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A Summary of Optics Studies. Triplet layout and matching sections R. de Maria (LIUWG-3) E. Todesco (LIUWG-12) S. Fartoukh (LIUWG-2, LIUWG-15) J. Johnstone (LIUWG-13) Chromatic aberrations S. Fartoukh (LIUWG-15) Conclusions. Triplet layouts – possible solutions. R. de Maria, LIUWG-3.
A Summary of Optics Studies Triplet layout and matching sections R. de Maria (LIUWG-3) E. Todesco (LIUWG-12) S. Fartoukh (LIUWG-2, LIUWG-15) J. Johnstone (LIUWG-13) Chromatic aberrations S. Fartoukh (LIUWG-15) Conclusions R. Ostojic, IRP1 CD Review, 31 July 2008
Triplet layouts – possible solutions R. de Maria, LIUWG-3
Triplet layouts – performance aspects Issues with Compact and Modular layouts: • Number of long range beam-beam encounters • Considerable aperture problems in the matching section • Increased strength of Q6 quadrupole • Increased chromatic aberrations • Improved DA (without beam-beam). • Challenging magnet design for given transverse dimensions and cable inventory R. de Maria, LIUWG-3
Symmetric triplet – Nb-Ti quad gradient E. Todesco, LIUWG-12
Symmetric triplet – parametric study • Assumptions: • Q1=Q3, Q2A=Q2B • all interconnect distances = 1.3 m • Approximate matching to Q4 in its present position • Magnetic length - free parameter E. Todesco, LIUWG-12
Symmetric triplet – performance reach Length vs. aperture: 42 m – 140 mm 40 m – 130 mm 38 m – 120 mm 36 m – 110 mm IIP = 850 Dn11 IIP = 1400 Chromatic correction vs triplet length: IIP = 850 (Q’ and b’ correction) -> b* = 0.26 m (36 m) b* = 0.28 m (42 m) IIP = 1400 (Q’ correction) -> b* = 0.15 m (36 m) b* = 0.17 m (42 m) E. Todesco, LIUWG-12
Matching sections - nominal IR optics • The reciprocal focal distance P is a very important indicator: • quite independent on b* (up to b* ~1m) but very dependant on the detailed triplet layout. • LSS aperture: low P means lower b and increased aperture in the LSS. • optics matching to the arcs: too low Palways makes the matching difficult. b_max=4400m Triplet “reciprocal focal distance”: 1/P ~ (a/b)exit ~ 1/1000 m-1 with bexit ~ 2km and aexit = b’exit /2~ 2 at the Q3 exit and entrance b_Q4=1500m b_Q5=900m S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
IR optics with 110 mm/135 T/m b crossing-point pushed against D2 new b-b wires location to be defined. b crossing-point well in between D1 and D2 as for the nom. optics • Case Ia: • Triplet matched with ~ nominal P (P = 891 m) • No problem of matchability to the arc (LSS quad. strength well in range, beta<200 m in the DS, natural phase advance inj. optics easy to find) Aperture problem expected in the LSS. • Case Ib: • Triplet matched with stronglyreduced P (P=328 m) • First indications of matchability problems (Q7 close to 200 T/m, Q4/Q5 “goes to zero” ~7-15 T/m), i.e. concept of inner/outer triplet comes back. Optimized for the LSS aperture. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Summary of IR optics with 110 mm/135 T/m • Optics with standard P-value (case Ia) are excluded by the LSS aperture unless LSS magnets (D2/Q4/Q5) are displaced. • Optics with strongly decreased P-value (case Ib) solve the LSS aperture problem but are at the limit of matchability for MQX gradient lower than ~135 T/m. • Realistic Case Ib-bis with 110 mm D1/MQX aperture could be an economical solution to envisage (i.e. with nominal LSS). No additional margin in the triplet n1 ~ 6.77 for b*=25 cm (Case Ib with 110 mm aperture assumed for MQX) S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
IR optics with 120 mm/125 T/m (1) • Case IIa: • Triplet matched with P=450 m, and displaced TAN, D2, Q4 and Q5. • No problem of strength and matching to the arcs. Injection optics easy to find. Sufficient aperture expected in the LSS. • Case IIb: • Triplet matched with nominal LSS and P further reduced to P=345 m. Matching problems: Q7 ~ 200 T/m, Q4/Q5 ~ 0. • The natural IR phase cannot be reached limiting the injection b* (for a squeeze at constant IR phase). Sufficient aperture expected in the LSS. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
IR optics with 120 mm/125 T/m (2) n1=11 n1=8.5 TCT. (in-going beam in between TAN & D2) Q3/D1 TAN D2/Q4 Q5 Case IIa-beam1 IR5 (H-Xing) Case IIa-beam1 IR5 (H-Xing) After b.s. rotation in Q5.L, D2.R, Q4.R & Q5.R W/o beam screen rotation S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Summary of optics with 120 mm/125 T/m • Case IIb (nominal LSS, Preduced by a factor 3 w.r.t. nom.) is not recommended due to difficult matching and lack of tunability (poor or zero intersection between the inj. and coll. optics tunability diagrams): - LSS quad at very low gradient (Q4/Q5) and KQ7=200 T/m in collision. - Strong limitation on the injection b* and apparently non-smooth squeeze sequence. • Case IIais expensive but looks to be one possible solution: • Triplet matched with 50% reduction of P, with a good matching and no limitation for the injection b* (except the usual limitations in the Q5/Q6 aperture at injection). • LSS aperture partially recovered by moving D2, Q4, Q5 ( n1~9) and possibly further optimized by tilting the b.s ( n1~11). In both cases, the additional triplet aperture margin (Dn1~0.51 w.r.t. n1=7) is not usable if the TAN-Y chambers are not modified. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Summary of optics with 130 mm/115 T/m • No solution found without moving Q4 and sufficiently low P-value to get n1 > 7 in the LSS. • Tricky but possible solution with P~400 m found by moving LSS magnets. However, the DS quadrupole strength is insufficient and the LSS aperture (mainly Q5) approaches n1=7. Q5.L Q5.R • Matched with P~400 m, only Q4 displaced, and b* =27 cm (at the limit for the correction of chromatic aberrations) • LSS quad strengths are large: KQ8/9~200 T/m, KQT~123 T/m, KQ7~205 T/m • w/o b.s. rotation, Q5 aperture close to n1=7 (would be ~6.5 for b* =25 cm) TAN..R TAN..L 10 mm additional margin for 130 mm aperture triplet/D1 S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Conclusions - I • A symmetric triplet is favoured with respect to modular designs, in spite of lower aperture margin. • With reduction of b* from 0.5 to 0.25 m, the magnets and other equipment in the LSS beam-line (TAN) become limiting factors, both in terms of aperture and strength. • The P-value of the triplet determines the optics flexibility. Any value of P can be obtained by adjusting the layout of the triplet and the individual strength of the quadrupoles. • Values of P in the range 300-500 m are required (as compared to ~1000 m for the nominal LHC). The lower the P – the larger the aperture margin in the LSS, but the lower the matching flexibility. • Moving LSS magnets towards the arc improves the aperture in the LSS and allows longer triplets. The longest triplet (<40 m) is defined by the strength limitation of DS magnets and aperture of Q5. • Further conditions on the matching are given by the optics for chromatic correction.
Chromatic aberrations - preliminaries Linear chromaticity • Nominal LHC: IIP ~ 350 • Upgrade: IIP ~ 800 850 • Q’ IP ~ -65, i.e. ~ DQ’nat induced by the 8 LHC sectors. Q’’ and Db(d)/b(0) (linear off-momentum b-beating) • Db(d)/b(0) can reach ~100% for d=10-3. This has considerable consequences, in particular as it compromises the collimation system. The acceptable value is ~10%, as in the nominal LHC. • By phasing IR1 and IR5, Db(d)/b(0) can be cancelled in half of the ring but is then maximized in the other half for the nominal LHC tunes (0.31/.32). • Using the sextupole families, the contribution of the triplet to Db(d)/b(0) and Q’’ can be compensated. However, depending on the sextupoles settings significant Q’’’ and non-linear off-momentum beta-beating can be generated. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Chromatic corrections – strategies (1) IR phasing (p/2 between IR1 and IR5 and correction of the IR2/3/7/8 b1-b2 phase splits). W ~ 0 in IR7 and in the new triplets W ~ 1000 in IR3 Bucket: d = 0.36×10-3 Mom. collimator: d = 1.5×10-3 Min. momentum window: d = 10-3 IP1 IP3 IP5 IP7 IP1 Optics IIa-Beam1 Wx,y (s) Qx,y(d) • Db(d)/b(0)minimized in IR7 but maximized in IR3 (strong reduction of collimation efficiency). • Q’ corrected to 2 units: 40%- 68% of Imax (600A) needed in SF-SD. • No Q’’, but huge Q’’’ (the phase advance from IP1 to IP5 is no longer p/2 for non-zero d) which is the indication of large non-linear off-momentum b-beat. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Chromatic corrections – strategies (2) Use of sextupole families in the flip-flop mode in sectors adjacent to IP1 and IP5, and in the normal mode in other sectors. • Combination of schemes tried but unsuccessful due to strength limit of SD family and zero crossing during squeeze. • The generation of the b’(d)-wave and the correction of the MQX contribution to Q’ needs to be done in the same sectors to get rid of Q’’’, b’’(d), and to avoid zero-xing of RSF/D during squeeze. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Chromatic corrections – strategies (3) Two b’-sectors per triplet with specific conditions for the arc cell and IR phase advances. • SD families just strong enough (600 A required). • No zero-crossing during the squeeze. • Non-interleaved scheme (strong SD or SF spaced by ~p), small high order effects expected S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Chromatic corrections – strategies (4) Two b’-sectors per triplet with specific conditions for the arc cell and IR phase advances – final result. Q(d) linear after MO correction (~200/450A needed in OF/OD) Db(d)/b(0) [%] in IP1 Db(d)/b(0) [%] in IP3 Db(d)/b(0) < 5-10% over the full range. Db(d)/b(0) [%] in IP5 Db(d)/b(0) [%] in IP7 Qx,y (d) with MO S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Chromatic corrections – strategies (5) Two b’-sectors per triplet with specific conditions for the arc cell and IR phase advances – consequences. • Injection optics has to be changed, with a tune split of 3. • Arc tune-shift quadrupoles are used (DS now extends up to Q22) with some impact on the aperture @ 450 GeV. • Adjustment of phase across L/R side of IP required. • Residual Q’’ expected, correctable by the arc MO’s if needed. • The SD efficiency and then the minimum achievable b* depend (smoothly) on the working point. S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Correction of parasitic dispersion H- Xing in IR5 Closed H-orbit bumps in sectors 45 & 56 Dx & Dy back to 020 cm in the triplets of IR1 & IR5 Closed V-orbit bumps in sectors 12 & 81 V- Xing in IR1 • Small H & V closed orbit (< 3-4mm) generated at the beginning of the IR1&5 adjacent sectors (1 MCBH/V) and closed at the end (2MCBH or 2 MCBV), generate a H and V dispersion wave arriving with the right phase at the triplet to compensate for the effect of the X-angle. • Perfectly works in both planes and for both beams and allows the same optics in IR1 & IR5 with the nominal H&V alternated crossing scheme. • An increase in aperture of ~3.55 mm, i.e.Dn1~1-1.5 can be obtained. • … but with a non-zero nominal CO in the arcs, orthogonal fine tuning knobs must be defined S. Fartoukh, LIUWG-15
Conclusions - II • A complete optics solution for the LHC in collision and injection has been found that allows full compensation of the off-momentum b-beating. Due to the limited strength of the SD families, the lowest b* that can be compensated is ~27 cm in IP1 and IP5. • The new LHC phasing conditions also allow compensation of the parasitic dispersion at the IPs, with the gain of Dn11.5s in the triplets, and minimizes dispersion perturbations in IR3 and IR7. • The proposed solution requires a change of the LHC tune split from 5 to 3, and extension of the DS functionality up to Q22. Considerable effort is required to completely validate the new optics at injection and during squeeze. • Apart from the phase advance across the full IR, a specific phase relation between the IP and the insertion entry is required. The range of b* values for which these conditions can be met depend on the P-value of the triplet and the position of the LSS.