Architecture

  4. Population by continents

  5. Population by Countries

  6. Source: ASEAN Community in figures 2010

  7. Mikhail Gorbachev Two Strategies 1. Freedom of speech: Policy of Glasnost 2. Economic Reform: Perstroika • Reasons: • Wasteful use of natural Resources 1970 • Joseph Stalin’s Leadership • Cold War-Industrial Development-US/EU Moscow into bankruptcy Boris Yeltsin 15 Separate Countries

  8. Weaken Arab League • Israel & Palestine Conflict • Three Gulf Wars • Political Issues • 1959 First Petroleum Congress • 1964 Established Arab League (Educational, Cultural and Scientific organization) 1942 UK promote Arab League to win WAR against Germany Arab League condemned 1944 agreed maong Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, North Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan & Palestine Voted to remove US-UK troop from Iraq 21-1 Kuwait Peace Summit in Riyadh • 1958 , added Morocco a& Tunisia Arab condoned the crackdown of protectors in Libya and Series • 1961-1977 , Kuwait, Algeria • South Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, Somalia, Palestine and Djibouti • Official agreement on Economic, Cultural and Social Program

  9. 1992 Free movement of goods, capital, services and people the removal of trade barriers in the form of import restrictions. harmonizing legislation and by introducing common European standards. • 2002 • 12 members -17 members • European Central Bank-Germany • Interest Rate • Budget Deficit • Sovereign Debt • Currency Stability Before member EU Standard of Democracy, Justice and Human Rights Well functioning market economy Implement existing EU Legislations Permanent Precedent of EU Representation EU Promotion EU Law Enforcement EU Foreign Policy Founders 1. France 2. West Germany 3. Italy 4. Belgium 5. Netherlands 6. Luxembourg High Authority 1. Lasting Peach after WWII 2. Mutually interdependent 3. Trade 4. EU Military Alliance-NATO (ASEAN is not)

  10. Executive Council • Permanent representative council • Economic, social and cultural council • Civil Society Consultation bodies

  11. ASEAN Overview

  12. 18th ASEAN SUMMIT 2011 JARKATA ASEAN Community 2020 -9th ASEAN Summit in 2003 ASEAN Community 2015-12th ASEAN Submit in 2007-Affirmed or CEBU Declaration Regional Cooperation Economic Social Cultural Technical Educational Other fields Regional Peace, Stability through justice and rule Of Law Adherences to principles of UN Charter Fundamental Principles-TAC (Treaty of Amity and Cooperation 1976 Mutual Respects Free from external interference Settlement of Differences or disputes by peaceful manners Renunciation of threat or use of force-Border Conflict Effective cooperation among themselves

  13. ASEAN 1967 BBK Declaration 1976 Concord Declaration 1976 Treaty of Amity

  14. ASEAN Community 2009-2015 ASEAN CHARTER Agreed by 10 ASEAN members states

  15. 14th Summit : HuaHin Declaration on the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community

  16. Foreign Ministerial Meetings • Development Planning • Standing Committee • Nuclear Free Zoon Commission • Defense Ministers Meeting • Law Ministers meeting • Ministerial meeting on transnational Crime • Tran national Crime • Drug Matters • Immigration department • Consular Affairs • ASEAN Regional Forum • Economic Ministers Meeting-High Level Task Force on ASEAN Economic Integration • ASEAN Free Trade Area-AFTA Council • ASEAN Investment Area Council-AIA • ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting • Central Bank • Customs • ASEAN Ministers Meetings • On Agriculture & Forestry • Energy • Minerals • Technology • Transport • Tourism • Mekong Basin Devel. • Committee on Science and Technology • Telecommunication and Information • Telecommunication Gegulators Councils • Ministerial Meetings • Information • Culture & Art • Education • Disaster Mgt • Environment • Health • Labor (Declaration on Promotion & Protection of all migrant workers/Families • Rural Dev. & Poverty Reduction • Social Welfare • Youth • Civil Service Matters • ASEAN University Network • Centers • Biodiversity Centre • Disaster Management Centre • Earth Quake Information Centre • Specialized Metrological Centre


  18. ASEAN in Figures

  19. Population : 578,498,000 • Population Density : 134.9 • Land Area (sqkm) : 4,345,670 • Live Expectancy (year) : 61.0-80.7 • Sex Ratio-M/F : 99.5 • GDP per Capita : 3092.5 US$ • GDP Growth at constant Price : 7.4% • Unemployment Rate : 1.0-7.9% • Infant Mortality Rate : 2.1-71.0% • Access to safe drinking water : 60-100% • Access to improved sanitation : 28-100% • NER-Secondary School : 34.1-89.1% • Adult Literacy Rate : 77.6-95.0% • Youth aged 15-29 : 159,613,000 or 28% • Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011

  20. GDP at current market Prices (US$ mn) Source: ASEAN Community in figures 2010

  21. Its the rights every mother and newborn child to survive pregnancy and childbirth and have a safe pregnancy, (Child Conventions, 1989, CEDAW, 1979, Int. Covenants of economic, social and cultural rights 1967) • MMR reflects a woman’s basic health status, her access to health care and quality of health care. • Worldwide, close to 600,000 women are estimated to die each year from complications, most of which can be prevented.

  22. Source: World Fact Book, CIA, 2011

  23. ASEAN People Forum

  24. Article 1 of ASEAN Charter: 13: To promote a people oriented ASEAN in which all sectors of society are encouraged to participate in, and benefit from, the process of ASEAN integration and community building History of CSO-AFP 2005-Malaysia 2006-Phillipines Laos, Thai, Myanmar, Cambodia & Vietnam sent Government-backed CSO representatives but Indonesia and Philippines are not

  25. Continues engagement of Civil Society Organization is two ways of communication and meaningful involvement but one off or sporadic invitation is one way communication and lost following up of proposed Issues. Empowerment of Vulnerable Group Representatives and space creation for them Common Platform with common goal Collective Advocacy Efforts Civil Society Leadership & Capacity in Policy Decision Making Process Engagement Emphasize on the functions rather than forms of engagement Continue (rather than one off ) engagement –Every stages instead of sporadic invitation Creative use of new technology of Advocacy Meaningful & Successful Engagement of CSOs

  26. Partnership Level of Participation Dialogue Broad Collaborative Mechanisms Consultation Information Low Influence High

  27. Process of the Political Decision Making Process

  28. CSO Statement –ASEAN 2012

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