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This presentation discusses the experience gained and lessons learned from the partial deployment of the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (GJXDM) in the State of Kansas. It covers the primary goals and status of the NGA grant, technical issues, governance, and recommendations for effective implementation.
Global Justice Information Sharing InitiativeThe State of Kansas VsGJXDMOrExperience Gained and Lessons Learned from Partial Deployment of GJXDMPresented by Shlomo Ginsburg, Kansas DOC IT October 20, 2005
NGA Grant Primary Goals and Status • Convert the Kansas Data Dictionary into a GJXDM-conformant dictionary. • Status: The initial conversion of about 1,300 elements has been completed. • Verification by SME’s (subject matter experts) is expected to be completed by January 1, 2006.
NGA Grant Primary Goals and Status 2. Develop a KDR exchange from a District Attorney’s Office to the KBI using the GJXDM. • Status: The KDR (Kansas Disposition Report) exchange, from Shawnee County’s DA Office to KBI has been developed, and is being tested. • Technical note: The transport is based on SOAP. A publisher-subscriber model is deployed at both locations. Mapping of data elements to GJXDM is in progress.
Experience and Lessons Learned • Governance - Keys to Success. • Nominate a project manager. • Identify and select stakeholders. • Optimal allocation of human resources favors a focused, relatively small group that is dedicated, flexible, and easy to manage. • Assess the pros and cons of in-house development and/or outsourcing. • Closely monitor the process.
Experience and Lessons Learned 2. Technical Issues on User’s End • Obtain GJXDM Training. • Study and choose tools: XML, UML (Unified Modeling Language), Wayfarer, GJXDM Subschema Generation Tool, Spreadsheet, other. • Identify the required elements and those which could be • eliminated from the dictionary. This is an opportunity to gain better insight into your business, and to reassess various existing components of your IT. • Develop extensions and constraints that are not in GJXDM. Utilize “private” namespaces. • Develop techniques and procedures for effective mapping, generation of schemas, etc.
Experience and Lessons Learned 3. Technical Issues with GJXDM (Growing Pains). • The current tools are good, and get the job done. • Enhancements could be helpful; e.g., examples to be included in the definitions, easy access to facets or enumerations, etc. • The “compromise” between XML’s flexibility and the imposition of a dictionary and schema need to be further studied by Global. Feedback from developers and users will provide useful input. • A mechanism for simple and quick expansion is needed; e.g., for adding elements to the GJXDM.