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Word Stress

Word Stress. Chapter three . Stress and meaning . The way a word is stressed can affect its meaning. Compound words: - A compound word combines two words into one and creates its own meaning. A compound word may be written as one word or as two.

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Word Stress

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word Stress Chapter three

  2. Stress and meaning • The way a word is stressed can affect its meaning. Compound words: -A compound word combines two words into one and creates its own meaning. • A compound word may be written as one word or as two. • The first word is spoken with primary stress, and the second with secondary stress. • Bus stop freeway newspaper coffee shop

  3. Airport drawback credit card Drive in outcome paperwork Handshake passport parking lot In the greenhouse. In the green house. Yes, I was homesick Yes, I was home sick. I took the paperback I took the paper back. No, I saw a bus stop No, I saw a bus stop. I had my hair cut last month, so I need another haircut.

  4. Two-part verbs • In two-part verbs the second word is stressed. Workout- I had a good workout today. Work out- I work out at the spa. Layoff- The company is planning a layoff. Lay off- How many employees did they lay off? Backup- Is there a backup copy of the letter? Back up- I back up all my computer files.

  5. Prefixes and suffixes • Most prefixes are unstressed. • When the prefix is stressed, it is often a noun; when the prefix is unstressed it is often a verb. Noun verb Object object Present present record – That’s a good record. please record the lecture. Conduct- they were rewarded with good conduct. they will conduct a workshop. Content: what is the content of the letter? we were content with the outcome.

  6. Suffixes and word stress Suffixes change verb tenses and word structure. • able This suffix forms adjectives, and it doesn’t affect the stress. Dispose-disposable manage-manageable Excuse- excusable predict-predictable Market- marketable.

  7. -ity, -ility These suffixes form nouns. The stress is placed on the syllable before the suffix. Serene- serenity mature-maturity Secure-security sincere-sincerity Capable- capability possible-possibility

  8. -ive, itive These suffixes form adjectives. The stress is placed on the syllable before the suffix. Impress- impressive permit-permissive Descibe-descriptive Compete-competitive declare-declarative Repeat-repetitive

  9. -ion, sion, tion These suffixes form nouns. The stress is placed on the syllable before the suffix. Rebel- rebellion convert-conversion Collide- collision divide-division Decide-decision revise- revision

  10. ify This suffix forms verbs. The stress is placed on the syllable before the suffix. Class- classify simple-simplify Beautify – certify – qualify – justify

  11. -ize This suffix forms verbs. It does not affect primary stress. Real-realize sanitary-sanitize Social- socialize -al This suffix forms adjectives. It doesn’t affect primary stress. Comic-comical critic-critical logic-logical

  12. -ly, -ally These suffixes form adverbs. They don’t affect primary stress: Basic-basically critic-critically thorough-thoroughly. Practical-practically actual-actually Casual- casually total-totally

  13. -ian, cian These suffixes form nouns. The stress is placed on the syllable before the suffix: Comedy-comedian Canada- Canadian Library-librarian Music- musician clinic-clinician Electric-electrician

  14. Proper names, titles, times 1- The last word in a proper name or titleis given primary stress. Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King The president of the United States Columbia university The College of Law Exception:name of streets. The stress is placed on the word before street. Main Street second street twenty first street

  15. 2- Abbreviation: the last letter receives primary stress. CD DVD ATM USA ID HDTV ASAP UK 3- Times and dates:the final word is given primary stress: Ten to five 12:00 o’clock 1:30 p.m. Wednesday the 20th Friday, October 15, 2004


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