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French Class Expectations & Grading Guidelines

Stay organized with your notes, participate actively, and follow the rules to excel in French class. Learn about grading criteria, extra credit opportunities, and classroom expectations. Avoid penalties like losing points for tardiness or using unauthorized resources. Remember, participation is key!

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French Class Expectations & Grading Guidelines

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  2. Material • You are expected to have all of your French notes, paper, pencil, and book if you have one, everyday in class.

  3. Notes • You are expected to organize your notes thoroughly throughout the year. You will have pop quizzes on your notes regularly and random binder checks.

  4. Notes • You are expected to keep everything from the class (handout, notes, exercises, tests, quizzes, quotes, etc.) unless instructor says draft can be recycled. You can have a pop quiz on your notes.

  5. XC • Extra credits are randomlyoffered, never on demand. • You take the opportunity or not. • Mostlyavailablethrough French Club and bathroom passes. • Theywillbewaived if a student getsa referral or has workethic issues.

  6. Grades • Participation in class ► 20 % of the semester’s grade (AP – 5) • You can lose points by not applying rules like being tardy, chatting and/or not listening, chewing, missing material etc. The students can check their participation grade bi-weekly. • If you are out of euros, points will be taken away from you participation total.

  7. Grades • Writing (essay, grammar) ►15% (AP-20) • In class. Only class resources allowed or wordreference.com, any other unallowed resource such as a translator will result in a 0.

  8. Grades • Reading and listening comprehension ►12% (AP-20) • Usually done in class, if absent, it is the student’s responsibility to take appointment to make up within deadline. (see absences)

  9. Grades • Oral ►15% (AP – 20) • (presentation/discussion/pronunciation)

  10. Grades • Culture and projects ► 8% (AP – 20)

  11. Grades • Vocabulary / conjugations ► 10% Vocabulary and conjugation need daily review at home.

  12. Grades • Final exam and mid-term ► 20 % (AP – 15)

  13. Grades • Closure and bell work are graded at teacher’s discretion, unexcused tardy will earn a « 0 » for graded bell works.

  14. NO Chewing gum • Students will have to clean eventual gums underneath desk or on the floor during passing if chewing, and will lose participation points. • 5 Euros XC

  15. NO electronics • First offense ► 5 Euros XC • Second offense and next ► consequences of first offense + teacher keeps phone/Ipod/Ipad… safely locked in « la prison des appareils électroniques » overnight (week-end if used on Friday).

  16. Back packs on the floor at all timeBall caps off

  17. If student misses class • He must go online and check the « if you were absent » link to make up work within the deadline. • Student can make up work ONLY if the absence/tardy is excused. • There will be deadlines to make up work. Ask teacher for specific work to make up. • When project is assigned weeks ahead (turned in early for extra credits), NO late work will be accepted. • More time can be offered only on parents request by phone call.

  18. If student misses class • It is likely that the student will not pass the class if he is absent many times and if he does not make up work.

  19. Absences and tardies • AHS wide rule • After every 3 tardies, student receives a referral and therefore loses his extra credits for the quarter.

  20. Raise your hand / Lève la main • Before talking

  21. Do not leave any trash behind

  22. No food during instruction.If a drink in spilled on the carpet, it will be the student’s responsibility to clean the stain.

  23. Two bathroom trips allowed per quarter and per students • If the student does not use the bathroom, he earns 10 points of extra credit at the end of the quarter. • Before going to the bathroom, the student will give his phone to the teacher.

  24. Plagiarism/Translator/Cheating • Will result in phone call to parent, a 0 and no extra credit possibility until the end of the year.

  25. In presence of a substitute • Misbehavior or lack of work from a student when the class is covered by a substitute will automatically result in a referral, loss of participation points, and no extra credit until the end of the year. • The best behaving/working class gets a prize.

  26. Quiz • Whathappens if I have a referral? _____________________________ • Whathappens if I chewgum? ____________________________ • What do I do if I miss school? ______________________________ • Whathappens if I use my phone in class for the second time? ______________________________ • Whatis the bathroomrule? ______________________________ • How can I earn extra creditwithprojects? _____________________________________

  27. Signature • French class rules read and approved • Student name (print)_______________ • Student period _____________ • Parent signature_____________ • Parent signature_____________ • Student signature_____________

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