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Natalie Babbitt. Things to know. Birth: 1932-07-28 Born: Dayton, Ohio, USA Nationality: USA School: Smith College (B.A.1954) Organizations: National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance, PEN, Authors league of America, Authors Guild
Things to know • Birth: 1932-07-28 • Born: Dayton, Ohio, USA • Nationality: USA • School: Smith College (B.A.1954) • Organizations: National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance, PEN, Authors league of America, Authors Guild • Awards and Honors: Children’s Literature festival award, Keene State College, for the body of her work (1993)
Books written by Natalie • Tuck Everlasting • The Search for Delicious • Kneeknock Rise • The Eyes of the Amaryllis • Jack Plank Tells Tales • The Devil’s Storybook (sunburst book) • Goody Hall • The Devil’s Other Storybook • Phoebes Revolt (a sunburst book) • Ouch! & Many more...
More books… • The Something • Bub: Or the Very Best Thing • Elsie Times Eight • Herbert Rowbarge • Nellie: A Cat On Her Own • All The Small Poems • Dick Foote and the shark
Family • Natalie married Samuel Fisher Babbitt, an academic administrator, right after graduation and spent the next ten years in Connecticut, Tennessee, and Washington D.C. She had three kids Christopher (born in 1956), Tom (1958), and Lucy (1960).
Bub Summary • A king and queen are determined to identify the “one and only very best thing” for their son, but what can it be? The king is sure the answer will be found in books. The queen asks everyone she encounters in the palace. After receiving an array of answers from the “experts,” the frustrated woman asks the cook's daughter's advice. The girl suggests they ask the prince. The parents don't understand his response, but the cook's daughter (and readers) know that “bub” means love. The timeless message is delivered with humor and a light touch. Framed pastel paintings feature the royal family, their faithful aides, and their loyal pet, a comical dog dressed as a court jester.
The search for Delicious Summary • Its about a King who would like to find a really good definition for the word "Delicious" and He meets a boy named Gaylen but his real name is Vaungaylen. And the king thinks that apples are delicious but Gaylen doesn't think apples are the best choice, so the king decides that Gaylen should ask all the people about what they think for delicious.
Jack Plank Tells Tales Summary • Pirate Jack Plank is let go from the only job he's ever known. Left in Jamaica with a small bag of gold coins. Jack finds shelter in a boarding house, where he befriends owner Mrs.DelFresno, her daughter Nina, and the other boarders. Nina and the other boarders try to help Jack find a new profession, but each time someone suggests a job Jack responds with one of his many high-seas adventure stories. Jack's pirate stories whisk Mrs.DelFresno, Nina, and the other boarders away to exotic tropical beaches and dark angry seas, places where magic is possible and danger lurks around every corner. Through a process of elimination and careful evaluation of Jack's talents, the group eventually comes up with the perfect job for their friend.
Tuck Everlasting Summary • This book is about a girl named Winnie, who decided to run away one day with a family named the Tucks. The Tucks secret is that they're immortal. They drank water from a spring that was actually a fountain of youth (found in Winnies family's woods). Till the end of time, they will stay this way. Winnie falls in love with one of the Tucks, Jesse, a "17" year old boy who shares the same feelings for her. Scared of death, Winnie must choose between being immortal and being with Jesse or following the circle of life and dying someday.
Ouch! Summary • When a baby boy's royal marriage is foretold, it's happy news to a family that was nobody special, but not happy news to the King, who plots to prevent the inevitable. Babbitt's text is seamless, winsomely funny, and perfectly paced. Marcellino picks up the liveliness and wit in luminous, beautifully composed paintings.
Dates • Babbitt wrote Phoebe’s Revolt in 1968 • The Search for Delicious in1969 • Knee Knock Rise in 1970 • The Something in 1970 • Goody Hall in 1971 • The Devils Storybook in1974, • Tuck Everlasting in 1975 • The Eyes of the Amaryllis in 1977 • Herbert Row Barge in 1982 • The Devils Other Storybook and Nellie: A Cat On Her Own in 1987