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Conjugating Verbs

Verb Root. Condition. Result. Conjugating Verbs. b h ris. Example: briseann sé – he breaks. Becomes: bhris sé – he broke. Conjugating Verbs. Take the root verbs bris – to break mol – to praise The final vowel in bris is i ie a slender vowel

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Conjugating Verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verb Root Condition Result Conjugating Verbs bhris Example: briseannsé – he breaks Becomes: bhrissé – he broke

  2. Conjugating Verbs Take the root verbs bris – to break mol – to praise The final vowel in bris is iie a slender vowel To form the present tense add (e)annto the root. Thus we get briseann The final vowel in mol is oie a broad vowel Thus we get molann

  3. The Definite Article There is no indefinite article in Irish. The noun standing alone constitutes an indefinite noun. fear = (a) man bean = (a) woman báisteach = rain is used only in the singular An is used in nominative and genitive cases with masculine nouns is used in the nom case with feminine nouns Nais used always in the plural with both masc and fem nouns is used in the genitive singular with feminine nouns

  4. The Definite Article Singular form of article Masculine definite nouns T- is prefixed to initial vowel of masculine nouns - initial consonants are not affected

  5. The Definite Article Feminine definite nouns Initial consonants of feminine nouns are lenitedfollowing the definite article. Initial vowels are not affected. Exceptions: Initial d, t remain unaffected eg. an tine -T is prefixed to nouns whose initial letter is s followed by a vowel or sl, sn or sr followed by a vowel. An tseilf an tsrón

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