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Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC

Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC. Russian Academy of Science Russian Federal Agency for Atomic Energy Russian Foundation for Fundamental Researches Scientific Council of RAS on Charged Particle Accelerators. Russian laboratories:

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Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC

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  1. Russian Particle Accelerator ConferenceRuPAC Russian Academy of Science RussianFederal Agency for Atomic Energy Russian Foundation for Fundamental Researches Scientific Council of RAS on Charged Particle Accelerators

  2. Russian laboratories: Lebedev PI RAS, ITEP, IHEP, INR, Skobelev INP, JINR, BINP, IPPE, Kurchatov RRC, MEPhY, NSU, MIRE, MSIU, SSC RF IBP, VNIIEF, NIIEFA, MEPI, PNPI Foreign laboratories: KIPT (Ukraine), Omega-P (USA), IHEP (China), VECC (India), Univ. of Sannio (Italy), DESY (Germany), GSI (Germany), FZJ (Germany), IC NASU (Ukraine), FNAL (USA), ORNL (USA), CERN (Switzerland), NIRS (Japan), SFTI (Abkhazia) Number of participants– 258 Number ofreports– 79 Number ofposters – 129

  3. Russian laboratories: ITEP, BINP, JINR, Kurchatov RRC, TPU, IHEP, IPPE, INR, NSU, NPI, NIIEFA, Lebedev PI RAS, FSUE, SINP MSU, ICKC, SRIEA, Foreign laboratories: BNL (USA),FNAL(USA), ANL(USA), Jefferson Lab (USA), ORNL (USA), DELTA (Germany), RINP (Belarus), FZJ (Germany), KIPT (Ukraine), CERN (Switzerland), IAP (Ukraine), IAPP (Belarus), GSI (Germany), IMP (China) Number of participants–235 Number ofreports– 70 Number ofposters– 145 Programme Committee Chairman: A.N. Skrinsky BINP SB RAS Vice-Chairman: I.N. Meshkov JINR Scientific secretary: M.V. Petrichenkov BINP SB RAS Members: A.I. Ageev SSC RF IHEP, V.E.Balakin BINP SB RAS, L.V.Kravchuk INR RAS, N.S.Dikansky BINP SB RAS A.N., Lebedev PI RAS V.V., Parkhomchuk BINP SB RAS A.V., Pheshchenko INR RAS, V.A. Romanov SSC RF IPPE, Obninsk, B.Yu. Sharkov SSC RF ITEP, Yu.M. Shatunov INP SO RAS, G.D. Shirkov JINR, G.V.Trubnikov JINR, E.F. Troianov SSC RF IHEP, N.A. Vinokurov BINP SB RAS, M.F. Vorogushin NIIEPA, V.A. Zavyalov VNIIEF, Sarov Organizing Committee Chairman: V.V. Parkhomchuk BINP SB RAS Vice-Chairman: E.B. Levichev BINP SB RAS Scientific secretary: M.V. Petrichenkov BINP SB RAS Secretary: T.V. Rybitskaya BINP SB RAS

  4. Russian laboratories: ITEP, BINP, Lebedev PI RAS, JINR, IHEP, Lomonosov MSU,IAP, Kurchatov RRC, TPU, MEPhI, INR, MRTI, NIIEFA, Lomonosov PSU, Scantech Science, Gefest-Rostov Foreign laboratories: DESY (Germany), FZJ (Germany), CERN (Switzerland), IMP (China), INFN (Italy), TRIUMF (Canada), KIPT (Ukraine), GSI (Germany), iThemba Labs (South Africa), BNL (USA) Number of participants – 146 Number ofreports – 65 Number ofposters – 125

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