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Campus Report Q2 2011. Ipsos Training Center. Main Achievements. During the Second Quarter of 2011 the Ipsos Training Center (ITC) reached the following main achievements: 94% of the courses that existed in the former platform have been migrated, are open and being taken by users.
Campus Report Q2 2011 Ipsos Training Center
Main Achievements During the Second Quarter of 2011 the Ipsos Training Center (ITC) reached the following main achievements: • 94% of the courses that existed in the former platform have been migrated, are open and being taken by users. • The Client Campus has become available after the change of the platform. • A new server has been put in place. As a consequence of this change, the navigation and availability of training materials have improved significantly. • The CPG and ASI Newcomers certification process continued as planned and webinars on the different tools have started to be held. • The ITC has started enriching the Leadership and Managerial Skills training offer, adding new courses to the curricula. • Webinars for all Ipsos employees were hosted with Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange. • New brochures targeted to employees and clients have been created and distributed.
Courses being Offered Number of coursesavailable as at July, 31st, under each category: Click here to see the complete list of courses
Employees’ e-Campus usage The e-Campus is currently being used in 63 countries out of the 67 in which Ipsos operates. Four countries are not currently using the Campus: -Albania -Ecuador -Iraq -Montenegro
Employees’ e-Campus usage Registrations in courses per region (Q2)
Employees’ e-Campus usage These charts show the ITCcampus activity during Q2, considering the number of registrations in courses, regardless of completion.
Level of Completion The following chart shows the level of completion of the courses in which employees have enrolled during the Second Quarter of 2011. Completed: exam not passed yet Passed: exam successfully completed / certificate has been issued Started: course not finished yet Unstarted: courses assigned but still pending to start
Average of Courses per Active Employee The following information shows the average of courses taken during the Second Quarter by each Active Employee in the campus.
Client Campus activity Courses Top 5 among clients (according to the number of registrations received -Q2) Clients Top 5 (according to the number of registrations in courses - Q2) Total number of registrationsrequeststocourses, duringtheperiod: 113
Curricula • New courses and training materials made available in the Campus during the Second Quarter: • Ipsos Leadership Framework • Working with multicultural teams • An Introductory course to Customer& Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty • Webinar Recordings held in the period (Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange, ASI, etc.)
Next Quarter Challenges • The Third Quarter will face the following challenges: • Host Webinars for HR to strengthen bonds within the HR community and the ITC and increase partnership. • Update and improvement of the ITC Webpage. • Reinforcement of communication with Clients. • Closure of the first edition of ASI Newcomers program. • Development of a new ASI Skills Development Resources on-line material. • Update of Marketing training courses (design standardization). • New courses / training materials to come: • Giving Feedback • Presentation Skills • P&G Global Standards • Public Affairs training courses • Security Awareness • ASI Skills Development Resources
Appendix List of available courses Return to the presentation Go to Page 2 of Appendix
Appendix List of available courses Return to the presentation Go to Page 3 of Appendix
Appendix List of available courses Return to the presentation