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AER Conference on Equal Opportunities Vienna, AT – May 8, 2012. AER Conference on Equal Opportunities Case study: Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, and Gay Rights in Wallonia Rathaus – Vienna Stéphane COOLS Senior Policy Officer, Wallonia-Brussels International.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 AER Conference on Equal Opportunities Case study: Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, and Gay Rights in Wallonia Rathaus – Vienna Stéphane COOLS Senior Policy Officer, Wallonia-Brussels International
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 • Regions : • Flanders • Brussels • Wallonia • Communities: • Dutch-speaking Flemish Community • French-speaking Wallonia-Brussels Federation • German-speaking Community
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Division of competences Belgian Federal State – Defense, justice, federal police, social security,… responsible for the obligations of Belgium and its federalized institutions towards the EU and NATO,… Communities – Education, culture, audiovisual media, … Regions – Economy, employment, agriculture, water policy, housing, energy, public works, transport, the environment, foreign trade,… Equal opportunities: all levels are involved!
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Ministers in charge of Equal Opportunities Federal State: Mrs. Joëlle MILQUET, Minister of the Interior (Home Affairs) and Equal Opportunities Wallonia-Brussels Fed.: Mrs. Fadila LAANAN, Minister of Culture, Radio & TV Broadcasting, Health and Equal Opportunities Wallonia : Mrs. Eliane TILLIEUX, Minister of Health, Social Action and Equal Opportunities + Committees on EqOpp within each Parliament
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Administrative structure: Federal State Institute for the Equality of Women and Men (incl. Transgender issues) : http://igvm-iefh.belgium.be Center for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (Incl. Gay Rights issues) : www.diversite.be Federated entities Wallonia : Direction de l’égalité des chances (SPW-DGO5). W.-B. Federation: Direction générale de l’égalité des chances : www.egalite.cfwb.be Dedicated administrative services to monitor equal opportunity issues, make legislative proposals, support (finance) associations and help citizens (hotlines, legal assistance,…).
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Do you feel being discriminated against in your work place because you are a woman(or transgender) ? => IEWM Although you are a vision-impaired person, your guide dog has been refused access to a restaurant ?=> CEOOR You were refused the lease of an apartment because you are a Gay couple?=> CEOOR Are you concerned about sexist or homophobic stereotypes in school books? => DGEC-FWB • Freedom of speech • incitement to hatred
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Institute for the equality for women and men (IEWM) Studies and research in the field of gender and equality of women and men; 2) Assessment (in terms of gender) of the impact of policies, programs and measures, as well as recommendations to public authorities to improve the relevant laws and regulations; 3) Support to associations working in the field of or to projects aiming at achieving equality between women and men (+ networking key players); 4) Support to anyone requesting advice on the scope of his/her rights and obligations (this assistance enables its beneficiary to obtain information and advice on the possible ways to have his/her rights enforced). It can take a matter to court and assist victims in the case of disputes resulting from the application of criminal and other laws, specifically aimed at guaranteeing the equality of women and men.
Center for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR) AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 The CEOOR promotes of equal opportunities for all and fights any type of exclusion, restriction or preferential treatment based on legally stipulated criteria: It oversees the respect of the fundamental rights of foreign nationals; It stimulates the fight against human trafficking; It is competent in, among others, racism and reverse racism, disability, sexual orientation, faith or personal belief,... (inquiries for assistance relating to discriminations in the job market). It offers legal assistance when reporting cases of discrimination (legal complaints). It commissions studies,… (“Being Gay and Blue Collar”, “10 Reasonable Accommodations for the Handicapped”, …).
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Federal State Equal Opportunities – Political Priorities (adopted on Dec. 29, 2011) Reinforce equal opportunities between women & men: gender mainstreaming, fight against workplace discrimination, violence between partners, sexism / stereotypes,… IEWM to cooperate more tightly with Regions and Communities (“Inter-federalization”) Fight against discrimination & promotion of “inter-culturality”: fight against racism and xenophobia, against expressions of hatred on the web, training of policemen/magistrates/…,… CEOOR to cooperate more tightly with Regions and Communities (“Inter-federalization”) Gay Rights & fight against homophobia: zero-tolerance for homophobic crimes, training of policemen*/magistrates/…, elimination of inequalities regarding adoption Roma people: a national strategy to be developed, as well as a state-recognized Council of Roma people (similar to those already existing for Muslims and Jews) * Federal Police Service to implement this with the help of associations such as Rainbow Cops Belgium (org. Of LGBT staff members of the Belgian Federal and Local Police) :http://www.rainbow-cops-belgium.be/
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Wallonia and W.-B. Federation Equal Opportunities – Political Priorities (adopted on Feb. 24, 2011) Equal opportunities between women and men; Promotion of cultural diversity; Gay Rights & fight against homophobia; Inclusion of the handicapped*. * Although the Federal State is in charge of paying out benefits to the handicapped, most policies designed to actually help the daily lives of the handicapped are created, financed and managed by the Regions and the Communities: healthcare, access to buildings, housing, specific training,…. In Wallonia, AWIPH overlooks and subsidizes services that help, employ, train or cater for the handicapped. It also implements programs that aim to the increase of awareness regarding this particular issue among children, adults, etc...
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 This means : A couple of hundreds concrete actions (105 actions in Wallonia alone). Awareness-raising (informing on current legislation) and Mainstreaming of Equal Opportunities in all policies are transversal priorities. the Deconstruction of stereotypes & the elimination of prejudice: stereotypes are based on irrational beliefs rather than on actual facts! => Main targets:workers in the sectors of education, youth and culture.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 the promotion of diversity and mutual respect (core value of the Belgian society): “Obeying common rules that make sure that everyone is entitled to respect” : Born a red-head, gay or black of skin? => Neither superior nor inferior to anyone else! Personal choices are not to be imposed on others (= zero tolerance for “honor crimes”, forced marriages,…). E.g.: Are you opposed to same-sex marriage? It is fine! Just don’t get one! Marry with someone of the opposite sex! But don’t try to impose what you want for yourself on others! • Freedom of speech • incitement to hatred
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 A concrete example: Women in the construction sector - 7 500 jobs available in the construction sector in WAL! - Less than 1% of this sector’s workers are women! “There are no jobs meant specifically for women, there are only women who know how to do their jobs!” “What if the man you were looking for is actually a woman?” => targets:socio-professional councilors, schools and vocational training centers, companies.
Regional authorities, public (FOREM, IFAPME,…) and private partners (Walloon Construction Federation, Trade Unions,…) take part in the project: • - Awareness-raising campaigns (media, fairs (Batibouw),…); • - Testimonies of women who work in that sector and find it very fulfilling; • Assistance set up to play link between employment agencies, training institutions and companies – “coaches”. • E.g. « Construtec Wallonie »: 18 different training options (carpenters, heating engineers, bricklayers,…) and 1 dedicated “coach” (specifically in charge of informing women about career and training opportunities in the construction sector, and companies about the added-value of having women join their teams) : www.construtec.be . AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Among the many measures regarding equality between women and men, Regional authorities are taking specific action in the fields of: - Domestic violence (90% of victims are women, 1 woman out of 5 is a victim), with an increase of the number of facilities offering assistance to victims,…; - Support to a healthy work-life balance, with more childcare facilities for the very young children between 0 and 3,…; - Promotion of women entrepreneurship, through micro-credit, specific training, creation of an Award (“Grand Prix wallon de l’Entreprenariat”),…
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Gay rights in Belgium, Wallonia & the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Belgium = a very liberal country in regards to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights. 1985: Equal age of consent (16). 1998: Civil union (partnership). 2003: Same-sex marriage (2nd country in the world after the Netherlands) and anti-discrimination laws in employment, provision of goods and services,… 2006: Both joint and step parent adoption by same-sex couples.
Same-sex relationships legal Same-sex marriage Other type of partnership (or unregistered cohabitation) Same-sex marriage recognized, but not performed Homosexuality legal but same-sex unions not recognized AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Same-sex relationships illegal Minimal penalty Large penalty Life in prison Death penalty Dec. 2009
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Laws regarding same-sex partnerships in Europe Same-sex marriage Other type of partnership Unregistered cohabitation Unrecognized Constitution limits marriage to man and woman
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 The situation in Belgium today (2012): Inequalities regarding LGBT ironed out in Belgian legislation BUT individuals can still face prejudice and discrimination in their daily lives (negative impact on their social integration, personal lives, well-being and careers): Mentalities still need to be changed in some socio-ethnic groups; Homophobia needs to be fought, especially in school & in some socio-ethnic groups; Thorough implementation of the law ;
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 The “Men who have sex with men” (MSM) blood donor controversy not settled yet. (Discrimination against monogamous gay men higher than the one against promiscuous heterosexual males and heterosexual prostitutes!) ; Social, emotional and sexual lives of the elderly : specific challenges for the LGBT; HIV (an issue for the whole population, not just LGBT); Belgium’s responsibility to promote LGBT rights internationally (and, first and foremost, in the EU); Specific issues regarding the Transgender community.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Wallonia and Wallonia-Brussels Federation take active steps in the following fields: - Promotion of Equal Opportunities and Equal Rights for LGBT; - Fight against discrimination and homophobia; - Promotion of well-being of LGBT - Promotion and defense of LGBT culture
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 How? Subsidies (structural support) to a series of Gay and Lesbian associations (which – in return – are in charge of implementing a series of actions and have a social role to play). SPW-DGO5 : 157 000 EUR. FWB : 182 500 EUR. But also: both Wallonia and the Federation supports of more political or entertaining events, such as the Belgian Gay Pride (10 000 EUR from SPW-DGO5) or the Fiertés Namuroises, in Wallonia’s Capital City, Namur.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Official umbrella associations: Rainbow House (Brussels-Capital Region) Arc-en-Ciel Wallonie (Wallonia) + Tels Quels (W.-B. Federation) Co-financed by various public authorities (e.g. 61 500 EUR to Arc-en-Ciel from Wallonia/SPW DG05); In charge of coordination the various Gay and Lesbian associations that exist on their territories; Providing a real home to numerous Gay and Lesbian associations.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Staffed with full-time employees (and, of course, numerous volunteers), providing information in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, organizing socio-cultural activities, redirecting those who need it to the appropriate social, psychological and medical assistance services. http://www.arcenciel-wallonie.be/web/acw/
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 • Publication of a resource guide (10 000 copies/year) on Gay venues, etc… in the main cities (Liège, Namur, Charleroi); • Prix François DELOR (Award /University student’s dissertation on LGBT issues (1 000 EUR) ; • “Journées Arc-en-Ciel” on specific issues (Gays and Lesbians from Migrant Backgrounds, Ageing in Dignity,…) with experts in order to help LGBT associations to develop adequate strategies and offer better assistance to the Gay and Lesbian population; • - …
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 YXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX Stéphane COOLS XXXX, Wallonia-Brussels International
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 YXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX Stéphane COOLS XXXX, Wallonia-Brussels International
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 What is Homophobia ? - It’s an irrational fear of love or affection between two people of the same sex; It covers a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality and people who are identified as or perceived as being homosexual ; Often covers up a fear, an uneasiness or a lack of understanding towards attitudes and behaviors that do not match stereotyped definitions of masculinity and femininity. “Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism, […] it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood” Civil Rights leader Coretta Scott King.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Homophobia manifests in different forms: Personal homophobia: personal feelings or beliefs that LGBT are abnormal, bizarre, or sick; Interpersonal homophobia : fear of LGBT (insecurity about one’s own masculinity). Leads to insults, fear, avoidance, verbal and physical abuse ; Institutional homophobia: Institutions (Religions : e.g. Leviticus 18:22 “abomination”, 20:13 “they shall be put to death”), laws, rules that discriminate against LGBT ;
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Social and cultural homophobia: social and cultural standards favoring heterosexuals at the expense of LGBT (rampant in macho/sexist societies). Granting privileges unconsciously. Social, cultural and religious values. Books, icons that exclude LGBT ; LGBT who internalize homophobia: LGBT who internalize prejudice and homophobic social standards may even feel put down, come to hate themselves and in turn put down and hate LGBT around them. Heterosexism : an assumption that heterosexuality is the only valid option and that every person should be heterosexual. Often unconscious. Privileges un consciously given to heterosexuals.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Homophobia has been rampant as long as any kind of sexuality that was straying away from reproduction was considered deviant. Doctors and psychiatrists have tried (and some still keep trying) to “cure” Gays and Lesbians (without ever succeeding!) Hitler sent LGBT to concentration camps along with the Jews the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality to be a mental illness until 1974, and WHO until 1990 !
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 However: - Sexual orientation is not a choice – the only choice LGBT people have is whether or not to talk about it with family, friends or colleagues! - There is no one to blame, because there is no fault! - It is not “against nature”, it is just a (small) part of it! It is not contagious! You cannot catch it by sitting next to someone who is Gay or Lesbian (actually, the same goes with blond hair, blue eyes, etc…)! No one can influence your sexual orientation (not even a psychiatrist!) - Happiness in life does not come along with being Gay or Straight!
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Homophobia in Belgium: 215 complaints in 2010. But: many victims find it difficult to take the step of making a complaint (so the number of official complaints might just be the tip of the iceberg!). Especially noteworthy is the existence of homophobic slur and behavior in schools, as well as of violence and intimidation coming from Eastern European and Mediterranean Youth who come from countries with a strong macho culture (where the same insulting remarks are made to both women and Gays & Lesbians!).
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 A Shocking News Headline on May 3, 2012! Ihsane Jarfi, beaten to death by 4,… because he was Gay! « Si la justice devait confirmer qu'il s'agit en outre d'un crime homophobe, nous serions confrontés au franchissement intolérable des frontières d'une nouvelle forme abjecte de haine de la différence de l'autre, légitimant la nécessité de mesures fortes » - Joëlle MILQUET.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 How to fight homophobia? First of all, REACT! 6000 people blew whistles for a full minute in a symbolic rejection of homophobia (Antwerp) and 300 couples staged a kiss-in on the Grand-Place to protest at intimidation of gay people on the streets of the city… Brussels, June 26, 2011
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Both the Walloon and the Federation’s Parliaments have adopted a resolution (June 1 and June 25, 2005) recognizing May 17 as the National Day against Homophobia
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 In 2011, 35 000 brochures and 25 000 pins were distributed, with the support, among others, of Mr. Rudy DEMOTTE, President of both Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, and Minister Laanan.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Next steps: Stereotypes still need to be deconstructed. Educational material has been prepared and has been made available to schools. However, it is not mandatory for schools to deal with this issue, it is on a voluntary basis only. Furthermore, the Ministry of Education (Wallonia-Brussels Federation) has no dedicated staff to foresee the implementation or to help schools and teachers who don’t how to talk about young people about this subject to get the proper help/training => still some work ahead! NB : Arc-en-Ciel has recently hired someone to work on homophobia in school, and to provide this kind of help, but more needs to be done.
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 - Helping LGBT from migrant background (esp. those with some extremist groups being vocally homophobic and against equality between women and men (goes hand in hand)). Initiatives already existing in Brussels (city which a large population of North African and Turkish origin): www.merhaba.be Counseling, reference (internal and/or towards a network of trained partners, services, relief organizations, leisure activities,...), empowering / socio-cultural and educational activities, advocacy and representation,… Target group: young LGBT from ethno-minorities who favor a very discreet approach (their families ignoring their sexual orientation).
AER Conference on Equal OpportunitiesVienna, AT – May 8, 2012 Thank you for your attention! For more information: Mr. Stéphane COOLS, Senior Policy Officer Wallonia-Brussels International s.cools@wbi + 32 2 421 85 12