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World Peace Blessing through Ideal Families: The Meaning and Essence Explained

This comprehensive text delves into the significance of the World Peace Blessing through creating Ideal Families. It discusses concepts such as The Three Great Blessings, The Pair System, The Four Position Foundation, The Four Great Realms of Heart, The Five Life Roles, and The Definition of the Family. Exploring the content of the Fall and Salvation, it offers insights into the human journey towards spiritual maturity and restoration from the Fall. Discover the family-centric message of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

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World Peace Blessing through Ideal Families: The Meaning and Essence Explained

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  1. The World Peace Blessing Holy Wedding Marriage Rededication World Peace through Ideal Families

  2. 1. The Meaning of the Blessing

  3. 1) The Three Great Blessings “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” Genesis 1: 28

  4. Be fruitful To grow to maturity as an individual Multiply Marry, have children and raise a loving family Take dominion over the creation Exercise a loving stewardship over the material world

  5. (a) The Pair System and Give and Take Action Mind Husband Elder Parent Teacher Leader giving receiving Body Wife Younger Child Student Follower Subject Object receiving giving Forces for existence, development and reproduction. Nothing exists independently. Everything is created to exist through reciprocal relationships as part of a pair system. The subject and object each exist for the sake of the other.

  6. (b) The Four Position Foundation God Origin Division Union Subject Object Union

  7. (c) The Three Great Blessings i. Be Fruitful God Subject Mind Body Subject Object True Self Object - Partner of love for God God dwells in the individual whose mind and body unite in a life of love for God and others.

  8. ii. Multiply God Subject Husband Wife Subject Object Children Object - God dwells in the family where husband and wife live for God, each other and their children and where the family lives for the society, nation and world. Family Society Nation World

  9. iii. Take Dominion over the Creation God Human Beings Environ-ment Subject Object Ideal World Object - partner for God to love

  10. 2) The Four Great Realms of Heart (a) Heart The emotional impulse to strive for joy by finding and loving an object = = The essence of God‘s nature Subject Object Joy Love must have an object partner – we are God‘s partners To love is to live for the sake of others, sacrifice and take responsibility for love.

  11. (b) The Four Great Realms of Heart God Parentrealm of heart Conjungal realm of heart Wife Husband Sister Daughter Brother and Sister realm of heart Brother Son Children Children’s realm of heart

  12. 3) The Five Life Roles 5. True Owner 4. True Teacher 3. True Parent 2. True Husband and Wife 1. True Man and Woman

  13. A Family-Centred Message The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification 1…… 2…… 3……

  14. 4) The Definition of the Family i. The Family should be thought of as having at least three generations Grand Parents 1. 2. 3. Parents Mother Father Children

  15. Current society tends to ignore the elderly

  16. ii. The Family is the starting point of Love, Life and Lineage God True Love Wife Husband True Life Children True Lineage

  17. iii. The Family is the basic unit of the Heavenly Kingdom The Family is the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Building the Kingdom of Heaven in this physical world through true families.

  18. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16: 18-20

  19. 2. What went wrong?

  20. The Reality of our World Conflict Race, religion, nationality, resources Starvation Disease Ignorance

  21. Births Outside Marriage Sweden – 50% France – 35% U.S. – 30%

  22. Ideal and Fall God Man Perfect Person

  23. Ideal and Fall God God Man Man Fallen Person Perfect Person

  24. Ideal and Fall God God God Man Man Man Satan Fallen Person Perfect Person

  25. The Human Fallloss of Love, Life and Lineage God God Satan God Satan Satan Mind Body Husband Wife Person Creation Person Children World Responsible mastery and dominion of the natural world Love in the Family extended to the world Spiritually mature,a person of true love “I set before you this day a blessing and a curse”(Deut 11:26)

  26. Expulsion from paradise MasaccioFresco 1427 Florenz - Santa Maria del Carmine

  27. The Content of the Fall Illicit love starting from the false parents, Adam and Eve God False Father False Mother Adam Eve Illicit Love False Family

  28. “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” • John 8: 44

  29. The Fall is the cause of Human Misery Fallen human beings have: A contradictory nature A tendency to indulge their physical desires A selfish desire to misuse nature and material things Ignorance of God and spiritual existence

  30. Salvation God I am the way , and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me John 14:6 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men; the man Jesus Christ 1 Timothy 2:6 Christ The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil I John 3:8 Satan Man

  31. Jesus sets the pattern of the First Blessing – being like God “You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” Matt 5:48 “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”John 14:12

  32. Jesus, as a ‘Second Adam’ God God God Mind Body Husband Wife Person Creation Person Children World Spiritually perfect,a person of true love in whom God dwells Inheriting the true love of God and extending it to the world - a pure lineage A world where human beings and nature are in harmony • Jesus provided the model of the ideal individual • but was prevented from fulfilling 2nd & 3rd Blessings

  33. We must fulfil our responsibility Towards God follow God’s word = fulfil the 3 Great Blessings Towards our spouseabsolute love and purity Towards our children spiritual and physical care, education and sacrificial love

  34. 3. The Blessing and the True Family Movement

  35. 1) Rev. Moon and the Blessing Providence • Adam, Jesus, Christ when He returns: all three come to fulfil the Three Blessings • God’s unchanging Will, based on a True Family • Rev. Moon’s mission and meeting Jesus Christ • Receiving the Blessing from God • Sharing the Blessing with all Humanity

  36. Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. HakJa Han Moon

  37. 2) Origins of the World Peace Blessing The World Peace Blessing movement started amongst Rev and Mrs. Moon’s own religious followers 1960 – 36 Couples Blessing

  38. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Expanded to become Inter-Religious through FFWPU 1992 - 30,000 Couples in Seoul Olympic Stadium

  39. The Universal Peace Federation Reached opinion leaders and appointedAmbassadors for Peace2001 – 210 Couples, United Nations, New York

  40. The conditions to receive the Blessing Determination to respect one’s spouse and keep one’s love pure Determination of husband and wife to be faithful to each other A heart to become a true parent A heart of living for the sake of others

  41. 4. The Blessing Ceremony

  42. The Components of the Blessing Holy Wine (Nectar) Ceremony(Symbolizing a change of lineage)

  43. The Components of the Blessing Indemnity Ceremony(Symbolically healing past resentmentsbetween men and women)

  44. The Components of the Blessing Blessing Ceremony(A solemn yet joyous wedding)

  45. The Blessing Ceremony Sprinkling with Holy Water Recitation of Wedding Vows Exchange of Rings Blessing Prayer

  46. The World Peace Blessing Vows To resemble the nature and loveof God in marriage~To be faithful to each other~To raise children to maintain purity before marriage~To help other families do the same, beyond racial, national and religious boundaries

  47. The Components of the Blessing Separation Period(Spiritual renewal and purification) • 40 Days Separation • A time of sacrifice (making holy) and purificationAs in the great religious traditions of fasting, Lent, Ramadan or Passover (Pesach) • By ‘giving up’ their sexual relationship for forty days, the will to have the physical serve the spiritual is demonstrated • The couple can prepare to enjoy intimacy as husband and wife on a more profound and higher level

  48. The Components of the Blessing Three-Day Ceremony(The rebirth of the couple’s relationshipin holiness – spiritually and physically) • At the end of the 40 Days Separation • A time to experience spiritual and physical joy together – love reborn and purified • Symbolically ‘restoring’ the way in which love itself was tainted and become self-centred • You are invited to attend a time of special education to explain this area more fully

  49. The Components of the Blessing (recap) Holy Wine (nectar) Ceremony(Symbolizing a change of lineage) Indemnity Ceremony(Symbolically healing past resentmentsbetween men and women) Blessing Ceremony(A solemn yet joyous wedding) Separation Period(Spiritual renewal and purification) Three-Day Ceremony(The rebirth of the couple’s relationshipin holiness – spiritually and physically)

  50. Blessed Family Tradition Faith in the home Blessed Family Associations Marriage preparation Workshops for children Support for couples and family life Contribute to public life, beyond the family

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