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CH 5 - Cost Functions

CH 5 - Cost Functions. Costs are two kind: 1- Economic Cost = Explicit Costs + Implicit Costs Explicit cost : are out-of-pocket expenses, such as labor, raw materials , and rent.

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CH 5 - Cost Functions

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  1. CH 5 - Cost Functions Costs are two kind: 1- Economic Cost =Explicit Costs + Implicit Costs Explicit cost : are out-of-pocket expenses, such as labor, raw materials , and rent. Implicit costs : are foregone expenses, such as the value of your own time, and the value of your own money. 2- Acounting cost = Explicit Costs 1

  2. Economic versus Accounting Costs Economic profits ; equal total revenue minus economic costs (explicit and implicit). Accounting profits : equal total revenue minus accounting costs (explicit) . 2

  3. Example 1: If a firm’s total revenue is $80,000, and its explicit and implicit costs are $50,000 and $25,000, respectively, then its economic and accounting profits are: • $5,000; $25,000 • $5,000; $30,000 • $30,000; 5,000 • $30,000; $25,000 • $75,000; $80,000 3

  4. Calculations Economic Profit = $80,000 - $75,000 = $5,000 Accounting Profit = $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000 4

  5. Example 2:If a firm’s total revenue is $80,000, and its explicit and implicit costs are $70,000 and $25,000, respectively, what are its economic and accounting profits? Economic Profit = $80,000 - $95,000 = - $15,000 Accounting Profit = $80,000 - $70,000 = $10,000 5

  6. Total Costs (TC) TC = Total Variable Cost + Total Fixed Cost = TVC + TFC Variable costs ; are costs that do vary with output like fuel, raw materials, and some labour costs. Fixed costs : are those that do not vary with output and typically include rents, insurance, depreciation 6

  7. Average Total Cost (ATC) Average total cost (ATC) is also called average cost (AC) or unit cost. AC = Average Variable Cost + Average Fixed Cost AC = AVC + AFC or AC = TC / Q AVC = TVC / Q AFC = TFC / Q 7

  8. Marginal Cost (MC) Marginal cost is the cost of producing one extra unit of output. MC = ∆TC / ∆Q 8

  9. Example 1 If TVC + TFC = TC, and TVC and TFC are $900 and $300, respectively, what is TC? Total Variable Cost $900 Total Fixed Cost $300 + + Total Cost $1200 9

  10. Continue example 1 If TC is $1,200 and production is 50, what is ATC? ATC = TC $1200 $24 = = Q 50 10

  11. If production is 50, and total variable and total fixed cost are $900 and $300, respectively, what are average variable cost and average fixed cost? (Output = 50). Average variable cost = Average fixed cost = $900 =$18 50 $300 =$6 50 11

  12. Using the data in the previous examples, let’s say that you produce an additional 5 products, and your total cost rises to $1260, what is your marginal cost? Marginal cost = change in total cost $60 = = $12 change in production 5 12

  13. Fill in the missing values 13

  14. answer 14

  15. The Shape of Typical Cost Curves Costsin Dollars MC ATC AVC Quantity Produced 15

  16. CH 5 - Cost Functions • The Long-run Average Cost CurveIn the long run, all inputs are variable. A firm has enough time to choose the size of its factory, farm, office building, or other capital goods.The firm can choose from many short-run cost curves. The bottom points of the short-run average cost curves make up the long-run average cost curve. 16

  17. CH 5 - Cost Functions • The Long-run Average Cost Curve Long-run average costs fall as production first rises. This is called economies of scale (EOS). When the firm gets too big, long-run average costs rise. This is called diseconomies of scale (DOS). Average Costs EOS DOS Quantity Produced 17

  18. CH 5 - Cost Functions • Returns to Scale When inputs increase, and production more than proportionately increases, then we speak of increasing returns to scale (associated with economies of scale). ExampleInputs increase by 10%, and production increases by 20%. 18

  19. CH 5 - Cost Functions • Returns to Scale When inputs increase, and production less than proportionately increases, then we speak of decreasing returns to scale (associated with diseconomies of scale). ExampleInputs increase by 10%, and production increases by 5%. 19

  20. CH 5 - Cost Functions • Returns to Scale When inputs increase, and production increases by the same percentage, then we speak of constant returns to scale. ExampleInputs increase by 10%, and production increases by 10%. 20

  21. If : • Total Revenue = 900,000 • Explicit cost = 450,000 • Implicit cost = 250,000 Calculate the economic and accounting profit. 21

  22. If is the variable factor of production labor only and the wage of one labor = 300 s.r. ,Continue this table22

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