Transition Now, the applicant must meet with his Certifying Officer (in this case, a Designated Examiner) in order to complete the application. When he meets with his Certifying Officer, the CO must verify his identity and then log into IACRA and retrieve his application, as shown on the following slides.
Certifying Officer – Applicant Retrieval The Certifying Officer, having already registered, logs into IACRA using his username, password, and FTN. He then enters Matt Good’s FTN into IACRA to retrieve his application.
Certifying Officer – Application Selection The CO clicks the Select button to choose the current working application for Matt Good. Then, the CO clicks Next to start his certifying process.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist The Certifying Officer’s Checklist appears. The CO must go through all of the items on this checklist before the applicant is considered certified. The first item requires the CO to Verify Airman Identification.
Certifying Officer – Verify Airman Identification The applicant, Matt Good, presents the CO with a valid form of identification (driver’s license, military ID, passport, etc.) The CO enters the type and ID number into IACRA and clicks OK.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist The CO sees that the first item has been completed by the presence of a check mark. The CO’s Checklist is dynamic in that if completion of an item is not required by the CO, then that item is inactive. Other items, such as signing the 8710-1 form, remain inactive until IACRA determines all other necessary steps have been completed.
CO – Review Airman Knowledge Test Report The CO retrieves Matt Good’s Airman Knowledge Test Report to visually verify that he passed. Once the CO closes this report, IACRA interprets this action as the CO completing the task.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist With the review of Matt Good’s Airman Knowledge Test Report, the CO can then move on to reviewing the 8710-1 application.
CO – Review 8710-1 Application The CO retrieves Matt Good’s 8710-1 application to visually verify that all elements have been entered correctly by IACRA. Once the CO finishes the inspection and closes the 8710, IACRA interprets this action as the CO completing the task. Note that this 8710-1 is an unofficial copy.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist With the review of Matt Good’s 8710-1 application, the CO can then move on to reviewing the Privacy Act Statement.
CO – Review Privacy Act Information The CO lets the applicant review the Privacy Act Information to ensure that the applicant is aware of his rights with regard to the personal information he is providing the government.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist With the review of the Privacy Act Statement, it is now time to have Matt Good, the applicant, digitally sign his 8710-1 form.
CO – Watches Applicant Digitally Sign Application The CO watches as the applicant, Matt Good, digitally signs the application. Matt clicks the Sign Application button.
Applicant Digitally Signs Application After being manually validated by his Certifying Officer, the applicant selects the “Click Here to Sign” link in the 8710-1 form and digitally signs his application. His name appears in the application as a representation that he has signed it.
Applicant Digitally Signs Application IACRA indicates to the applicant that his digital signature was successfully applied. The applicant clicks the ‘Return to Login’ button so that the Certifying Officer can then log into IACRA to finish the approval process.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist Now that the applicant has digitally signed the 8710-1 application, the CO’s ability to digitally sign is activated. Note the ‘Click here to Sign 8710-1 Application’ link in the Certifying Officer’s Checklist is now active and the Applicant Sign link is rendered inactive. The next step is to take the applicant for his check ride so that the CO can Enter Practical Test Results.
CO – Enter Practical Test Results The CO, having taken the applicant for his check ride, must now enter the applicant’s Practical Test Results. After the CO enters all of the appropriate information (some information requires accessing sub-screens to complete), he selects (ideally) the ‘Click Here to Approve’ link to send the data to IACRA and to signal that this step is complete. Note the CO has the option of generating a Notice of Disapproval or a Discontinuance.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist The next step for the CO is to Enter Limitations that the applicant might have to his certification.
CO – Enter Limitations The CO selects from a list of limitations those that pertain to the applicant’s certification. For example, Matt Good, the applicant above, has the ‘Limited to Land’ limitation added by the CO. The CO then clicks OK and sends the data to IACRA.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist The next step is for the CO and applicant to view the temporary summary to ensure all data is correct.
CO – View Temporary Summary The temporary certificate summary shows a synopsis of the important certificate information for which the applicant is applying.
Certifying Officer’s Checklist With all of the items on the Certifying Officer’s Checklist complete, all that is left to do is to have the CO sign the applicant’s 8710-1 form.
CO – Digitally Sign 8710-1 Application The CO clicks the Sign Application button to digitally sign the 8710-1 form.
CO – Digitally Sign 8710-1 Application The CO selects the yellow ‘Click Here to Sign’ link to apply his digital signature to the 8710-1 form.
CO – Digitally Sign 8710-1 Application • The CO’s signature is added to the application. The CO can now do the following: • Review the Temporary Certificate • Return to Login • Sign another application • The CO clicks the link to Review Temporary Certificate.
CO – Review Temporary Certificate The CO and the applicant both review the temporary certificate. The CO prints a copy out of the temporary certificate for the applicant to use while he waits for the Registry to process his application. Matt Good will then receive his permanent certificate from the Registry within 120 days.
Transition This is the end of the IACRA application process walkthrough. Other paths may make different screens appear than what was shown in this walkthrough. The next set of slides shows how to use the IACRA Defect Tracking system, should you experience technical issues, have a question, or want to make a feature request when using IACRA.
IACRA Defect Tracking If you want to report a bug, make a suggestion for a new feature, or have a question about IACRA, you may use the IACRA Defect Tracking system. To access the tracking system, click the Bug/Feature/Question link as shown circled in the above picture.
IACRA Defect Tracking When you click the Bug/Feature/Question link, the ‘IACRA Bug Report and Feature Request’ form appears in your browser. Fill out the form with your contact information and describe in detail the bug, feature request, or question you have in the supplied fields. You can also contact the IACRA Help Desk for issues of an immediate nature toll-free outside the FAA at 1-(866) 285-4942 or internally at 405-954-7272.
IACRA Defect Tracking Here is a sample of an IACRA Bug Report and Feature Request form that has been filled out. Note that you may take screen shots of any bugs you encounter and attach them when you submit your report.
IACRA Defect Tracking After you have submitted a bug, feature request, or question in the IACRA Defect Tracking System, you will receive an automated e-mail confirmation that your request has been sent to the IACRA Development Team, as shown above.