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This study assesses the socioeconomic conditions of households in the Kabul and Amu Darya River basins using specific indicators. Data was collected through interviews and questionnaires, revealing insights into housing conditions, income sources, water usage, and more. The findings highlight the social and economic disparities among different areas within the river basins. The demographic characteristics, household listings, and population distribution in Pul-i-Khumri provide additional context for understanding the region's socioeconomic landscape.
Socioeconomic Assessment of Kabul and Amu Darya River Basins Selected Sites Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Assistant Prof. Wafaurahman Wafa
Abstract • Socio economic assessment is one important part of Environmental Impact Assessment that assess throughout some specific social and economic indicators. The aim of study was to assessment Socioeconomic conditions of in the Kabul and Amu Darya River basins, For assessing the socio-economic indicators of selected sites, the questionnaire used which had developed by AUCA. The study team visited the field and interweaved with households, the targeted household had selected randomly.Consequently the people of Pul-i- Khumri is in better social and economical conditions due to its geopolitical location and land available for agriculture.
Introduction • Socio-economic assessment is an instrument used to forecast the upcoming properties of procedure conclusions upon individuals and can be used to support people in dealing with change (Independent Advisory Committee on Socio-economic Analysis, 1998). According to (Corps, 2014) The assessment pecifically deliberates how these activities will affect the social and economic arrangements of a River Basin. Socio-economic indicators are one of the most important parameters used to assess the overall impact of the watershed program(Pathak et al., 2013).
Research Objectives & Research Question • Research Objectives • Socioeconomic assessment of in the Kabul and Amu Darya River basins. • Research Question • What is the socioeconomic condition of the Kabul and Amu Darya River basing's households?
Methodology • For social economic assessment, water consumption, quality, availability, potential, water resource pollution and contamination and censes population data were collected within the study area. For assessing the socio-economic indicators of selected sites, the questionnaire used which had developed by AUCA. The study team visited the field and interweaved with households, the targeted household had selected randomly. The number of interweaved household was 11 in each selected site. • Some typical question asked from respondents to assess the socioeconomic conditions of household. For example, here is some question asked to assess the housing condition. respondent, were asked about their housing conditions that their house material for the wall are the bricks or mud? as well as which kind of material used for the roof of the house? which type of car they have? Are they have enough food during the year and for how many months? , what is the income sources of the household? Is the income sufficient for the household? On the other hand, are they have remittance from outside?, Which kind of source of water they are using for irrigation and drinking purposes? these were the question which used during the interviews with the respondent, Which indicate the socioeconomic of the households.
Findings • Socioeconomic Assessment of Kabul and Amu Darya river basins selected sites Socio-economic assessment is an instrument used to forecast the upcoming properties of procedure conclusions upon individuals and can be used to support people in with change (Independent Advisory Committee on Socio-economic Adealingnalysis, 1998). According to (Corps, 2014) The assessment specifically deliberates how these activities will affect the social and economic arrangements of a River Basin. Socioeconomic indicators are one of the most important parameters used to assess the overall impact of watershed program(Pathak et al., 2013).
According to CSO (2003) the demographic characteristics of population the population age distribution and pyramid is below: Punisher Population Pyramid
Pul-I-Khumri Demography • The province divided into 15 Districts. The provincial capital is Pul-I-Khumri that has a population of about 79,883 inhabitants. Around 80% of the population of Baghlan lives in rural districts while 20% lives in urban areas. Around 51% of the population is male and 49% is female. The major ethnic groups living in Baglan province are Pashtoons and Tajiks followed by Hazaras and Uzbeks. This includes major tribes such as Hussainkhil (Pashtoon) located in BaghlanJadeed and north of Pul-I-KhumriAhmadzai (Pashtoon) located in DahanaGhuri village, Pul-I-Khumri, Gadi (Pashtoon) located in BaghlanJadeed and BaghlanKhonjan, Aimaq (Tajik) located in DahanaGhuri district and Arab (Tajik) located in BaghlanJadeed.
Household • The household listing operation counted a total 17,158 in the whole province, of which 87 percent (14,944 buildings) are housing units. The remaining 13 percent represent the rest of the various types of buildings (Pazhwak, 2018). Based on collected data in field the household number demonstrated as below: • typical household in Panjsher has 6.6 persons, which is slightly higher than the national average of 6.3. Such a size is an indicator of a high fertility regime(CSO, 2015). And the language spoken by Punjisher province spoken by 336 villages is Dari it’s about 107,000 populations. Two villages speak Pashtu, and five some unspecified languages. • According to(CSO, 2015), Baghlan has a total population of 741690. There are 95109 households in the province and households on average have 6 members. As per our survey obtained, the 54 percent of household member are children and 46 percent of household member are the elderly ages. The amount of household members in Pul-e-Khumri.
Living Condition • The data collected by (CSO, 2003) at village-level make it possible to draw inferences on the accessibility of such essential social services as literacy courses; rural schools; primary, secondary, and high schools; health centers and/or dispensaries; drugstores; public phones, mills, as well as radio and television. • Data collected by (CSO, 2015)at village-level make it possible to draw inferences on the accessibility of such vital public services as literateness courses; rural schools; primary, secondary, and high schools; health hubs and mobile phone services. Pul-I-Khumri is administrative capital of Baghlana Province and our study site was the southern stench of Pul-I-Khumri , the most of household condition was better and living in good condition, the studied 100 rooms was under 20 floors, its demonstrate that the most of household’s construction was RCC but some of them was the muddy.
Education • According to Pazhwak by director of education Panjshir, the province had around 150 established schools out of which 50 are high and 45 intermediate schools, around 45,000 students including 12,000 girls were getting education in the facilities (http://elections.pajhwok.com/en/content/panjsher-background-profile ). • According to the statistical yearbook 2015-2016 the quality of education is improved in Afghanistan especially in Panjshir province the below picture demonstrate the education condition in Punjsher provenance.
Economic Condition • The economy of the province based on agriculture and some of tourist activities. So the economy of the people dependent to agriculture and nursery, and The province has abundant mines of precious stones, • The income sources of Sayad Village are belonging to Agriculture products. The most of household income is agriculture the second income source is business and the third income source is government employees, and last one is self-employments such as mechanic. • The income sources of Pul-I-Khumri is depends on government employment, self-business, and shop keeping, the strategic location of Pul-e-Khumri -enabled people to create business activities in Pul-e-Khumri. As per our survey 18.2% people is involved in shop keeping activities, 45% people are engaged in business activities in Pul-e-Khumri city and 36.4% people are the government employees.
Economic Condition… • Some of the household have remittance form outside their province; the study shows that the household have at least one person by average outside of the province. They support their families after 1.4 months.
Agriculture • The cultivable area of Afghanistan is estimated to be 7.7 million ha, which is roughly 12 per cent of the country’s area. Approximately 42 percent is intensively or intermittently irrigated. Much of this land lies in the fertile alluvium of major river valleys the Kabul River basin recharge rate is 1,920 million m3/year and usage is about 530 million m3/year (Rout, B. 2008) • Agriculture in the Kabul River Basin is generally inadequate to land lengthways the river valleys with access to the river for irrigation purposes. The exclusions are the broad plain stretching southward from the Ghorband and Panjshir Rivers, the lower Lugar valley, areas together to Kabul, and the extensive valley of the Kabul River east of Jalalabad (World Bank 2009). • According to (CSO, 2015) the source for irrigation water is the Panjshir River, which supply 42 percent of the population with their irrigation water, followed by streams and springs.
Agriculture… • Sayad’s farmland irrigation system depends on river water, in some remote areas they use the groundwater for irrigation purposes, in addition the less amount of household is using the lake water for irrigation, as per our site visit we found that they use just farrow and basin irrigation methods in their farmlands in Sayad. The irrigation channels are not concreted it is still muddy and using traditional methods. • Agriculture is one important indicator of socioeconomic of an area. The most important field crops grown in Baghlan province include wheat, barley, rice and maize, rapeseeds and flax. The most common crops grown in garden plots include fruit and nut trees (50%), vegetables (12%) and produce such as grapes, potatoes, beans and alfalfa, clover or other fodder (CSO, 2015). • The Sayad People’s income sources are agriculture products and simultaneously they use the livestock for diary and meat products, the most of household have enough poultry, cattle, goat and sheep respectively but for other economic purposes they have horses in recreation sites as income source, study team observed during the site visit, that tourist coming from different part Afghanistan to Sayyad for recreation and entertainment.
Agriculture… • The study area in Pul-e-Khumri is near to river bank and the level of river is deeper than farmlands, so people are mostly using the groundwater as irrigation source, also in some places where the river water are using as the irrigation water but in some places there is no proper irrigation system, so they are using the rain water for irrigation purposes. Figure 71, shows water resources in Pul-e-Khumri area. They rural areas are mostly depend on agriculture and livestock, the Pul-e-Khumri’s people also needed the livestock for their daily uses.The conducted survey shows that the household 87.5% of livestock are poultries in their houses for foods. The 12.5 % of household have the horses for hobbies and livelihood. The below figure shows that here is no other livestock observed in Pul-e-Khumri.
Health Care Situation • Based on (CSO, 2015) In terms of clinics, the situation has already improved. There is 15 units, distributed over the seven districts. Khinj (four clinics), Bazarak and Unaba (three each), and Rukha (two). Monitoring for population, the density per clinic shows considerable distinction from one clinic per 4,200 population or so in Unaba, to one per more than 20000 in Khinj. The mean of the province is one clinic per 7300 populations. • The Sayyad’s households use ground water for drinking purposes, some of household who are near to river, uses the top water for drinking and the families who are living near to river banks using river water for drinking purposes, but small amount of household using the lake water for drinking, here is no any drinking supply system in Sayad. • The water and sanitation is one important indicator of socio-economic assessment, the source of drinking water indicates the health care situation of communities. The groundwater is almost drinking water sources in Afghanistan. The study area of Amu river basin is 100% using the ground water as drinking water, because here are no proper drinking water supply systems in Afghanistan’s cities, if it is available in some big cities it is not sufficient for these cities’ population. According to the survey conducted in study area, the respondent answered that they are using ground water as drinking water source. Because the river water is not clean in this river basin, which have enough dissolved suspended mud, but in the Kabul river basin’s study area the river water was much clean and the people who living alongside the river they can uses the river water as drinking water source .
Conclusion • The socio-economic Assessment is estimate throughout some social and economic indicators in this study, Based on conducted study the Pul-e-Khumri life condition is better than the Sayad, beside the agricultural activities in Sayad here is some tourist and recreational activities in Sayad, The Pul-iKhumri is the capital of Baghlan province, it’s cleared that the business activities indicates that they are in good economic condition. Consequently the people of Pul-i- Khumriis in better social and economical conditions due to its geopolitical location and land available for agriculture.
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