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COMT 310: Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure

COMT 310: Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure. Structure describes: work roles communication relationships. ‘decision’ is derived from the latin word decidere, which means to cut off. How might this apply to decisions concerning structure?. Class average = 85.

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COMT 310: Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure

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  1. COMT 310: Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure

  2. Structure describes: • work roles • communication relationships

  3. ‘decision’ is derived from the latin word decidere, which means to cut off. How might this apply to decisions concerning structure?

  4. Class average = 85

  5. Structure varies by: • goals • technology • environment • size • key individuals

  6. the alternative to structure is chaos.

  7. There are a number of formal structures possible: • matrix Aircraft Company R&D Assembl Market civilianmilitary commer Design jet Build jet Sell jet

  8. B • work teams A C E D

  9. spider plant

  10. hierarchy

  11. Dimensions of hierarchy: • horizontal complexity = specialization

  12. This is more horizontally complex. Salesperson

  13. Vertical complexity = number of levels Flat Salesperson

  14. tall

  15. centrality = degree to which decisions are made at the top of the structure. • centralized = at the top • decentralized = workers more empowered

  16. Span of control • narrow

  17. wide narrow vs. wide??

  18. formalization = how well does organization follow chart? • formal = follow to the letter. • informal = not so stringent

  19. we have an ideological commitment to the intransitory - Pilotta

  20. Emergent communication networks = result of formal and informal communication among those who work together. It is who you are linked to. . .

  21. Differences due to virtual structures • Fewer visual cues • Isolation allows stealth • No “there” there . . . What happens to context? • Asymmetrical in terms of time • Listening as reading

  22. Talking as keyboarding • Communicating emotion • democracy? participation • group think differences? • coordination/chaos • accountability?

  23. Competitiveness? • Potential for hegemony (domination) • Knowledge construction (negotiation) • Story telling • Commitment

  24. So,to be more effective at work: develop key relationships in your organization which will allow more control over your situation.

  25. Steve’s network 1998 chancellor Fiscal vice chancellor provost dean dean Dean of Students CAS dean 10 chairs Steve chair faculty association president colleague colleague colleague colleague steve’s classes

  26. Steve’s network 2008 Student vice chancellor chancellor dean dean Fiscal vice chancellor dean provost dean dean dean CAS dean dean 9 chairs COMT chair colleague colleague colleague colleague steve colleague colleague steve’s classes

  27. The dean’s job is more complex • Steve’s job is less complex • Steve has more colleagues = harder to find . . . • Steve is not the chair • Steve is not the union president and chief negotiator

  28. 7+ other deans chancellor 40+ departmental part-time faculty classes ~ 150 faculty at MSU-B CAS Dean 6 departmental colleagues Provost Another view steve Former students Admin Assoc ~100 students 9 other CAS chairs 8-10 staff 2 other vice chancellors many colleagues across USA

  29. Liaison = connects groups, but doesn’t belong • boundary spanners (bridges) = represent group to the outside • Isolates = out of luck

  30. Why would this university form strategic alliances? • Give an illustration • The advent of EMOs.

  31. Networked Society: I keep a list of scholars across the country with whom I communicate on a regular basis via the internet. Sonja Foss Linda Putnam Roger Smitter Larry Frey Patrice Buzzanell The late Dwight Conquergood Mara Adelman

  32. I belong to NCA, which posts 8-10 messages daily relevant to my work. Check it out at: http://www.natcom.org/ Find your own networks.

  33. For example, I read a message recently which reported that a Roper pole found that 57% of Americans are comfortable communicating with co-workers, and 51% are comfortable communicating with their boss. What do you think?

  34. MUS University Structure # of levels? Span of control? Formality? Centrality? Specialization?

  35. End of Section two

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