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Unlocking Memory Storage: Molecular Mechanisms & Synaptic Plasticity

Explore the neurobiology of memory, synaptic modifications, and cellular memory formation. Discover how sensory information flows into long-term memory and distributed memory storage. Learn about the strengthening and weakening of synapses, mechanisms of long-term potentiation, and bidirectional synaptic plasticity. Delve into NMDA receptors, LTP in CA1, and the role of glutamate receptor trafficking in memory. Understand LTD, spike-timing-dependent plasticity, and the Egg Carton model of AMPA receptor trafficking at the synapse. Discover how genetic deletions impact hippocampal LTP and memory, highlighting the crucial role of NMDA receptors in synaptic plasticity and learning.

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Unlocking Memory Storage: Molecular Mechanisms & Synaptic Plasticity

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  1. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4e Chapter 25: Molecular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory ..

  2. Introduction • Neurobiology of memory • Identifying where and how different types of information are stored • Hebb • Memory results from synaptic modifications. • Study of simple invertebrates (Kandel) • Molecular mechanisms lead to synaptic plasticity. • Electrical stimulation of brain • Experimentally produce measurable synaptic alterations

  3. Memory Acquisition • Learning and memory in two stages • Acquisition of a short-term memory • Physical modification of brain caused by incoming sensory information • Modifying synaptic transmission between neurons • Consolidation of long-term memory • Requires new gene expression and protein synthesis

  4. Flow of Sensory Information into Long-Term Memory

  5. Cellular Reports of Memory Formation • Every neuron can form a memory of recent patterns of activity. • Area IT • Visual area • Area involved in memory storage of objects • Property of stimulus selectivity

  6. Responses to Faces in Inferotemporal Cortex

  7. Distributed Memory Storage • Neural network model • Unique pattern or ratio of activity of neuronal activity • Distributed memory • No single neuron represents specific memory. • Advantage: Memories survive damage to individual neurons. • Graceful degradation of memories with gradual neuron loss • Physical change of memory  modification of synaptic weight (Kandel)

  8. Model of Distributed Memory

  9. Strengthening Synapses • Increases and decreases in synaptic weights • Shift neuronal selectivity and store information • Synaptic plasticity—long-term potentiation (LTP) • The trisynaptic circuit of the hippocampus 1. Entorhinal cortex → dentate gyrus (perforant path) synapses 2. Dentate gyrus → CA3 (mossy fiber) synapses 3. CA3 → CA1 (Schaffer collateral) synapses

  10. Some Microcircuits of the Hippocampus

  11. Properties of LTP in CA1 • Bliss and Lomo • High-frequency electrical stimulation (tetanus) of excitatory pathway produces LTP. • Most excitatory and many inhibitory synapses support LTP. • Schaffer collateral synapses • Property of input specificity • Spatial summation of EPSPs: cooperativity • LTP causes association of inputs.

  12. The three neuroscientists have independently and collectively shown how the connections – the synapses - between brain cells in the hippocampus (a structure vital for the formation of new memories) can be strengthened through repeated stimulation. LTP is so-called because it can persist indefinitely.

  13. Long-Term Potentiation in CA1

  14. LTP can last a long, long time

  15. NMDARs are activated by simultaneous pre- and postsynaptic activity

  16. Box 25.2 Synaptic plasticity: Timing is everything.. • Presynaptic release coinciding with postsynaptic action potential is important for LTP • LTP is generated when postsynaptic synaptic action potential follows EPSP within about 50 msec

  17. Mechanisms of LTP in CA1 • Glutamate receptors mediate excitatory synaptic transmission. • NMDA receptors and AMPA receptors

  18. The growth of dendritic spines following LTP

  19. Weakening Synapses • BCM theory: Synapses undergo synaptic weakening when active as postsynaptic cell is only weakly depolarized by other inputs. • Homosynaptic long-term depression (LTD) • Bidirectional plasticity governed by two simple rules • Synapses during strong depolarization of postsynaptic neuron causes LTP. • Synapses during weak depolarization of postsynaptic neuron causes LTD. • Spike timing–dependent plasticity

  20. Homosynaptic LTD in the Hippocampus

  21. Spike timing-dependent plasticity

  22. Mechanisms of LTD in CA1—(cont.) • Two forms of homosynaptic LTD at Schaffer collateral–CA1 synapse • G-protein coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) • NMDA receptors • Rise in postsynaptic [Ca2+] is necessary to trigger LTD. • LTP and LTD: bidirectional regulation

  23. NMDA Receptor Activation and Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity • When the postsynaptic cell is weakly depolarized by other inputs: active synapses undergo LTD instead of LTP • Accounts for bidirectional synaptic changes (up or down)

  24. How Ca2+ Can Trigger Both LTP and LTD in the Hippocampus

  25. LTP, LTD, and Glutamate Receptor Trafficking • Stable synaptic transmission: AMPA receptors are replaced maintaining the same number. • LTD and LTP disrupt equilibrium. • Bidirectional regulation of phosphorylation • “Egg carton” model of AMPA receptors • Role of protein PSD-95

  26. Egg Carton Model of AMPA Receptor Trafficking at Synapse

  27. LTP, LTD, and Memory • Morris experiments with inhibitory avoidance • First evidence of NMDA-receptor-dependent processes in memory • Tonegawa, Silva, and colleagues • Genetic “knockout” mice • Consequences of genetic deletions (CaMK11 subunit) • Parallel deficits in hippocampal LTP and memory • Limitations of using genetic mutants to study LTP/learning • Hippocampal NMDA receptors play a key role in synaptic LTP and LTD and learning and memory.

  28. Bidirectional Synaptic Modifications in Human Area IT

  29. LTP in CA1 Induced by Learning

  30. Synaptic Homeostasis • Unchecked synaptic plasticity could lead to unstable neuronal responses. • Homeostatic mechanisms needed to provide stability and keep synaptic weights within useful dynamic range • Metaplasticity • Synaptic scaling

  31. Metaplasticity • Synaptic modification threshold • NMDA receptor activation between that required for LTD and for LTP. • When activity rises, the modification threshold slides up. • If activity levels fall, the modification threshold slides down. • Metaplasticity: Rules of synaptic plasticity change depending on history of synaptic or cellular activity. • Adjustments in composition of NMDA receptors

  32. The sliding modification threshold

  33. Synaptic Scaling • Adjustment of absolute synaptic effectiveness that preserves the relative distribution of synaptic weights • Result of multiple mechanisms • Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels • Elevated activity increases CaMKIV-dependent gene expression. • Period of inactivity decreases CaMKIV-dependent gene expression. • Occurs over hours to days

  34. Memory Consolidation • Phosphorylation insufficient as long-term memory consolidation mechanism • Phosphorylation of a protein is not permanent. • Memories would be erased. • Protein molecules themselves are not permanent. • Other mechanisms needed for long-term consolidation • Protein kinases • Protein synthesis

  35. Regulation of CaMKII • Phosphorylation maintained: kinases stay “on” • CaMKII and LTP • Molecular switch hypothesis

  36. Protein Kinase M Zeta • Role in maintenance of LTP and certain forms of memory • Sacktor and colleagues • “ZIP (PKMzeta inhibitory peptide) zaps memories” • Maintains changes in synaptic strength by continuing to phosphorylate substrates • Specific mechanisms still unclear.

  37. Protein Synthesis and Memory Consolidation • Protein synthesis required for formation of long-term memory • Protein synthesis inhibitors • Deficits in learning and memory • New protein synthesis required during the period of memory consolidation

  38. Synaptic Tagging and Capture • Experiments of Julietta Frey and Richard Morris • Weak stimulation endows synapses with a tag. • Enables them to capture newly synthesized proteins that consolidate LTP • An event that would otherwise be forgotten might be seared into long-term memory • If it occurs within 2 hours of a momentous event that triggers a wave of new protein synthesis • Molecular mechanisms still not fully understood

  39. CREB and Memory • CREB: cyclic AMP response element binding protein • Functions to regulate expression of neighboring genes • Tully and Yin • CREB regulates gene expression required for memory consolidation.

  40. Regulation of Gene Expression by CREB

  41. Structural Plasticity and Memory • Long-term memory associated with formation of new synapses • Rat in complex environment: shows increase in number of neuron synapses by about 25% • Altering visual or tactile environment stimulates formation of new dendritic spines. • Limits to structural plasticity in adult brain • But the end of a critical period does not necessarily signify an end to structural changes

  42. Synaptic remodeling in the cerebral cortex during learning and memory

  43. Concluding Remarks • Learning and memory • Occur at synapses • Underlying mechanisms appear universal. • Unique features of Ca2+ • Critical for neurotransmitter secretion and muscle contraction and every form of synaptic plasticity • Unique ability to directly couple electrical activity with long-term changes in brain

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