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Join us at the FoodBev SETA Stakeholder Capacity Building Workshop on February 15, 2019, to learn about key industry knowledge and skills, legislative context, grant criteria, and reporting requirements. Enhance your understanding of the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector with valuable insights and practical guidance from industry experts.
Welcome to Food and Beverages Manufacturing SETA (FoodBev SETA) STAKEHOLDER CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP 15 FEBRUARY 2019
Vision, Mission and Values To have sufficient and appropriate knowledge and skills available in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector • To expand the availability and accessibility of knowledge and skills in the sector, including but not limited to, rural areas; • To establish a credible institutional mechanism that facilitates skills development with greater efficacy; • To remain relevant by providing quality learning standards and qualifications. • FoodBev SETA values are: • Accountability • Service Excellence • Integrity • Respect
Legislative Context: Strategic Plan (“SP”) and Annual Performance Plan (“APP”) • Legislation that drives the S and APP
Mandatory Grants criteria • The Employer must pay levies to SARS and be registered with FoodBev SETA (SETA 9). • Mandatory Grant Application must be submitted online • The WSP must include the recent OFO codes version 2017. • Employer must have implemented 50% of the planned interventions and implemented must be reflected in the ATR.
Mandatory Grants Criteria (cont) • The WSP/ATR must be duly authorised and signed-off by: • Employer with more than 50 employees, WSP/ATR must be signed off by: • SDF and CEO/Training Committee Members; and • Provide evidence that the WSP and ATR have been subjected to consultation with the recognized trade unions and/or employee forum. • Employer with less than 50 employees must : • Appoint an SDF who will sign off the WSP and ATR together with the Owner / Chief Executive and designated employee representative
Mandatory Grants Criteria (cont) • Employer must provide the following supporting documents: • For existing companies - the company must submit a Bank stamped letter or cancelled cheque confirming banking details • For new companies - the companies must submit an original Bank stamped letter confirming banking details or an original cancelled cheque • Authorisation and Stakeholder support declaration with all of the required authorised signatures. • Supporting documents can be scanned and uploaded to MIS
Mandatory Grant Reporting Period • The Workplace Skills Plan describes the main skills development activities that are planned for the upcoming year and must reflect all planned training: • The WSP and Pivotal Plans must reflect all planned training (Internally or Externally) • Version 2017 of the OFO is used for Workplace Skills Plans • Planned for 1 Jan 2019 – 30 Dec 2019
Mandatory Grant Reporting Period (Cont.) • The Annual Training Report (ATR) is a follow - up on the WSP, as it reports on the education and training interventions that were delivered in the previous year. ATR and Pivotal Report must reflect all training conducted • Training conducted Internally or Externally • ATR – 1 Jan 2018 – 30 Dec 2018 • Version 2017 of OFO is used for Annual Training Reports (aligned to previous year
Deadline and Extensions • An application for Annexure 2 (mandatory grants) must be submitted by 30 April 2019 for the 2019/20 financial year. • The request for Extension form must be submitted to the SETA on or before the 31st of March Annually. • The applications will be submitted to Board/Delegate for approval and applicant will be notified of the outcome. • Only employers that have been granted an extension will have access to the Indicium system to submit the Annexure 2 by the 31st of May.
Mandatory Grant Payment Schedule • A Mandatory Grant is a reimbursement on a levy contributed by the organisation. It is not viewed as income to an organisation and therefore is not taxable; it is purely intended for the training of employees. • FoodBev SETA will only effect payment once levies have been received from SARS • The SETA will disburse Mandatory Grant payments according to the table below
Mandatory Grants: Unclaimed Grants • If the employer does not claim a mandatory grant on or before the closing date as per above, the employer will forfeit the mandatory Grant. • Mandatory grants will be forfeited by employers who fail to meet the prescribed criteria outlined in this document. • Mandatory grants not claimed within the stipulated timeframe will be transferred to the Discretionary grants on or before 15 August yearly.
Mandatory Grants: Key Issues During Submission – WSP/ATR • Access to the system is requested late by SDFs • Accuracy of the data captured on the WSP and ATR • Online submission created and completed but not submitted to FBS- (Failure to hit the submit button) • Authorization & Declaration Pages: (Sign Off) • Blank / incomplete authorization pages upload onto Indicium just to secure submit button can be pressed. • Inaccurate documents uploaded for the sake of upload • System becomes cluttered and slow during the last week. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!
PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Grant Funding Policy • Contracts • DG Grant Payment • Performance against target for financial year 2018-19 • Challenges
Grant Funding policy • Grant Funding policy is aligned with the provisions of the Grant Regulations published under the Skills Development Act • To support the national skills development imperatives and national priorities. • The allocation of discretionary grants to achieve the goals and objectives of the FoodBev SETA as stipulated in the SSP and APP. • Describes the templates, format and process for accessing Mandatory and Discretionary grants. • To set out timeframes for processing of applications, communication of decisions, and payment schedules
Discretionary Grant timeframes • Funding window will be open annually from the 19thof February 2019 to the 31stMarch 2019 • DG applications are to be submitted using the FoodBev management system (Online submission) • No manual submission will be accepted
Qualifying Criteria Employer Requirements • The employer must be registered with FoodBev SETA. • The employer must be up to date with levy contributions unless exempted from paying levies (proof of exemption must be submitted). • The employer must have qualified for mandatory grants (Workplace Skills Plan). • Applications for grants in support of scarce skills identified in the sector will be given preference.
Qualifying Criteria (cont.) Employer Requirements • Applications must be for learners recruited and contracted within a financial year (1 April 2019 -31 March 2020). • The employer must have demonstrated a successful track record • The participating employer must agree to an audit by FoodBev SETA, DHET and Auditor General • Employer must submit the letter of consent from the provider, who will be conducting training
Qualifying Criteria (Cont) Training Requirements • The provider contracted to deliver the training must be accredited by the relevant SETA, Umalusi or CHE to deliver the applicable qualification. • Proof of provider accreditation must be submitted (uploaded). • Applications must include a detailed implementation plan specifying the following: Learning programme description, date for training scheduled, each unit standard, and dates for assessments.
Contracts • Purpose of Signing the Contract • To record terms and conditions applicable to both parties in the implementation of the learning programme • To assist the SETA with the Implementation of the SSP • To promote delivery of the Discretionary Grant Programmes as outlined in the National Skills Development Strategy (“NSDS”) • Duration of Agreement • The agreement shall commence on the date upon which both parties signed the contract
Submission of LEARNER enrolment Forms/Agreements • The SETA must receive the learner enrolment form 30 days before the training commences. • Ensure that all fields in the learner enrolment forms/agreements must be completed and must be initialled on each page • It is the responsibility of the employer to communicate with the SETA regarding the revised date of the implementation of learning programme
Challenges • Incomplete / pending submissions • Failure to meet deadline. • Applications not addressing Scare and Critical Skills of the sector • Request for change of qualifications or learning programmes which end up affecting targets negatively. • Late cancellation • Incomplete submission of documents
Description • Non-funded learners are learners that the company wants to register on a credit bearing qualification e.g, a learnership or skills programme, however are not funded through a discretionary grant. • The company is required to submit an enrollment form/agreement and its supporting certified documents in order for these to be registered in the system • Quality assurance, monitoring and completion of these learners is as per funded learners
Non-funded Learners for Registration • FoodBev SETA in line with grant funding regulation and its policy will only register learners that commence within the current / active financial year (1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019). • FoodBev SETA will not accept any enrollment for previous financial years. • Please see the steps to be followed when submitting the Non-Funded Learners for registration: • Step 1: Send a request on an official letter requesting registration of non-funded learners. • Step 2: FoodBev SETA will acknowledge and send feedback (Approved or not Approved)
Non-funded Learners for Registration Step 3: If your request was approved, • Step 3.1 Request access from Nokulunga (Solugrowth) her email address is:ldlamini@solugrowth.com. if only you don’t have access yet. • Step 3.2 Once you have been granted access, the SDF or Training Provider must capture or enroll the learners on the MIS System. • Step 3.3 Once all learners have been captured or enrolled, generate the list of all the learners captured and print on an official letterhead then sign the letter and send it to Aluwanin@foodbev.co.za and Juliag@foodbev.co.za
Non-funded Learners for Registration • Step 3.4 Send hard copies of original learner enrollment forms with supporting documents as per the specific learning programme checklist to 13 Autumn Street,Rivonia,2128 • Step 3.5 Upon receiving learner enrollment forms FoodBev SETA will send acknowledge of receipt to the sender via e-mail. • Step 3.6 Once acknowledgement has been sent, the submitted documents will be verified for completeness and whether the learner information is accurately captured in the MIS System. If all information is accurate, the learners will be registered and proof of registration will be forwarded to the sender. Step 4: Note that the registration of learners will be done within 30 days.
Special Projects What gives rise to the SP? • Excess funds due to reduction of commitment register which is not matched with reduction of funds in the bank (i.e. payments). • Funds due to previously approved projects that have not taken place or have been terminated before take off • Terminated programs which results in funds been uncommitted. • FBS monitors CR so that at least by Q3 the organisation can forecast what funds will not be committed by end of year, then that gives rise to the advertisement of Special projects.
Special projects cont… Who can apply • Levy and non levy paying entities who have projects that are innovative and will address skill development in the sector that is not currently catered for in the normal discretionary grant process • When? – FBS will advertise before end of the financial year, most probably towards end of Q3 or beginning of Q4.
Special Projects cont.… Internal control deficiencies highlighted: • Grant funding policy was not clear re: end to end process of special projects. • Inadequate and inappropriate evaluation criteria and evaluation method. • Evaluation criteria was not adequately defined. • Critical audit trail information was not prepared by internal staff after conducting site visits. • The advert did not indicate specific special projects programmes that are available to apply for?
Special Projects cont… • Special projects were not advertised in the newspaper so not everyone knew about the opening of special projects • Non levy paying company not registered with CSD (centralised database) • This assist FBS understand the TAX status of the organisation (exempt or compliant) • It highlights entities that are restricted by government from doing business with government
Special Projects cont… • Some of the areas of weakness in the application received: • Mentor to employee ratio • Facilities not conducive for training applied for • Applicant does not have the capacity and experience to implement a project • Host companies that are not relevant for the training applied for • Health and safety of the facilities not considered