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Complex word stress

Complex word stress. Chapter 11. Diphthongs . / i ∂ / Beard weird / e∂ / Aired scares /u∂ / Moored tour / ei / Face trace . Other diphthongs . / ai / Time nice / Di / Voice void / ∂u /

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Complex word stress

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Complex word stress Chapter 11

  2. Diphthongs / i∂ / Beard weird / e∂ / Aired scares /u∂ / Moored tour / ei/ Face trace

  3. Other diphthongs /ai/ Time nice / Di / Voice void / ∂u/ Most home /au/ Loud house

  4. Polysyllabic vs. monosyllabic • Polysyllabic words: words of more then one syllable • Monosyllabic words: words of one syllable

  5. Complex words are of two major types: • 1. affixed words : prefixed and suffixed words • 2. compound words

  6. Affixes have 3 effects on word stress: 1. The affix itself receives the primary stress e.g. Semi + circle = /’semis3:k∂l/ 2. The word is stressed as if the affix is not there e.g. Un + pleasant = /Λn’plez∂nt/ 3. The stress remains on the stem not the affix but is shifted to a different syllable e.g. Magnet + ic= /’mægnet/ → /mæg’netik/

  7. Listen to pronunciation • 1. suffixes carrying primary stress • Suffixes that do not affect stress placement • Suffixes that influence stress in he stem

  8. Mark the stress • Recognizable • /recog’naiz∂bl/ • Confirmation • /Kdnfer’mei∫∂n/ • Defective • /de’fektiv/ • Javanese • /Ʒva’ni:z/ • Sugarless • /’∫ug∂rles/

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